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Everything posted by ARGH

  1. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='103990' date='Dec 13 2007, 06:11 PM']ARGH, you are just loving this.. and what kind of moron wants an 11 string.. pah [/quote] what...one with Piezo P/Us and MIDI attatchments....? Must be some red bearded nutty bloke called 'Copper' or 'Crouper'
  2. Has the price ever passed my lips? Or been typed by my hands..I may have paid more,considering the extra features I have had installed and designed and woods used,at 2.5k that is a BASE price for a Jim Fleeting 9... As I said and will only ever say 4 figures.
  3. [url="http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/localnews/Guitarmaker-claims-39UK-first39-for.3582897.jp"]http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/localnews/G...-for.3582897.jp[/url]
  4. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='102713' date='Dec 11 2007, 02:27 PM']Blige!! STOP PRESS! HOT NEWS! "BASS PLAYER PULLS WOMAN AT GIG" may be a good selling point ... [/quote] Its not about the looks,its about the vibes
  5. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Yeah female barstaff's eyes crossed when I took it wireless and went walkabout.... Got asked if I could do that again when the pub was cleared after closing time.....best place was beside the mixing desk,and stageside bar.
  6. If you like it,buy it,if you dont,you wont....
  7. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='102613' date='Dec 11 2007, 11:38 AM']Well as long as you can play Mustang Sally and Brown Eyed Girl on it you'll be fine [/quote] Just dont ask me to play 'Day tripper' at the moment....for a week or two at least Ive never played a stick,But I have an upright,and thats the closest thing Ive got to the stamina needed for this Bass. On the first side of things ,I wish I had gone 5 or 6 string years ago (I should have stuck with it) because low Ds and Cs are total meat and veg now. p.s. Women find it pleasurable when I play low F sharps and Gs,and that sub E saves chat up time....
  8. The plans for my next Bass.... 11 strings,Novax'd Fingerboard. Live in fear you puny humans...
  9. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Trust me dude...I was,1st time under lights with it and a roomfull stareing at me....
  10. ARGH

