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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Agreed, what a super duper day, helped in no small measure by the wonderful weather, but chiefly by the forest of amazing kit and the company of smashing people. I love this place. Huge thanks to Mike for the organising and to the wonderful ladies for an awesome spread as per. The crumble. Oh god, the crumble. @BreadBin, your car is not supposed to sound that good 😍😍
  2. If That's Your Boyfriend (He Wasn't Last Night) - Me'Shell Ndegéocello
  3. Sweet Gene Vincent - Ian Fury + B/heads
  4. Swords of a Thousand Men - Tenpole Tudor
  5. I'll have my Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 with me.
  6. The Fuzzdog Fat Furry Freak is an excellent Woolly Mammoth clone, I've got one on my board and it's superb. Definitely raffle these two separately.
  7. Overrated: Behringer BDI21, stock... mid scoop that colours everything. US Fenders, specifically a} insane pricing and b} the fact that when they trumpet about "NEW basses!" you just know it's going to be the same old same old but in a different colour. Underrated: Behringer BDI21, after the single-resistor mid mod... totally transforms the sound, gets rid of the scoop. Instant Geddy. the old Nemesis by Eden cabs, e.g. the NSP115. Absolutely fantastic things, I had a pair of the 115s for many years and they were superb. Very lightweight in terms of, errm, weight but certainly not tonally. Yet I hardly ever saw them mentioned anywhere. Shuker basses. But then again I would say that, wouldn't I. But if you prefer passive anyway, surely that alone will make it difficult to gel with a preamp, whether said preamp is brilliant or not? I would add Klotz to that. I've had two of them since 1986 and not a single problem with either of them. Brilliant things. I guess it depends where you're approaching them from. The neck on my Q4 is a delight to play. I'll second that, the Wilks pickup in my P bitsa is fabulous. Having said all that: 100% truth.
  8. My first fretless (a Jaydee Roadie) was unlined and had 3/5/7/9/etc dots where the frets would have been. My current fretless neck - ironically also made by Jaydee - has edge markers a bit like the OP's pic, with the dots where they would have been on a fretted neck. I have painted those dots black and put new dots at the fret markers, because that's what I'm used to on a fretless neck.
  9. I've got one, I'll chuck it in the car. It's a battered old twin stand with only one U swivel thingy, but the other half of it works fine.
  10. I'll be bringing my Genz-Benz Shuttle 9.2, it should fit the bill quite nicely? I have never had stage fright of any sort in 40 years of gigging, but that would make me nervous. I'd have a go as long as I wasn't the only one? I could perhaps throw in a few fingerstyle and pick bits from the previous night's ska set as it'd be fresh in my mind but my slap chops ain't what they used to be.
  11. New number plates on the bassmobile :D


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rich


      I think it's still OK on that part of the plate. It always used to be anyway... I guess I'll find out at the MOT :lol:  

      The letters and numbers are all the correct font, height, spacing etc. It's exactly the same as the old plate except for the clef in place of the stars.

    3. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      I’m afraid it’s not @Rich. To be fair, there are thousands of plates that fall much further outside of the rules, so I probably wouldn’t worry too much about it. At least ANPR will be able to read your registration number (should it be stolen etc). 

    4. Rich


      Yes, there's no way I was going to do anything daft with the actual reg number, it's asking for trouble. As I said, it's identical to the old plate apart from the clef instead of the stars and UK instead of GB. I've still got the old plates just in case I need to put them back on in a hurry. I can't see that happening though (he said hopefully). 

  12. I shudder to think of the weight. I slipped a disc just looking at the photo.
  13. This, entirely and absolutely. For me, by far and away the most useful aspect of a 5 stringer. The main reason I still use a 5 with one of my bands is that some of the songs are an absolute arrse to play up and down the neck on a 4 and are far easier across a 5.
  14. Also this. More of a vocal tool than anything, I used it for live harmony BVs with a band I was in many many years ago, since when it's been gathering dust. It's been around the block as you can see by the rack ears, but it's working fine. I never tried it with instruments, I imagine it should work for them too. It's too big to be a paperweight and the wrong shape for a doorstop. I've got a copy of the manual knocking around somewhere. No power supply, but it takes a bog ordinary 9v power supply and only draws 250mA.
  15. We rehearse there too, come to think of it my FX were dreadfully noisy a couple of times a while back. I assumed it was my cheap crappy 9v power plug.
  16. Which rehearsal room do you use?
  17. I played 5s almost exclusively for a good 20 years or so, but in the last 3 or 4 years I've started using 4s again too with one of my bands. For no reason other than I've got a couple of nice 4s and wanted to use them, and the big fat string wasn't seeing any action in that band. At the end of the day it's your money & your choice. Do what's comfortable and what makes you happy. Keep your 5, get a 4 and see how you get on. If you decide to stick with one or the other, that's cool.
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