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Everything posted by Fionn

  1. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1378979417' post='2207221'] The high bit? ...sorry [/quote] Haha! There are high high bits and high low bits
  2. Nice playing man. Excellent tune too How are the pick-ups/ tone dialled on your Jazz Bass on this recording?
  3. [quote name='stubass' timestamp='1378910643' post='2206387'] Its the lack of support up here in the highlands that nails the coffin for me.[/quote] Where in the Highlands are you?
  4. I've got SERIOUS GAS for the fretless Warwick Alien that's for sale on here at the moment. Problem is, I've just spent all my money on a new amp, cab, and compressor. Aaaaargh! ... I'm drooling
  5. Wow!!! Aye, rare indeed. I love this bass. If I win the lottery this is mine.
  6. Fionn


    Lloyd just bought a pedal from me. Rapid payment, good communication, no hiccups whatsoever ... Deal with confidence. Enjoy the Super Octave Lloyd!
  7. I need to house 5 small (mxr/ boss size) pedals. All are linked by daisy-chain to a single wall-wort. I want a board that has a lid or cover so that my settings dont get screwed, or my pedals damaged in transport ... and it must be as compact as possible. any particular recommendations?
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1378835237' post='2205368'] So long as the playability aspects are sorted, I don't understand the notion of correct and incorrect in instruments. If a bolt-on neck as typically executed is less effectively coupled to the body than a through-neck resulting in a different character to the sound, I don't see that as being wrong or incorrect. It's just the nature of that instrument. Personally I find that many of the "improved" bass designs with through necks, no dead spots, long sustain and perfectly even response don't interest me at all. [/quote] Fair enough man. They are all horses for courses at the end of the day. Each to their own, and all that
  9. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1378833972' post='2205343'] I think that unless the joint has been chalk-fitted by an extremely skilled woodworker (as is done with glued joints in acoustic instruments), there's not going to be full contact anyway. [/quote] Full contact makes a difference, as in the case of neck-through-body basses which have notably better sustain. Both my basses are neck-through-body. I like the acoustic resonance afforded by that method of construction. Bolt-on, less so. Shimed bolt-on .... even less so. Folk will buy basses with shimmed necks then add expensive high-mass bridges and the like to improve the resonance. Why not just buy a bass which has been correctly made in the first place?
  10. The space in the neck pocket which is caused by a shim means that full contact is lost at a critical point in the structure of the instrument. As a result the resonance is effected, sustain is lost. The acoustic qualities of the instrument are compromised. A new instrument that needs a neck shim is either porly designed, or poorly made (or both) in my opinion. Aye, that includes the holy grail that is Fender. Och, maybe such technical imperfections are crucial to the wholeFender vibe.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. I have a light bass and a heavy bass ... at least I thought it was heavy. It's nowhere near the extremities mentioned in this thread (16lbs of bass, OOF!!!) Warwick Streamer Stage1 - 8.4lbs Aria Pro-II SB900 - 11lbs
  13. [quote name='RWijchers' timestamp='1378675782' post='2203216'] Here is my new baby, a 1981 fretless SB700. Yes, it's the one from this forum. It arrived yesterday, safe and sound from Poland. It's in great shape and sounds fantastic ! [/quote] Hmmm, beautiful! I was admiring that when it was for sale
  14. Maybe keep it thick in the centre where the bridge and neck-joint are. My '87 Streamer is thick in the centre this way, and tapers in thickness towards the upper and lower edges of the bass. I must say that, acoustically, it is the best sounding electric bass that I've played, and still perfectly balanced. That's another consideration; how the reduced weight of a thin body may effect the balance of the whole. Nobody likes neck-dive.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378565392' post='2201902'] Thanks for this. I've been having trouble with crud under the bridge lately. [/quote] soap and water will do
  16. An old-school bristle shaving brush is the perfect tool for removing the dust and crud that gathers around the pick-ups, bridge, and under the strings on the headstock.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. [b]Boss OC-3 Super Octave[/b] I'll quote myself from a post I wrote about the OC-3 a while ago ... It's well built, simple, dedicated input for Bass, super quiet operation, the range sweep is really effective, and in "polyphonic" mode the tracking is pretty damned good. Noticably better than its predecesor, to be sure. Granted, the "OC-2" mode on the OC-3 doesn't sound like the original, but if that's what you're after then an actual OC-2 is surely the answer. The "Drive" mode on the OC-3 is great too. With the octave peeled right back it turns the OC-3 into a fantastically grunty and full-sounding bass distortion pedal. Seriously good. I really do love this pedal. I just don't use it outside of the house, and I could use the cash to put towards a compressor. It's in excellent condition and perfect working order. There is no (original) box or power supply included. £55 (posted within the U.K.) ... or I'll part-trade against a nice compressor, like an MXR or Aguilar. Corporate blurb - [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=608"]http://www.bossus.co...p?ProductId=608[/url] [attachment=143242:IMG_0060.jpg]
  19. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1378476646' post='2200903'] don't tell me it's too expensive? [/quote] certainly not ... it's a great price
  20. I've only played a couple of Mexican Fenders (Jazz basses), and I didn't think much of either of them. They felt, to me, like cheap basses. Even the Chinese-made modern player Jazz bass felt a lot better, sounded better, and was finished to a greater standard. The American Jazz STD that I played blew them all out of the water ... That said, the Chinese one was finished every bit as well.
  21. I was just wondering how folk rate the "Spectracomp" compression, which is in-built to TC Electronic amp-heads. I'd be interested to hear the opinions of past or present TC users.
  22. Thanks for the input guys, but the 800RB has been returned to its former keeper ... turns out it's goosed beyond what I'm willing to deal with.
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