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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. That's great. Thanks for posting it, off to check more of her work.
  2. IoW £19 booking fee - outrageous.
  3. Not misheard but misunderstood - I thought Spandau Ballet were name checking Hank, not Gaye in True. Still think musically the track was closer to the Shadows than Motown.
  4. That's a good call. Almost like their second incarnation, when they became rock band than electronic.
  5. First dates is now beyond memory, but I do quite often get chatting about music. A young woman colleague a few years back was a big music fan and we had some great music chats (she was a big Skindred fan).
  6. Sade (and yes, they were a band). Huge in the states for years after their success in the UK.
  7. Been heavily advertised on my FB feed (local gig coming up). Must check this out.
  8. Nothing to do with Mick Mason is it? He 'promotes' tribute shows in Leicester and has a very poor reputation.
  9. I used to want to be more selective with a previous band, but yes, annoyingly, putting up all the old tut seems to work.
  10. Are you on Facebook? Get in touch with Martin Webb (Webby to everyone). Runs the Ipswich jam night, drum teacher and drum shop owner. He knows most drummers in the county (and Norfolk if you don't mind a foreigner)!
  11. He invited me to his office to 'learn about the business' when I was a 16 year old working in a record shop. Fortunately my boss at the time heard this and next day told me to steer well clear of him. I always expected something to hit the press after he died, especially as he was mates with Max Clifford.
  12. The red gold and green is symbolic of Jamaica rather than Rastafarianism. CA is such a can of worms, but I think you would be safe with this.
  13. And dropouts and stretching.
  14. Blimey, yes. Remember selling a slightly longer cassette back then but couldn't remember the brand.
  15. 'Now! That's what I call 1985'
  16. By pure luck, my, still to this day, all time most listened to album was released in 1985. The hugely underrated Working Week, 'Working Nights'.
  17. Amen to that. The version on The Last Waltz is magnificent. Love the way Levon pushes it so hard on drums without ever overcooking it.
  18. I love both versions - even the full Donna Summer Suite. So OTT and camp it is glorious!
  19. My London Borough did noticeably worse - Tommy Steele, Max Bygraves, Souixse Sioux, Florence Welch and Charlie Chaplin (who wrote Nat King Cole's hit Smile). We also had the Richardsons and Mad Frankie Fraser.
  20. Sounds pretty good for a town that size. It also has/had a pretty big jazz festival.
  21. Big fan of Peter, not a fan at all of Metallica. But delighted that the guitar gets used by someone who obviously loves and respects its past.
  22. Well I like that. Still making good music 60+ years on, still instantly recognisable - I think that's a phenomenal achievement.
  23. Interesting take. I'm firmly in the "show must go on" camp and would be surprised if Charlie would have wanted them to pause to grieve. I played a gig knowing my mum was going to die that night in the full knowledge that she would have been furious with me if I hadn't.
  24. Church Village has 1000 more and CVC - Church Village Collective who are starting to get noticed.
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