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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1405881837' post='2506130'] Turning up is always an advantage if you want to stay in the band..shoddy attendance tends to be frowned upon... [/quote] Nah, that's just down to the paranoia often associated with Marvins
  2. Get rid of both and gfo back to the Carvin you were raving so much about a short time ago - they're still great!
  3. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1405852820' post='2505731'] I think digging in all the time you risk hurting yourself, let the amp do the work. [/quote] Yes, this is where I was getting it wrong - always ran the amp too quiet and played too physically. Definitely going to keep working with the amp more from now on.
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1405852421' post='2505723'] I missed them in Brighton recently. I was introduced to them by my son buying me CD for Christmas. [/quote] I looked at going to that date but it seemed like it was part of the festival where you had to buy tickets for various gigs - about £50 or so - ddin't fancy that.
  5. I was reading about the point/use of ramps on here recently and was intrigued by the idea that people wanted to stop themselves "digging in". I must admit, I've always been a bit of a "digger in" feeling that this was the way to get the energy required to drive songs along. Having read these earlier posts, last night at an open air gig (and our first all electric gig for some time) I decided to turn up and back off - what a revelation! So much easier, tone with the amp set louder seemed much nicer and it didn't seem to compromise the music in the slightest!
  6. Had tickets to see them at Bush Hall recently and promptly went and forgot until it was too late! Only other time I did that was to see Weather Report (with Jaco) at the Hammersmith Odeon years ago! I picked up on them via the I Want You Back youtube but ended up really liking the Bad Self Portraits album.
  7. Outdoors last night on a hayrick with a tarpaulin for shelter in Kent - chucking down with rain but the tarp held up well - only had to be emptied once. Audience were all in open fronted marquees facing the band and a few mad souls came out and danced under umbrellas! Storms didn't get too close - about 15/20 miles away. Bit scary at the end of the gig to discover that the one bit of the stage that had got wet was where the extension socket were - they were absolutely soaked! Had driven from working in Somerset to do the gig and hadn't had a chance to refuel so was a tense journey home driving past all the closed petrol stations - made 30 miles with the warning light on before I found one open! Great gig but a bit too much adventure for one night!
  8. May just about keep up with an Ozark resonator bass but don't expect to play it standing up!!
  9. Gave up on bass aged 12 when the teacher at school was off sick and not replaced - played guitar off and on with huge gaps. Took up bass again aged 40, now just turned 50, in two bands and couldn't imagine being without it now. Keep at least one bass even if it stays in the cupboard for years - you'll get the chance sometime. Also, really sorry about the fire - I remember your post at the time. Not really surprising that you have been put off. Take it easy and let us know when you are back in the saddle (I'm sure we'll all be here)
  10. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1403715255' post='2485589'] Anyone actually know what Necuron 840 is? [/quote] Just had a look and it is a polyurethane based material - German company making different forms of this material for different uses. Should be able to recycle it so hopefully a good move forward. http://necumer.com/images/Downloads/DB/us/NECURON_840_sdb.pdf
  11. First ever recording posting for me, my new outfit have got together about five times so far, work and travel commitments have got in the way. This week I recorded some tracks on a tiny little Tascam DR07 mkII - really impressed by this little machine. Best result is our version of Your Heart is as Black as Night - need to mess around with placement to cope with the livelier tracks. Here it is: [url="https://soundcloud.com/mikehowell64/your-heart-is-as-black-as"]https://soundcloud.com/mikehowell64/your-heart-is-as-black-as[/url] A few fluffs but quite happy with the overall sound. Would like opinions on whether to walk the F chord section?
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1402236468' post='2471202'] There`s a thread on here with a vid-clip of someone playing one of Daves basslines. Very complex, and considering he sang - harmonies as well - on many of the songs whilst playing those lines, well shows a great talent in my view. Will have to add a C&D CD to my collection methinks. [/quote] Pretty sure it was Grey Parrot although I can't find the thread on his profile.
  13. Very nice - congratulations!
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1402308658' post='2471848'] Thanks! I've posted a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/7919-how-was-your-gig-last-night/page__view__findpost__p__2471843"]mini review in the "How Was Your Gig Last Night" thread[/url]. Where abouts in Sussex are you? we don't have anything in the current gig schedule that far south ATM, but I can let you know if we do. [/quote] 10 minutes from Brighton. Do let me know if you ever do venture down this way.
  15. Have a great show BRX - bit too far from me but you're top of the list of BC bands that I want to catch live!
  16. Thanks gents, yes, guess it is going to be a how long is a piece of string type question! [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1401917466' post='2468390'] Village halls aren't normally the best halls for music... by a long shot. Too many hard surfaces typically... [/quote] Yep, although the ones with asbestos walls are usually quite good acoustically! This isn't a village hall, hopefully will see it next week.
  17. Anyone got any experience of booking halls and PA's - looking at putting some stuff on locally and am looking at a 170 capacity hall. Wouldn't expect to get anywhere near capacity with local acts but got to get started locally. Also PA size for that size venue, and what sort of price for both hall and PA. Cheers, Mike
  18. Just voted - three real favourites, all completely different to each other but all brilliant. What a great month!
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1401127931' post='2460380'] When you write it in an attic? [/quote] I think Metheny hints at the answer for this particular album - he, and Jaco, became much more popular later on so audiences and critics start looking back and treating otherwise overlooked work with more respect. What I find more fascinating is how much bigger recordings - Hotel California for example become so huge and take on a whole new dimension where nearly everyone on the planet knows it, compared to the actual number of copies it ever sold. To me, that is what I would consider to be a classic, even if I don't actually like it that much!
  20. Keep it the same for most gigs except one which is a quiet little pub which the guitarists do acoustically. Takes me ages to get that one right, then back to normal straight afterwards.
  21. Serves me right for raising a criticism last month - way too much great stuff this month. Going to take some serious whittling down! Great work everyone.
  22. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1400950260' post='2458504'] I've just looked on t'internet and it seems that there are SIX Rutles tribute bands!!! [/quote] Mickeyboro, member on here has an excellent anecdote on this topic!
  23. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1400933380' post='2458293'] It is always difficult to gauge why people do what they do, I can only suppose that he is following his own guiding light and doing what makes him happy. [/quote] And fair play to him. I got to see Gary Moore playing Moon River at a soundcheck - it was sublime - lead and some lovely jazz chords, a million miles from what he played in the set. He appeared at my shoulder when the guy I was working with was soundchecking after and I told him how lovely it was and he said that was what he loved playing. I asked him why he didn't put it in the set and he laughed and said he'd get lynched. Felt a bit sad for him after that.
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1400930606' post='2458252'] The Bootleg Beatles were going for many years before either of those started. Nearly a decade before if i'm not mistaken. [/quote] And the Rutles before them, although they were a parody more than a tribute, and have now had their own tribute band!
  25. Signed but it is really worrying these are coming throuh on an almost weekly basis now :-(
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