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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. That is much cheaper than the THD or Marshall, for sure. It is probably worth shooting them an email about it I guess. If they say 'nah mate', at least I know for sure
  2. Marshall VBA400. Though I may be selling up in order to buy a Hiwatt 200. Which isn't as loud, but will have the same problem to an extent I think.
  3. Valve amp driving needs the amp to be at a prohibitively high volume. Turning down doesn't get that sound. I don't get what there isn't to get about the question. I'd rather not downsize though, I like the amp too much!
  4. No, just going for some presets on a rotary switch basically. Keep it nice and simple!
  5. Missed the bash unfortunately ¬_¬ But then again, I wouldn't have had this bass to take either. Hah, I think I'm numb to the wait now Went with the 'simple' option for the EQ. I'm guessing he'll want me to come down to tweak the settings a bit before installing it all properly at some point. Just waiting on word from Jon on more progress really.
  6. Just been looking at stuff like the Marshall Power Brake and the THD Hotplate, and I must say I'm quite interested. I run an all valve head that is FAR too big for what I use it for really... But rather than downsize, I'd like to just be a stubborn fool and see about going down this road! Anyway, basically are these attenuators worthwhile? I'd love to be able to run the amp flat out and get the best out of it at lower volumes. My amp is only 2 or 4 ohms, and I don't think the Marshall Power Brake even goes that low, but the 4 ohm Hotplate would work fine. I'm aware of the fact that higher volume means higher valve wear, but other than this is there anything 9good or bad) I should know about these attentuators?
  7. Well if I ever make another board (something I'm thinking of for when I have more money - a mini board with tuner, distortion/blend, chorus and maybe a delay or compressor), I'd definitely be getting a second Hyperpak for that. I'm sold on it!
  8. Hah, I like the Hyperpak too much to sell back though ;p
  9. I'd probably nab this off you, but someone owes me £50 at the moment, that I'm probably not likely to see anytime soon ¬_¬
  10. I play a 7. In answer to you, no I don't think you have to be amazing at bass to play one - I certainly don't think I am. I just enjoy playing it. When you start thinking of it as another instrument, not just 'this is what Leo Fender says a bass should be', it is a lot less daunting. I guess the answer to 'why?' is 'why not?'. Likewise, the answer to 'do you need it?' is almost certainly 'no'. I could do without it, but I find it more enjoyable and as long as I have a 7, I will continue to find ways to use it. As someone else has mentioned, having the extended range doesn't mean you have to play with it all the time, and for the majority of the time in my band, I still play the role of a traditional bass player. However, the extra range is nice for adding a bit of colour in - maybe some chords, some tapping on the high strings, that kind of thing. When I'm playing at home too, I far prefer to mess around with chords, or in the higher registers than just play a groove to myself. And as for 'noodling' - I really don't. I still see myself as a 'band bassist' for want of a better description, than a solo noodler. So yeh, basically they are fun instruments. Nothing more, nothing less. I find a lot of criticism shifted towards them comes from people who have never attempted to play them, or can't play them. Much the same way as the plectrum gets picked on, mostly by people who cannot use one, therefore denying themselves just another technique in their bag of tricks.
  11. With regards to electronics, I'm not the most knowledgable man in the world. So I told Jon what I wanted it to sound like and that I wanted it passive, and away he went to work something out. I basically asked him for an aggressive tone I'll be using with a pick (think JJ Burnel, but not quite that aggressive!), and a smoother jazzy tone, for when the aggressive sound would stick out like a sore thumb. That's all I want from it, though I'm aware they are two distinctly different sounds. Jon's given me a choice now though. Either have one rotary knob which has 2 presets (each with bass, mid and treble control), or 2 knobs - one with 6 different mid settings, and the second with 3 different bass/treble settings. I know I said to him I wanted to keep knobs to a minimum, and I know I said I only wanted two tones from it (so the first option would be the obvious one), but I'm actually stumped for choice on this! You're always tempted by more options, aren't you? :/
  12. I no longer have the manual for it, and can't find the frequency on the net. I'm a little tied up at the moment, but I will have another rummage around the internet to see if I can find the frequency, as I'd really like to know!
  13. I'm sure when you make the assumption that putting frets in a neck is something many of us have done before, you're probably wrong! That lacquer has come up really nicely though Are either of the dogs there this week?
  14. I really have no interest in fretless. I'm still not sure whether it is going to go or not, for the same reasons you mentioned, and also just for sentimentality But a nice amp would be worth more to me than a backup 7 I think.
