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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. Finbar

    obbm's feedback

    Another excellent transaction buying a 6m instrument cable Thanks Dave, you're a star ^_^
  2. Nono, it does with every lead now.
  3. Yeah, I emailed the guy who apparently does Line 6 repairs about it yesterday, just waiting on a response. Hope he knows what is wrong with it and I also hope it won't cost a bomb to fix - it isn't under warranty :/
  4. Well I'm pretty sure it isn't one of the American ones (which are supposedly better), so I'm aware it may have some kind of issue like that with it. I can open it up, but I am an ultimate electronics noob - I wouldn't know what I'm looking for :/ Any ideas what to look for? EDIT: I opened up the back of it, and found there was just the circuitboard and the wires connecting the batteries to the pedal. I unscrewed the circuitboard, but it still wuoldn't come up, and I didn't want to force it, so I just screwed it all back shut again
  5. Okay, this cleared itself up, but has now started doing it again Except this time it is giving me a delay which is stuck on infinite repeats whenever I play :/ It only does it on the Loop Sampler setting, not the delays (I have other delay pedals for delay, I only use this for the Looping ¬_¬). I've tried it with different amps, different power supplies and different leads - it isn't making a difference anymore what I do, it just keeps doing it. It is definitely just the DL4. Who can fix this? Does anybody fix pedals professionally, and is it even possible? It is really annoying! And I don't want to shell out the wonga for another DL4!
  6. Well these are the specs I dug up on it... Bass> amplifier> tech sound system ND-412S Technical data: 4 x 12 "+ Tweeter 1200 Watts @ 4 ohms or 8 ohms 103 dB 32 - 20,000 Hz 75 x 68 x 43 cm [30 "x 27" x 17 "] 26 kg / 57 lb. So I'm assuming it does 4 or 8? If it only does 8, that counts me out :/
  7. That's what I thought Just to check though, it runs at 4 ohms as well as 8 ohms, right?
  8. I've been *possibly* looking for one of those 412 Tech cabs for a while! I would be very interested if you decide to sell in April, and I live in Sheffield myself
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  10. Finbar

    GLX pedals

    Anyone know anything about these? As far as I can tell I can't see a website for them, or very many reviews. They seem to be Boss clones, but don't know if they're worth looking into :s Any experiences?
  11. Finbar


    A bus is a good substitute. For a car, not velcro. Do you need it al handing it to you on a plate? It isn't like you can't take a small roll of velcro on a bus back either.
  12. Oh, I'm not debating that, don't get me wrong! If I was that carefree, I wouldn't have even taken a small dip into earplugs with the ER20s. But they do kill my enjoyment of playing with my band. And I do play with my band because I enjoy it! And while something may be worth £160, you still need to have that much money in the first place! I am poor :/
  13. Hm, I have to say I don't have problems with hearing my own voice too loud and becoming distracted It is louder in my head with plugs, for sure, but only weird in the same way talking through a PA is for the first time - I'm used to that. I'm just not sure I can cope with the huge loss on everything but low end, and the overal 'fogginess' of sound ¬_¬ It all comes down to money doesn't it. I can't afford to splash on some £160 plugs, especially without knowing if I will like them.
  14. Hmm, after reading through this thread, I went and bought some ER-20s. No hassle, they're only like a tenner or something. Took them to our last band practice, set everything up how we wanted it, and then in went the plugs. Immediately, I felt like something had been taken away from the sound of the band though. The tones and effects we use weren't coming through well at all, the drums were barely audible sometimes, and everything just felt dampened. To be honest, this kind of killed off a lot of the enjoyment for me, as I couldn't cope with this alteration of what I hear. After 15 minutes, I abandoned the earplugs, and exposed myself to sonic bliss again, much to my relief. So I'm left with somewhat of a dilemma. I know that earplugs are going to save me hassle in the long run - my ears are obviously incredibly important. But I just can't work with them. I can't imagine doing a full practice, let alone two a week with them in, and gigs would be a nightmare :/ I'd love to have something that just quietened the sound, rather than put a blanket over it, but I don't want to splash £150 on a fitted pair, if I can't be sure I won't have the same issue.
  15. Got my Hyperpak yesterday - very smooth transaction. A bit late, but all was explained, and communication was excellent. I'd deal with him again
  16. I did actually Didn't notice anything below an E in the original thread, so I was wondering about that one Can't complain though! Cheers again ^_^
  17. Came through the post today, along with those strings - huge thanks Dan, can't mention enough how appreciative I am of your generosity ^_^ Cheers, Chris
  18. Okay, between me and my guitarist, we have the following for sale: Boss DS-1 Distortion (modded to make silly noises ^_^) - £20 - no box or manual - velcro on bottom - soundclip available Boss MD-2 Mega Distortion - £35 - no box or manual Boss GE-7 Equaliser - £35 - w/box and manual - velcro on bottom Boss OD-20 Overdrive Modeller - £75 - w/box and manual - velcro on bottom Danelectro Wasabi Forward/Reverse Delay - £55 - w/box and manual - velcro on bottom Google them if you need to know anything about them. Photos on request All prices include delivery. The Wasabi delay is in great as-new condition, used only a couple of times. Really like the delay and the tap tempo, but it doesn't agree with my pedalboard - would take trades on a different delay. Looking for DD-3 and DD-5 maybe? OD-20 is a distortion modeller, not so suited to bass if I'm honest, but some good fuzz and lead sounds - might benefit from a blender? Bit of a scrappy condition, but that's just the paintwork. The knobs are all still there, and it all works fine - it says Boss on it after all! The GE-7 has been barely used too - spent all its life on a pedalboard being ignored. In very good/as-new condition. The DS-1 functions like a normal DS-1 at low levels, and past a certain point kicks into a high pitched squeal noise, which can be manipulated using the drive control. Condition of paintwork is not amazing, but still works as it is supposed to. The MD-2 is a standard MD-2 pedal in the same state as the DS-1 paintwise, but again works perfectly. Shoot us your thoughts on it all ^_^ Like I said, wouldn't mind trading the Wasabi for another delay, and could take trades on a blend pedal (REALLY want a VFB-2 ). Enjoy.
  19. Yeah, the GTBD-7 is pretty weighty, but when I took it to Jon last, he said the bolt on GT-7 he had in (7string's, I think) was actually even heavier! To contribute with some relevance, I think singlecuts are less good looking than doublecuts, whether that is an boutique 'coffee table' bass, or just a Les Paul guitar. But saying that, there are always some guitars/basses 'uglier' than others. So it is just personal preference, just as some people wouldn't dream of touching a green bass, for example. I don't like the massive top horn that the Conklin has though, as much as it is a signature Conklin trait.
  20. Thanks Robbie, looking forward to the Hyperpak
  21. That's almost double the cost of the original pedal then? With import duty on top of it, that's a bit of a bomb, ain't it. Buh.
  22. Can I ask how much that set you back all told (inc delivery, import duty etc) Higgie? PM me about it if you want. I'm really considering something similar.
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  24. Weell, I'm going to have words with him tomorrow, as he was quite vague today. See if he wants dep or full time. And no, I'm not using a 4 or 5 string for it, shush And I won't have a bad word said against tapping!
  25. Hm, you guys are coming to pretty much the same conclusion as me. The last thing I want to do is look a gift horse in the mouth! But the only problem I'm having is that this is going to contend heavily for time with my originals band. Both for learning material, and doing gigs. And with the best will in the world, the originals band is where my loyalty and time lies. I know if I take this up, it'll complicate things, and the other guys in the band will start splitting off into other groups too, which isn't good for us. Buh.
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