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Everything posted by Fionn

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  2. I had terrible neck-dive issues with my previous bass (Warwick Thumb). This is caused by the balance point of the bass being off-set by the short top horn. This also makes the 1st fret feel far away. All very fatigue inducing really. As much as I loved that bass, and percivered with straps, playing positions etc, it had to let it go. I now play a bass which sits where it should and gives me ache-free playing. Getting a better balanced instrument is the ultimate answer really.
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1376819587' post='2179366'] 70s brown and orange home decor schemes for some bizarre reason. [/quote] THIS is a great aesthetic!
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1376763216' post='2178885'] this bass playing from mr X is just amazing.. i still think its Randy HOPE Taylor from Incognito. just sounds so much like him. im prob totally wrong mind. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRYVODHgKY0[/media] [/quote] Aye, sweet playing ... whoever it is
  5. If you haven't seen this before, fans of early Jamiroquai / Stuart Zender might want to check out this concert, recorded at Club Citta, Japan, in 1993. Absolutely classic stuff, the band at their very best, good recording too. The concert breaks down into chapters so easy to jump to the tunes that you particularly want to hear. Enjoy, funksters ... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhC-hhavnYg[/media]
  6. NICE! ... From the photos that looks as well finished as any Fender I've seen.
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1376691780' post='2178225'] This? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9S9_TpFSwo[/media] [/quote] Hahaha!!!! I'm from the northern highlands of Scotland. Chas and Dave are as foreign to me as sushi and sunshine! Maybe this is why we want independence
  8. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1376676960' post='2177994'] Talking Heads meet Japan, at two in the morning after a few spliffs. [/quote] Hahaha! ... brilliant!
  9. Classic or Cliche? ... it's both. I used to hate it. I still do in almost all applications. That said, I lust for a Jazz Bass ... A sunburst Jazz Bass, tort, and rosewood. That's the classic implication which ooooozes the funk of the 70's (in my imagination, at least). Aye, both classic and cliche, to be sure.
  10. Insect Funk, by Elmore Judd ... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObMFSePeXjQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObMFSePeXjQ[/url]
  11. Beautiful bass. I'd love one of these. No money though, only basses to trade, o'choin.
  12. A brass nut will certainly aid the sustain and clarity of notes played on the open strings. On Warwick basses the frets are also made of brass so in my opinion it makes absolute sense for the nut to be of the same material. Then you'll get the same resonance from a either a fretted or open note. There is a good reason why Warwick have reverted to putting brass nuts on all of their current production basses.
  13. Great bass! I wonder if that's the same one that's for sale on here
  14. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1376486711' post='2174679'] Ok, this here thingy [/quote] Eeeeuuuchh!!!! that's about the most horrible thing I've ever seen.
  15. When I'm crossing from finger-style to slap I simply roll the highs off a bit using the control on the bass. That's what works for me. If you needed more control, an eq pedal would shape the particular slap tone you wanted. Like Crez5150 said, the drop in volume is more likely percieved due to the difference in the shape of the note played, and this can be remedied somewhat by eq'ing. I would think a compressor (running continuously) to be essential also, in the interests of neatness.
  16. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1375802572' post='2165860'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBWY8oAnnww[/media] [/quote] The guy playing the shaker is a MACHINE. Does anyone know what type of shaker that is, and what year it was made?
  17. Thank you for that. Nice wee resource there. It's good to hear those Jazz Bass comparisons. That's very useful for anyone with a Jazz on their shopping list (such as moi). It would be interesting to hear some Warwicks in there.
  18. [quote name='Bassman666' timestamp='1376318709' post='2172046'] This one is supposed to have the removable truss rod as I believe they all do up to 1996? However i couldnt get it out using pliers so i gave up. [/quote] Don't use pliers. Watch the video that I just posted.
  19. Aye, nice bass Replacing a pre-1996 Warwick truss rod is very easy, should you decide to do it. If not, then this info may persuade a potential buyer to perform the procedure. I've done it in the past with absolutely no difficulty. It shouldn't be a big deal. There is a Warwick video which explains the process, here ... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT_iDrcLtKY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT_iDrcLtKY[/url] The various truss rods are available in the Warwick shop, here ... [url="http://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352310036&lang=en&smk=1&nm=D0405358001321517424A43801|Warwick|D0525953001321517425A44262|D0526741001321517425A44263&modul=shop&site=shop_overview"]http://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352310036&lang=en&smk=1&nm=D0405358001321517424A43801|Warwick|D0525953001321517425A44262|D0526741001321517425A44263&modul=shop&site=shop_overview[/url] Hope this helps.
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  21. Keith just bought a compressor from me. Nice tidy, honest, quick transaction. Keith is a good guy to deal with, to be sure
  22. [u]My first "proper" bass was one of these. Really nice, versatile, active P/J. Light too, and it's true what yer man says, the neck is a joy.[/u]
  23. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1373845271' post='2142283'] Thing is my favourite basses are Jaydees and status' but I like to have a 'normal' bass too [/quote] Doesn't your Stingray fall into the "normal" category? [list] [*]If yes, then you already have the "normal" bass to compliment your preferable Jaydee. Take no further action. [*]If no, sell the Stingray and use the money to buy both a Squier Jazz and Precision. Fire a set of flatwounds on the Precision. [/list]
  24. The signal from my Thumb Bass was too hot for the Compulator (perhaps the 18v preamp?). Even with the trim dialed all the way back there was unwanted distortion. I had to sell it for this reason, which was a shame as I loved the clear, quiet, functional compression which it gave to my passive Aria SB. Perhaps this isn't a problem for most folk, but a more easily adjustable input gain control with a greater range (to account for uber hot basses) would drastically improve the functionality of this pedal.
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