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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Great amps, I use mine practically every day, had it over 10 months now & it still makes me smile 30 tons of old school watts, you can't beat these Little Bastards for all valve tone. Good luck with the sale, someone's going to get a bargain Cheerz, John
  2. Just sold a 'ready to rock' P bass electrics kit to Pino - whoops - Paul, great guy to deal with, great communication, smooth transaction, no problems. Cheerz, John
  3. [quote name='merello' post='1089594' date='Jan 14 2011, 05:57 PM'] I fink dis is luvverly![/quote] wer av u bin? We've had this out already
  4. Please let me know if you find out it's a HE6Y -3/8" Black I'll have it! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/lofiversion/index.php/t113461.html"]http://basschat.co.uk/lofiversion/index.php/t113461.html[/url]
  5. Yes it's very pretty but could be better - without the Jazz Pup & Jazz neck - it'd be beautiful
  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1088272' date='Jan 13 2011, 04:41 PM']Deal was struck this morning but the OP decided to sell to Platypus later this afternoon for extra money. [/quote] Ouch! thatsnotrite
  7. Lovely - if only we could go back there & buy a truck load! Thanks for sharing
  8. [quote name='alanbass1' post='1086920' date='Jan 12 2011, 05:01 PM']That's a rediculous price, especially as Coda are charging a few quid more for their Custom Shop 58 and 59 P Basses[/quote] That [url="http://www.coda-music.com/product_info.php?cPath=27_247&products_id=8011"]Custom Shop '58[/url] is awesome for that money
  9. GAK have some good deals [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/fender-american-vintage-62-precision-bass-3-colour-sunburst/15810"]How much?[/url]
  10. A lovely bass but personally I think the sig spoils it if you want to play it, of course if you put in in a cabinet then it's fine, I couldn't own a bass I couldn't play. Not knocking Lemmy but do you think his sig is worth a grand?
  11. [quote name='Max Normal' post='1084368' date='Jan 10 2011, 03:40 PM']Ok, thanks guys. New question then: Can anybody tell me using the distance from the 20th fret centre to the centre of the pickup?[/quote] Answer = 216mm on my Frank Bello sig, P/J configuration. Edit: 8 1/2" in old money
  12. Thanks again guys for above - I now need to find a large portion of listening time! Cheerz, John
  13. Wow! Many thanks to y'all for so many suggestions I know it's a BIG question but there's some good ideas, familiar names & indeed a few I've not heard of there to get me listening. Cheerz, John
  14. I play by ear, I hear a tune I like & generally speaking have a bass line going before 1/2 way through, not bragging - that's just how I play - there's a hell of a lot I can't do - that's for sure. My lady loves me playing, often when I ask her what should I play, she suggests a tune/song & we'll get it on youtube then take it from there. Just lately I've been saying a lot "that's a boring bass line, nothing to keep me interested", so then she suggested I should play more jazz perhaps! Now I've always sat on the side with jazz, never got into at all but nothing against, so now I'm thinking - BUT where to start? I mean artists to investigate rather than individual tracks, but hey - Polite suggestions for easy listening please & ta. Cheerz, John
  15. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1081689' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:12 AM'][color="#0000FF"][size=4]Its a bit of a journey to find an MZ serial no.[/size][/color] thanks[/quote] Do you mean it has a MZ serial number? If so then it is Mexican.
  16. [quote name='chilievans' post='1082231' date='Jan 8 2011, 03:50 PM']AM i right in thinking that if I change my tone pot from 250 ohms to a lesser or greater ohms it will result in a change of sound from my bass?[/quote] I think you mean 250 Kohms, that K is a bit important like & it depends on your wiring but in a word 'NotaLot'
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1081976' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:10 PM']Ooh binding. You don't see many of these. [/quote] Mmmmm!
  18. I could listen to his playing (for a while) if he wasn't wearing that stupid cap & if he turned that crap backing 'music' off
  19. Go for it! I've got better gear now than I hever had - even dreamt of in my younger days, treat yourself while you can, it adds to the pleasure of playing & keeps the interest. As said above it's a good idea to hang onto a workhorse, you never know what might come along when least expected. Cheerz, John
  20. Oscar bought my Trace Eliott combo, great communication, instant payment = perfect transaction & a real pleasure to deal with. I hope the boxer does you good service, it's a great little amp. Cheerz, John.
  21. [quote name='jaybass 70' post='1077605' date='Jan 4 2011, 06:04 PM']Kiogon is first ,, on the way ,,[/quote] It arrived today thanks Jay, I'll get me readin ed on as soon as, then next stop adledman I believe! Cheerz, John
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  23. Yeah I saw that earlier on the Fender site, didn't realise it was that new My first thoughts were - why a split pickup & why the big head? Then I thought no, that make's it a bit different different so why not! If I knew - "Every P Bass built in 2011 will be outfitted with the anniversary neck plate as well" I might have waited to buy my '57 American Vintage Never mind, another one on the wish list Cheerz, John
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  25. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1073303' date='Dec 30 2010, 11:51 PM']I'm a bit skint now, but if you still have it at the end of January I may well be interested Brian[/quote] TE combo sold now Brian. Cheerz, John
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