    Ive got my 9

    Great OG,THANKYOU for asking. Did its first full set with it on Saturday,with numerous mistakes,because its a very very difficult instrument to play compared to the common 4,but when you get the 'feel' right...MAN it pays back a thousandfold. It actually makes me play less onstage (which in most laymans eyes is a good thing) which is VERY counter to the pervading attitudes that seem to run along the lines of "More strings,must mean he plays a million notes all the time"..... Its quite Dichotomizing,all the choice.....the more of it...and Im finding the 'right' notes and texture,with fewer notes and less movement,who said positional playing was the death of fluidity was an buffoon. Im still thinking in vertical terms fretboardwise rather than horizontal,but thats lessening I feel. Its a positive talking point amongst the musicians around here (WOW factor aside). With questions ranging from the obvious 'Why?' to "Well....what cant it do?" to "Who made that?" All this puts Jim Fleeting in a very good light,because of the monumental step in instrument making technology in this country,I guess to paraphrase another poster on another site "He has the edge on the others because he's done it first". Currant party trick is doing Buckingham's guitar part in Fleetwood Macs "Go your own way". Simple 4 chords,but its fun playing another instruments part on another instrument. My next thing is to crack Philip Glass's Metamorphosis Piano pieces,transcribing them onto the 9. Hand strength is a factor though,need to work on that,Its VERY upright in strength terms. And Yes I am Tapping on it every now and then.
  11. Old Git hit the nail on the head in a PM to me,when it comes to playing 5s. Lock the 4s away and just do it,I gigged on my fretless 5, 3 days after purchase,and a week after getting the fretted,I did take a 4 to the gig in case of panic,but now I just take the 5 on its own,the band wont let me onstage without it (Drummers words "You aint playing without it") and keys players have always asked if I play a 5. Hipshots are a good alternative,if you are a total dyed to the bone 4er,but they do throw the tuning out on the string ,usually flat,so even if its an idea,its not as good as a string tuned to pitch. Mines a cheapy Chinese passive Washburn,actions high so's I can dig in like I used to on a 4.
  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='97866' date='Dec 2 2007, 11:31 PM']Matey, the burden of proof is on you in claiming I'm wrong. If you can't prove your claim then it has no credibility. [/quote] Prove I am not right.
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='97835' date='Dec 2 2007, 10:35 PM']reciepts ). You mean you disagree with it? Fair enough. I challenge you to prove I'm wrong though. [/quote] Prove Im not right.... www.bassplayer.tv Jeff vs Steve debate. (if its still up) You dont need a metronome to play or practice Bass. You just need a Bass.... (amp and cable and stable electricity source helps...oh a strap,if you wanna walk about too) Click tracks aside..for samples and stage effects (film/lighting). The relative-ness of time.....well myspace Dr Hawking, he's better at the abberation and abstract of 'time' than me,mind you hes electronic,so hes already in perfect time. If everything was in perfect time,like pitch you would have to bin most of your records and you would hate the rest.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='97820' date='Dec 2 2007, 09:55 PM']Yeah but thats just tempo and pretty simple, to do. Jeff covers this on his standard talk on the topic by picking a youngster out of the audience and getting them to clap following his example. Big deal. There's a difference between clapping consistently and using your fingers (and different muscle groups) to play RELATIVE to the beat which is what gives feel. I'd like to see him get that youngster to clap in front of the beat or behind. Or play the first note in a 4 beat bar in front with the rest of the notes behind. I don't think he makes his point well at all in person, and comes across as more than a little patronising.[/quote] Its all one person. And unless you are quadraspazzed,you play in time. If you think his way of explaining is Patronizing then thats your point of view,but its a shame because Jeffs right. And it then gets onto a question of feel,not time,time IS relative to feel,but they dont live in an exclusive togetherness,and no thats not divisable by saying 'Thats what Im trying to say..',players just feel differently,like when you click with a drummer,you just ..work... We are not machines (except Bill Bruford) Time is relative anyway...I see what you say,but its just wrong.
  15. [quote name='bassbloke' post='97809' date='Dec 2 2007, 09:43 PM']These kind of threads always have an aura of sour grapes about them. I cant therefore I dismiss.[/quote] +10000000000000000000infinity.
  16. Drop a stone in a still pond,and see the ripples grow......
  17. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='97786' date='Dec 2 2007, 09:08 PM']A muso needn't be perfect, but if his or her timing is bad, a metronome is a good place to start.[/quote] Bad timing.... shoulda been a guitarist then.. 1234.1234.1234.1234 If you can clap your hands at an even consistancy,you have timing... Playing an instrument is a question of practice,why slave yourself to playing something to time,when you should play something correct first,...if you play it right,you play it to time,it isnt a consistant beat,because unless its machine music,its gonna push/pull because drummers are humans too (Except Bill Bruford). Ive never been asked to play to a metronome on a gig,bar a click track for the drummer,due to samples,I cant think of ever needing or seeing a metronome onstage or at a gig or in a rehearsal room. Given I 'need' to practice 'time' I'd rather play with a drummer,but you dont often get good drummers about,and they (good musicians) dont always want or have the time to play with bad musicians,so I say play with records. I grew up practising with Bill Ward and Nicko McBrain,later on I played with the MGs and the Funk Brothers.....I even used to practice with the Ramones,1234 1234 1234 1234.
  18. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='97711' date='Dec 2 2007, 06:26 PM']A metronome improves timing, what else do you need to know?[/quote] Timing is relative,no music except that by machines is metronomically correct. (Bill Bruford excepted) Sitting and playing scales to a metronome during my early years taught me sweet fa. The education starts when on a gig,and the keys rig has gone down and a fights started up between the bestman and the brides dad...the guitarist cant read the chordchart,and the lead female vox has lost her voice. the Jeff vs Steve Bailey debate on Bassplayer tv is something to watch on this subject. Metronomes have very little . if any, use in modern music
  19. From what I have seen,heard and learnt.... from past and present students and lecturers its a better place than a few years ago. Only thing I will say regarding all the education music schools and all the bumpf that comes through the mags and letterboxes saying what they do and where they do it. DONT look at whos coming through the door to visit,LOOK at whats leaving ... think about it....
  20. Go to Leeds,the guys/tutors from Germany and Norway have removed the "its not an upright" snobbishness,and embraced the 'free' jazz styles,plus they are opening up to performances that are REALLY cuttingedge. If you play Bass they love you there...play more than 4 strings and you have a red carpet.
  21. [quote name='7string' post='97477' date='Dec 2 2007, 01:03 AM']A good mate of mine, thinks it's a little loopy and it probably is. But I feel ready for the challenge of playing and feel that with the experience of a custom build behind me I'm ready to answer the questions which a luthier might put my way. It's important though to point out that it takes some serious thought before getting an ERB. It took roughly 14 years or so to progress from a 4 to a 7 and then a further 5 years or so from 7 to 9. As Dood has explained as well, it takes a special set of circumstances to even consider dipping a toe into the ERB waters. Even when you have such an instrument you're then foreever fielding the questions of "why" from musicians and non-musicians alike !![/quote] That reminds me to answer your PM,i promise to do that tonight fella.
  22. Gig at the Travellers arms in Stanley near Wakefield,played 1st 2 numbers on the 9,just to give it a live airing....switched to my 5 for the rest of the gig,weird acoustics in that place,they enjoyed it...1st gig wearing contacts..nice to see again from the stages edge. "Boys of summer" REALLY went down well,not bad after 1 rehearsal.
  23. 10 mins one way..then 10 mins the other,if she aint wet than shes frigid. Ambrosia was made 30 miles from my house..the factory closed,its now a storage site.... welcome to the Bass place....
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