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Everything posted by Finbar

  1. It'll have to be an e-cookie I'm afraid! Worked a treat though - Never would have guessed they were screw in o_O Am I dense, or is that actually not obvious? Thanks
  2. Damn, I decided yesterday that that is pretty much my ideal head I really wisj I could afford to help you out and buy it. Someone here needs to buy it so that I can get it off them one day! Bump for some nice gear
  3. I don't know :| I'm guessing they probably got it off someone for the Christmas before we got it
  4. Highcliffe Drive, as it happens, so probably not who you saw There's probably more than you think though. There's a guy who lives opposite Cow Lane on Greystones that is always unloading a guitar and combo from his small car, and plenty of people with guitars... Always good to know you're in good company though o_O You in a band or anything?
  5. Coffee table and record player gone, cheers
  6. Okay, we've got a few things here in our house which need to go. Pickup only from Sheffield (Greystones/High Storrs area). First off, a coffee table measuring 60x122cm, standing 35cm high. Made of proper wood (not MDF), quite a nice piece of furniture really, just needs a bit of a scrub. But overall VERY solid and sturdy, just too big for this house. Needs a good home! Secondly, a Toshiba SL-X1 hi-fi system. Pretty old school thing - measures 90cm tall, 40cmx46cm. Glass lid, and glass front door. Contains a vinyl turntable, radio tuner, amplifier section, graphic EQ and casette player. Has a lot of space under this lot for storing vinyl and tapes. Doesn't play CDs Full working order though, just requires a minor repair on the base of the unit to make it stand up properly (we've had it propped up with folded pieces of card ). Comes with two Toshiba speakers and wallmounts should they be required. Again, too big for our house since we moved, and has been replaced with a teeny-weeny CD player. Lastly, a Drinking Chess game from the gadgetshop. Unwanted gift. Glass board measuring 52cmx52cm, includes 32 shot glass pieces. Cheers, Chris
  7. No can do on the pics, the cab is the other side of the city, and I see it once a week currently. I have given the wheels a jolly good tug though and had no movement, but if they are screw ins, that would make sense. I'll give it a try next time
  8. Finbar

    Power Tap

    So what would this actually do in an effects loop? It wouldn't just have no effect, surely?
  9. Finbar

    Power Tap

    Not sure it is the right forum exactly, but has anyone had any experience with this, or a product like it? [url="http://www.pottysue.co.uk/openaudio/Power.html"]http://www.pottysue.co.uk/openaudio/Power.html[/url] Sits on your amp, and basically looks like a volume pot in your effects loop, dropping the volume before the output stage of the amp. Doesn't look to work in the same way as a powerbrake or hot plate, and at £25, must surely be worth a punt? I'm not thinking just for playing quiet at home, but for getting a large valve amp to saturation point without pwning the entire venue/practice room. If it is such a simple solution, why haven't I heard of this kind of thing before, and why isn't everyone using one? What do people think?
  10. My Marshall VBC412 has some castors on the bottom of it which are all wonky and wobbly. I really want to take them off and replace with either some feet, or some sturdier wheels, as with the head on the cab, it is a little bit unstable and wobbly. When I say a little bit, I mean quite a lot! How do I take these off easily though? They aren't the ones where the wheels pull out, like some Marshall cabs. Basically, you can't get to the screws properly because the wheel is in the way, but you can't remove the wheel because it is rivetted in. I'm short on power tools, so I can't really drill the rivets out Cookie for a helpful suggestion I'm using the cab sideways at the moment so it doesn't have to stand on the wheels o_O
  11. Mm, that 7 is lovely. Has a very Conklin-esque vibe to it.
  12. Finbar

    Feedback Loop

    Saying that, I've just found a Mobius and bought it. Problem solved ^_^
  13. Finbar

    Feedback Loop

    I really want a feedback loop, but can't really find anyone making a feedback loop stompbox. I wouldn't mind a Tonefactor Mobius, but these seem to be almost impossible to get hold of, and I don't want the Barge Concepts VFB-2 for this, as I have other plans involving one of those now. Just something similar to the Mobius would be ideal. And ideas? :/
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  16. Not too bad - I got hit for WAY more than that, buying a small pedal in from Japan. I may get onto them pretty soon
  17. Aye, just looked that up. For an extra $10, I can't see why ANYONE would buy that VFBjr... Unless they are really pressed for space? :/
  18. How much did you get hit for on import charges? Really want one.
  19. SuperComp sold. Wasabi still available (though there's interest in it, so be swift ^_^) And there is now a Boss OD-20 added to the fray.
  20. Feels Just Like It Should is a recent one, right? Won't be Zender then.
  21. Jon does a good job of being vague It should be really nearly done - the parts are all being glued together now I think. But I still think the process probably could have gone a little quicker... It wasn't far behind that stage when I saw him 6 weeks or so ago. I know he's busy, so I'm not too fussed, but I wouldn't mind a picture now and again! Jon put his date back again to mid/late February last time I saw him, so I'm guessing I won't see this while March o_O
  22. TBH, I had a DHA VT-2 Twin (I think that's the one... The one with channel 1, 2, or both combined), and it just did not agree with my rig. I was waiting a long time for it, and I think I built it up in my head to be something which would blow everything else away. It looked sick, especially with all the lights on, and on a dark stage. But I couldn't get any usable tones from it. I tried EVERY combination of settings and came away feeling slightly gutted. Dave was very amiable about it and I got it refunded (minus a few bob for paypal fees), and I've since got a Catalinbread Hyperpak which is superb for what I wanted
  23. Mine packed up yesterday... I'd love to take this off you, but I can't afford to replace the thing :/ Have a bump though for a neat bit of kit.
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