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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Once you figure out all it’s features 😉
  2. Tidy looking wee unit. I’ve played the BH amps in a local rehearsal room and enjoyed them - pretty straight forward. Looks like this feature set has been well researched.. look forward to trying one when they’re released.
  3. @jonnybass I think there is a relaunch/revamp for later in the year April possibly but certainly on the cards. Ask @tonyxtiger here or via PM
  4. I use the plug in version of the original. I’d love to have this kicking about the music room 😀
  5. krispn

    Precision bass

    The Matt Freeman is a great bass!
  6. The Supro Huntington short scale - four pick up if you include the piezo! https://suprousa.com/guitars/huntington-bass/2043-huntington-iii/
  7. Lovely choice of name. You been reading Shelley lately?
  8. You bought this from them at the LBGS? It looks like a nice tidy wee unit. The inevitable sound clips request has officially been lodged. side note LBGS just makes me think Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Slappers (bass or otherwise) I have an hilarious image of the LGBT community showing up at the London bass guitar show being massively disappointed and confused!
  9. I believe the Deco was the precursor to their drive pedals. A toe in the water if you will. It’d sound great on a bass VI in a Cure cover band. @Dosi Y'AnarchyI use a Broadcast and love it but the Deco does have a great vibe to it. It feels like the left side is just the perfect measured drive minus the raffle of most drive pedals.
  10. krispn

    Bass Soul Food

    I enjoy a BSF but I believe my “dirt” needs are as different to the next person as is my taste in cheeses.. I enjoy the blue ones which make the tongue numb and the overall effect a bit heady!. I delight in what a BSF can do to the bass in the mix with just a couple of nudges around noon on at least half the controls. I’ve heard some awful demo’s most notably the actual EHX one but for the price used its worth a punt for sure and worth listening to over a couple of rehearsals and gigs before condemning. Think more Brilliant Sounding Fling rather the B*ll Sh*t Fad.
  11. Looks like he's made some sort of ramp? before installing the MM pick up...but I am getting old and have failing eyes!
  12. Years ago RedDog music in the Grassmarket were virtually giving away a Schecter Baron T shaped bass. It was reduced so much they had a ‘Managers Special’ Make me an offer label on it!
  13. They had both the TX and non TX versions from day one plus you could pick which TX to go for, their own or Lundhal. I think the high price is because of the rep they hav ebuilt up with the Cali range. Origin Effects are the pedigree as much as the product. A bold move indeed I agree!
  14. Yeah I thought they might do a more ‘universal’ drive pedal but the specificity of the comp line did have me thinking a bass specific version might come along. I’ll be holding off to see what they come out with.
  15. Yup it’s a defo a high end amp in a box. I suppose the tech involved, the R&D and the fact it’s offering something ‘new’. If I recall the Cali-TX was about £500 and that is effectively a ‘less featured’ product. I’ve no doubt it’ll be fantastic and could well be the amp in a box many guitarist are hoping for. I don’t think it’ll be the pedal many bassists were hoping for though.
  16. @Al Krow I’ve gigged and recorded with Jazz basses/ two pick up basses - so I’m partial to a good jazz tone. I think most of us can relate to a ‘good bass tone’ and can hear the benefits of different basses in the context of a song. That being said most of what i’m Playing these days suits the p bass vibe but as you know I’m about to stick a Tbird pick up in one of my p basses for some variation and the P5 I have has a tone control which can cop a jazz bass ‘scoop’ tone. My old band Titus Pullo was jazz bass with a pretty even mix between both pick ups and just the neck. I actually installed DiMarzio Model J’s in that jazz to give me a bit more p like vibe in the solo’d neck position and then a good solid J tone with both pick ups wide open. The question about Ashdown is kinda interesting as the more expensive amps have a 9 band eq so there should be no excuses for getting a decent tone. Even the lower priced models have a 5 band so decent tones ‘should’ be achievable.
  17. I’d say they’re not gonna be far off the mark. I have faith 😀
  18. The final image of the controls. Definitely a ‘guitar’ pedal but features that would work on bass. looking forward to the demo’s. Should be up online tomorrow.
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