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Everything posted by Toasted

  1. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1332074652' post='1582775'] But this Ray is new. There are probably some sold as new which have been played more in the shop. It's only my opinion but to expect to pay half of the new price on a bass like this is disgusting. [/quote] It's the nature of the market.
  2. Well rays normally seem to go for £600-£750 on this forum depending on which shade of ugly they are. So £900 is above market rate.
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  4. Aguilar DB750 / 751 -or- a Glockenklang Heart Rock II. I haven't made that final decision yet.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  6. You're telling me Gwilym. I thought this would fly out. BUMP
  7. Thanks for the offer but a Terror Bass doesn't fit with my "tone goals"
  8. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1330550172' post='1559380']If it`s a bolt on, just take out one of the bolts and put the strap button on with a longer screw. Easy peasy![/quote] This.
  9. Ive got much love for the Hartke 410 - it's a really brilliant cab that punches above it's weight. Myself and CHRISDABASS spent a long time a/bing one with my Bergantino AE410 and you wouldn't have thought the Berg was 4 times the price.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. I'd expect to at least be told the chords and changes before we started playing if it was originals that they didn't have recordings of to provide me with before. Glad you had fun - for most of us that's what it's all about
  14. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1330602264' post='1560039']TheBigBeefChief[/quote] Sadly missing from the poll
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rSwv_F28GbE Not mine, but a sweet local band to Leeds.
  16. I think it's probably a mistake to assume that it's done for cheapness. I don't think anything on a Sadowsky is done for that reason, metro or NYC.
  17. [quote name='achknalligewelt' timestamp='1329920580' post='1549751'] I know this might be a contentious question, but hear me out. I have just read the thread discussing Blur's perfomance at the Brits last night. I didn't see it, but I gathered from reports today that it was pretty messy. The post on Basschat bore that out, but it also has quite a lot of people criticising Alex James as a player. I'll stand up now and say that I think he's a great player, but that's not quite the point I want to make. Because other names were thrown up as unremarkable, such as Mick Quinn of Supergrass and Mat Osman of Suede. I think they're great, too, playing excellent and fitting lines in some great songs. But the more I read Basschat, I find the conversation dominated either by the classic rock basists of the 60's and 70's, such as Geddy Lee and John-Paul Jones, or super-duper bass soloists, like Victor Wooten or Jaco Pastorius. Where is the flattering reference to Mike Mills? Colin Greenwood? Or even Andy Rourke? Are these players genuinely inferior to the giant rock players of the 1970's? And if so, why? I'd also like to say that I am not attacking the canon of leading bassists, nor those who admire them. I was called a troll on a post here a while back for a passing criticism of John Entwistle, and I don't want to raise hackles. But why are more recent bass players so readily ignored or criticised on these pages? What's wrong with them? [/quote] It's an age thing. The core of Basschat regular posters is dominated by the 40-60 age bracket.
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1329829471' post='1547976']The reason I side with Musicman is because they make virtually everything themselves, in their own USA factory.[/quote] I totally get where you're coming from. Especially on that statement.
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1329777501' post='1547339'] Please beware power ratings. They don't mean what you think they do. [/quote] Should really be stickied at the top of every thread in this forum
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1329765522' post='1547015'] Tough one. Recent crazy UK prices of Metros are, IMO, hyping it to levels more than they are worth. For a relatively simple J bass with an onboard EQ, it's a lot of money. The quality IS good, but it should be. It's a simple bass produced in fairly high numbers now. I'd say they sit at the £1300-1400 new price bracket, not the recent £1700-2100. Nice basses, but I wouldn't buy new for the price. I still think Musicman are some of the only 'made in USA' basses that feel like they are worth the money. [/quote] I've no idea how you can justify that statement with the quality issues - well documented here - that you've had with Musicman. Find one thread about metros with 10% of the issues you had with your Stingray.
  21. WHAT SIMON, do you mean that YOU DONT think that VICTOR WOOTEN is using HARTKE because it's the BEST POSSIBLE CHOICE? Are you insinuating that HARTKE ARE PAYing him LOads of CASH to PLAY THEIR cabs?
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