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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1304212' date='Jul 14 2011, 11:46 PM']I'm still 6.25 inches.[/quote] Can you blow your own horn though?
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  6. [quote name='Doddy' post='1303781' date='Jul 14 2011, 05:10 PM']I thought I was awesome at 20 too .....I suppose it also depends on what you think of as 'the best'. JACO BERLIN of course. On a more general note,a big part of practicing is not the pure number of hours but the material that you study. Playing along to your favourite Chili Peppers for a couple of hours is great fun but it's not practicing. The idea is to practice something that you have never played or can't already do....that is how you improve. An hour studying an 8 bar exercise out of 'Chord Studies' will see a bigger improvement than 3 hours jamming to 'Californication' for the 6th time. Don't get me wrong,playing to your favourite albums is fun and important but after a short while it stops becoming practice and you need to look elsewhere for improvement.[/quote] Wise words Mr. D
  7. [quote name='Ross' post='1303670' date='Jul 14 2011, 04:02 PM'](not to blow my own horn)[/quote] that's quite a talent mate
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1303648' date='Jul 14 2011, 03:42 PM']Only about 14 years if you practice for 2 hours every single day . . . .[/quote] I can easily waste 2 hours a day doing nothing in particular, I am by nature a lazy git. Be interesting to log how much time is spent ogling gear, for sale sections, eBay, discussions about bass players and their dubious taches, etc. Watching utter drivel on tv......all adds up. Anyway I've got to go iron my sofa.
  9. There is the old story of Robert Johnson, who legend has it that he was so brilliant because he sold his soul to the devil on exchange for talent. One of his peers was asked whether this was true, and the guy said "I don't know about that, but this I do know....he practices a lot". Hendrix, had his guitar with him all the time from a kid, his father wasn't that encouraging, but he practiced all the time. And before it all starts, I don't care what anyone thinks of Hendrix, it's just a point I'm making. Some people have the talent for practicing........it's an undervalued talent, but the most important in my opinion.
  10. [quote name='urb' post='1302537' date='Jul 13 2011, 04:07 PM']shame he has to be so belligerent and aggressive in asserting his views - as if there's simply no room for disagreement... if the resulting shitstorms are his desired result of expressing them then again - he's an even bigger ass....[/quote] You can see plenty of that on here from time to time. Good for him for not caring what anyone else thinks. It's just his opinion. None of the other renowned fretless players named here probably give a toss what Mr. B thinks, and certainly don't need defending from that big nasty man. Looks like JB got what he wanted, if indeed he wanted to cause a storm. Although sanity has been restored with the Tim Wanacott lookalike....
  11. [quote name='toneknob' post='1301085' date='Jul 12 2011, 02:35 PM']And from the blurb on his blog [/quote]
  12. This looks like a Bassix, from the neck in particular.
  13. An old gig bag, with usual pockets for bow, etc. Tatty, but zips work and has quite a tough rubber-ish outer material. Yours for cost of postage (£5)
  14. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1300055' date='Jul 11 2011, 04:22 PM']Well, this is the one I always swore would go into the grave with me, and here we[/quote] Blimey Geoff, I didn't even know you were I'll! I had the fretted one of these back in 80's, did my first European tour with it. lots of fond mammories! Super basses. John
  15. Did a deal with Phil, he sent me a tuner uber fast, thanks, Doug & Dinsdale are very happy.
  16. [quote name='2x18' post='1300144' date='Jul 11 2011, 06:03 PM']Hi John I have an Ibanez LU20 --True byepass Die-Cast metal body pedal tuner in good condition --Boxed with instructions Hardly used owing to TC Rebelhead with built in Tuner! Will.[/quote] Hi Will, Thanks for the offer, but I've done a deal on a tuner with spinynorman. I'll update the thread. Nice having a built in tuner. John
  17. Some free strings, don't know make though. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=145102"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=145102[/url]
  18. I've got friends down in Chichester, so I could easily swing round. Do you have any dimensions please Mike?
  19. Thanks. I've got an oldish peavey T max that runs at 2 ohm, I just fancied taking it out now and again for the odd outdoor gig. I've been using compact lightweight Markbass gear for a few years now and, sometimes, I bizarrely hanker for a big heavy rig behind me....stupid I know.
  20. Hi, How would you say they handle low frequencies and high volume. best coupled with a 1x15 perhaps? I'm getting a bit retro past day or 2 and fancy something Amp-eggy. Not that far from you either or a pick up/meet. John
  21. Having had a surprise bonus of 2 sets of Prestos coming my way thanks to Mr. Clarky, I'm passing on these. A set of unknown Steels. I had these on my ancient ply and before that a Bassix Multitech. If anyone can identify them then please do tell. Anyway for the cost of postage (£2?) they're yours. Might suit someone who fancies a change, or some spares. I would say they are medium tension, certainly not "floppy", or tight, and felt quite soft under my "neanderthal" fingers.
  22. Received a couple of sets of Prestos from Clarky, super fast delivery, as usual. Thanks Clarky! John
  23. [quote name='3below' post='1297577' date='Jul 8 2011, 07:47 PM']Cheap bar magnet types (so no pole alignment problems) Forgot about that bit, blade type also. Alternatively wait until a Schaller appears here. Many thanks to oldslapper for mine [/quote] A pleasure sir!
  24. [quote name='Mugz.wood' post='1297540' date='Jul 8 2011, 07:14 PM']thanks John, 2nd hand schaller would be nice, i haven't found a cheap one yet though, fingers crossed. why a precession pickup because of the twin coil?[/quote] Not sure about that, others here may know. I think one of the advantages is that you can angle the pups to follow the curve of the board....roughly.
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