  15. Really not sure, and can't remember entirely what I paid for it, but I was thinking around the 700 mark?
  16. Any 9v power supply will power this. I use the Diago powerstation, and it works a treat.
  17. Yes. I won't question your personal preference of tunings, but I really think the high F is a lot more useful than the low F#, however. You'd need to make sure the strings fit properly in the nut by doing a little filing for the lower strings I should think, and you'd have to make sure there is enough of a taper on your low F# string for it to fit in the bridge, but sure, that's possible.
  18. Hey, I'll take the Eminem, Limp Bizkit and Mad Capsule Markets CDs PM me on how you want to do business! Cheers
  19. Agreed 100%. When I wanted a new bass, I realised I had pretty much one of the best off the shelf 7 strings around, so that's why I ended up getting one built! There is nothing wrong with this bass at all, it is lovely, but I'm doing exactly the same as you Dood, shifting it on simply because my Shuker 7 will mean it stays in the case probably. And the neck and string spacing on this is pretty much exactly what my new Shuker is having The neck is not too wide, and it is very shallow - very playable!
  20. Thanks ¬_¬ Good luck though Hope you get something fabbo at the end of the process!
  21. I was just reading urb's thread, and noticed the Shuker comment in it. Didn't want to derail the thread, as it should (quite rightly) be about that beautiful new Sei! So I'll derail my own a little instead... I've noticed a fair bit of Shuker hate around here. Well, not 'hate', but there's definitely a feeling of 'not another one...' when someone gets one comissioned. Why is that? I'm sure Jon's got a lot of business from this forum, but that's just because he builds good instruments, surely? For me, the price was right, the location was right (same city as Jon), I'd played his instruments before, I knew he'd build my vision, and he is a very nice man who is very knowledgable! It was a decision made independent of Basschat, and from what I've seen of this beauty so far, I think I'm going to be very happy with my bass. EDIT: Just like urb, I don't want to turn this into a 'luthier vs luthier' slogging match betwen people feeling the childish need to defend their purchases of something which I am sure is probably a high class instrument regardless of builder... I'm just curious. Friendly plz ^_^
  22. [b]SOLD PENDING USUAL[/b] Okay, so what with my Shuker 7 arriving in a couple of weeks, I'm really questioning whether I'll need two 7 strings, when one could be sold for an epic amp head. I'm still not entirely sure I'll want to sell this - I'll know after I've had the Shuker enough to experiment. Basically, it is in good condition, as I've been a loving owner. Gold is slightly wearing off to the silver underneath in some places such as where my hand rests on the bridge. Usual scuffs as expected from a bass. There is one noticable ding on the bottom of the bottom horn (can't see it when playing), which I will try and photograph for you - in the photo it is next to my thumbnail for size comparison. Also a small mark in the finish on the lower horn that has been there since I've owned this bass. The knob which has fallen off in the pictures has now been reattached. I replaced the (completely rubbish) Neutrik locking jack socket with an EMG one, and it has served perfectly ever since (it went on a little wonky. Not a lot - check the pictures). One screw missing from rear control cavity due to the threads stripping themselves. Other than that, excellent condition! The Bill Dickens signature on the pickups was covered in black marker pen when I bought it, but is wearing off to reveal the name underneath now. Fab bass, wouldn't sell it if it wasn't for the Shuker, and amp GAS! 34" scale Neck-thru 24 frets 16mm string spacing 2 signature Bill Dickens pickups Signature Bill Dickens electronics inc/ 3 way parametric EQ switch Dunlop Straplocks ready-installed. Natural finish. Asking £700 for it. I'll possibly throw in the £40 Levy's strap with matching Dunlop Straploks for £20 too. Basically, the pictures I'm linking to show you everything mentioned above. So look for yourself MORE PICTURES HERE: [url="http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j120/Dissident_band/Conklin%20GTBD-7/"]http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j120/Dis...nklin%20GTBD-7/[/url] Ibanez BTB405 is [b]SOLD[/b]. Apologies for the pictures - they looked a lot better on my phone! Also apologies for the messy room... Feel free to click on any of the pictures for a bigger view, some of them have a description. Cheers, Chris
  23. That gloss brings the wood out so well! Sounds to have a really awesome jazzy tone, and your playing puts mine to shame so much!
  24. I got a DL4 for looping, but am thinking of buying an E2 anyway. I think the DL4 and the E2 both have good features that the other doesn't - the DL4 has the play once (listen to Minus The Bear's Menos El Oso to see how useful that can be), as well as modulation sounds to loop with delay, and also the reverse/slow down feature. The E2 can undo bad loops, and I think may have a longer loop time (could be wrong?). If I get an E2, I think I'd use it mostly for delay rather than looping, but I'll let you know if I get one, and how I find it
  25. I only just realised - this *might* be finished by the Bash. Hadn't really thought about attending it, but if people want to meet the new Shuker, I might look into dropping down? Be even happier to go if someone has some nice amps I might want to try out ^_^
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