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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. Finbar

    jon shuker

    By the way, I'm not entirely opposed to the Shuker style headstock on a Fender style bass. Buying a bass from Jon, I want it to be a display of his work as much as anything else - I'm happy for him to plaster his design traits and name all over it! Also, an MX member called Killer Fridge (I'm sure he posted back on BW, don't know if he's still here) bought a 5 string Fender style bass of Jon with a Shuker style headstock, and it looked absolutely mint. I think he's sold it on now, but it suited it perfectly.
  2. But if you look on their site, there are tons of endorsees who are absolute nobodies. Would an endorsement also mean using their cabs? I wouldn't want that! I'll look into it though.
  3. £1499 from an eBay shop, and I'm next to Doncaster, so I can go and pick it up basically. Not quite £1700 :/ I've already had a phase of using a multi FX as my amp simulator etc, and it just doesn't compare with a few hundred watts of valve power behind you. Shame, as it would be a lot better on my back/wallet! Doesn't look the part, either
  4. Just heard back from the guy whow as selling one - he couldn't shift it here or eBay, so he's taken it to America with him by the sounds of it. So the search continues. If you could point me to a DR series one, I'd be happy to have a look
  5. Really had horrendous GAS for one of the Hiwatt Bass 200 amps to replace my marshall VBA400 recently. The VBA is brutal, but I think the wattage is just too much for me. What are peoples' opinions on them? And how much do these go for second hand? They seem to be about £1500 new, but I'd have to sell my VBA400 and my Conklin 7 string to afford it, and I reckon they wouldn't add up to £1500.
  6. I think one of the pieces on there may well be the top on my bass he's building right now. There are plenty on there I never saw before though which may have forced me to reconsider the madrone at the time! There's always next time
  7. Forgot to mention, hah! This went quite a while ago o_O Sorry Michael! As for the Highcliffe... it just isn't as good as the Prince of Wales. The best pubs are those seedy ones in town though ;p Fagans! lolol
  8. More importantly, I will have to keep the bass itself away from clumsy fat handed n00bs ¬_¬ I can imagine it being a nub magnet!
  9. And this one too... Slightly more of a close up shot of the body. Anyway, thanks peoples for the comments, I'm well looking forward to getting this finished. And seeing how the madrone top is once it has the lacquer on! Also waiting for the last bit of work to be done on the inlays. Very tiny change, but it is staying a secret ^_^
  10. Fair play, my computer clock is wrong
  11. The beast... With size comparison Front (the small bridge is just for very rough placement reference, it isn't the one we're using! ) Rear Headstock Hard to tell from the picture - black and purple stringers Inlays, bit of a better view of the top wood, and a really really nice rosewood fretboard - top marks to Jon for finding that one I do have a couple more pictures, but that's all for now
  12. Just be patient, I'll have them up in a few ticks Incidentally by the way, I had a look for other peoples' basses while I was there, and there was nothing really o_O Either they were all in the spray booth, or everyone has received them. I thought there were quite a few up for completion quite shortly?
  13. Oooooh ^_^ I'm all giddy. Went down today for about 45 minutes and talked about various things with Jon. My bass now looks like a bass I'm relieved, strangely, to see it like that Not that I thought it would never get built or anything :S It is looking better than I anticipated at this stage, and seeing it so near finished, I am rethinking the scratchplate idea - leaning more towards not having one. But I'm still not 100% on either having it or not. I don't think it would look bad either way. Curiously, Jon said that it was the bass with the most separate pieces of wood in that he has ever built, clocking in at 34. That made me laugh. All of the wood is stuck together now, and all that is left to do is get rid of a few more bits (the neck needs final carving, and there needs to be a bit of routing for the pickup etc). I hazarded a guess at 3-4 weeks build time left to Jon, and he replied with "if that". Which is lovely, but I know what his timekeeping is like Anyway yes, I got a few pictures, but they were just on my phone. It isn't a great camera, but I tried my best. I'll upload one or two when I pull them off my phone
  14. I see where you're coming from, and based on your spec, I would say the VFBjr is the thing to go for... But like I said earlier, the price difference is SO small, you might as well go for the VFB-2? Unless you have very little space, and know you will NEVER use the feedback loop...
  15. Finbar

    Feedback loop

    Well I do have a chorus in at the moment, but it doeesnt seem to agree much with the loop. I'll look at the EQ though
  16. Finbar

    Feedback loop

    Okay, just got hold of a feedback loop, and I realised I don't really have much of anything to put in it to be honest... First on my list is a delay, but I just sold mine, so I'm probably going to pick a digital delay up for starters. After that, I'm not sure what to go with. I'm after making just dumbass noises, with a bit of tweakability for some epic noise sections live. What's the suggestions?
  17. Hah, 3 or 4 weeks... *Another* month then... I wish he'd never given me a build time at all at the start! Or at least a realistic one I'm going to try and blag a camera, but I'm not sure who off! We'll see If all else fails, I don't really live far from Jon - it ain't the end of the world if I don't get pictures on this visit Or maybe I should make you all wait for completion pics...
  18. So am I right in thinking that this is the situation... I currently have a Sennheiser freeport wireless, which as far as I know operates in the free band, so I just use it freely at the moment. The frequencies it transmits at will be sold off in 2012, meaning I have to shell out to use it? But for the next 4 years, I am alright to carry on without consequence? Cheers
  19. Had an email from Jon the other day saying it is 'not a million miles away now'. Whatever that means He needs me to come and check the neck out soon, early next week I think. So I'll get a look at it then - though I have no camera However, if it is the neck I'm checking out, that indicates to me that most of the woodworking shuold have been done, right? so just routing and putting electric gubbins and finishing left... 'Just'.
  20. Looking lovely Seems everyone is getting pictures but me! Been waiting an absolute age :/
  21. The carpet rips off my Diago! I need to go in with a staple gun or some nails ¬_¬
  22. Well I kept bugging him, but then I started to feel a little like I might be annoying him, hah. I may well give him another poke though! He said he'd get in touch when the neck was ready for me to try out and everything, but it has been pretty quiet. I know it will be worth the wait, but I think knowing it is nearly done is worse than when you first commission it... His build times have just slipped and slipped, so I don't really have an idea when he's going to finish it! That body is looking very nice by the way, if I may say so It is going to look so deep once the gloss coat is on that!
  23. Did Jon send you the pictures, or did you have to prompt him? I've found him largely useless of a photograph provider so far ¬_¬ Starting to get impatient now!
  24. Have it up on Freecycle as well - the guy who wanted it didn't turn up ¬_¬ I don't drink, and there's no point in it if you are using fruit juice instead of shorts! Tom - sorry, not shipping I'm afraid. No desperate rush to get rid of it, so it is just when someone rolls up to our door asking for it really.
  25. Fair enough. Can't really help then I'm afraid. Really want one of those ones with the blue/white LEDs ¬_¬ Good luck finding a trade anyway
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