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Everything posted by Toasted

  1. How long is this poll running for, do we need another poll to decide that?
  2. So... I have a green box with "7" written on it in my profile. I guess that's because 7 people have clicked "like" on one of my posts. The vanity in me would like to know if it's possible to search for which posts have been liked?
  3. Only good can come of this new invention, surely? It's not even a little bit ridiculously divisive.
  4. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1320327979' post='1425348']Yeah. You more like.[/quote] Yeah, you're right. Roger Sadowsky, Sheldon Dingwall, Dan Lakin all clearly have no pride in the instruments they produce. Thank you for showing me the light, mercuryl, thank you for removing the covers from over my eyes. You truly have changed my life. I am so stunned I need to go for a lie down.
  5. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1320248309' post='1424341']Take Lakland and Sadowsky for two examples. I'm sure they make GREAT quality basses, but why do they make models which look almost identical to Fenders? Where is there pride? Why would anyone buy them? Why can't they use their own shapes?[/quote] And there are the words of someone totally missing the point.
  6. That's pretty tasteful for home relicing. Good job!
  7. Good luck, looks like a great project.
  8. Good, just so you know what you're in for. Always a great crowd but a stage that's so small it's on the point of a joke
  9. I feel sorry for you. You deserve better than this. It's time to call whomever you gave money to and demand it back.
  10. Have your played Milo before?
  11. The people need to see this bass.
  12. No Charic - but you can see where he's coming from with previous lines called HS and HT. I love Berg cabs and I'll almost definitely be buying some of these.
  13. I'd like to be involved this time . Really disappointed that I couldn't make last time.
  14. It's a shame most of the pictures in the original thread aren't working. Might be worth posting a few of your own Steve
  15. Biggest bargain on basschat. I wouldn't sell mine for twice that.
  16. Is it going to have a Fender logo? Do eternal guitars add do Fender logo's?
  17. Didn't Krist play an Ibanez / "Antoria" "Black Eagle" much more than any of the gibsons?
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