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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Miller is known/has been known to ply a Sterling fretless 🤷🏻‍♂️🫣😂
  2. Not sure vintage/sx/tanglewood would harm the SUB/Sterling sales as much as Sire… and vintage/tanglewood are much more a UK concern. Mind you, looking more like Nemo than a Stingray may keep these on the shelf rather than harming anyone else’s sales.
  3. I think Ernie Ball will pull the plug on the 3+1
  4. I’d be hard pressed not to jump on this if the basses sell
  5. Depends - if it gets used…it’ll be a while. If it doesn’t work out at the studio…prob end of January 😉
  6. Going recording next month and there’s a track begging for upright. I have a fretless I’ll be using live - but when I’ve been in this position before, needing an upright (without hiring/buying one) I’ve had good results close mic’ing an ABG with flats and a chunk of foam at the bridge. I’m also a dab hand at defrets if needed. This came up on marketplace just as the mother and father in law dropped off a card with cash in it… I’ve heard good things about this range - and as they’re £200 new, a used one half a mile away for decent price was a no brainer. Really decent little bass for £200 - I had some spare flats, and I have a roll of foam, so I set about making my “double bass”. Will also come in handy for some radio slots we have booked in. Happy Christmas to me 😂
  7. It does - a clear guard would look cool too… Anyhow - Bump. Had a few trade offers… Not really after anything, but open to ideas.
  8. These fascinate me. Must have a go.
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225916862416?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bjCS9XosTJe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CbjbH9mRThK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. Well. studio booked for January. i haven’t given up. even though i nearly did
  11. Came on a Gibson. I’ve gone back to the original because I’m a pedant. The bass was definitely louder acoustically with this on - and YES it makes setups and intonation drastically easier to improve. But I’m a Gimp. And there’s nowt I can do. All yours.
  12. Came with my Ripper. It’s not “right” (neck hovers a bit in it) so Will basically use the £100 towards a super duper case of some format. These are £140/150 and out of stock everywhere… I have a very clean one. As new. Collection preferred. Manchester M27 Will only trade if you’ve a Gibson bag - I had one until February last year…irony 🙄 Currently has tape on it for identification in the shop I got the bass from…but can take off if needed. Other than that, very clean.
  13. Had a sunburst one of the T-Birds, proper funk machine
  14. David sold me some d’addario strings. Absolutely ace! Many thanks x
  15. Vile. And the Godin a4/5 lookalikes are awful headstocks galore: The reason I’ve never owned one is the 4 aside 4+1 headstock, looks mental on an “acoustic”. 3+1 makes that even worse. oh well. more reasons not to buy a sire.
  16. I’ve done a talk to various people called “how music saved my life” - it works a treat. It really stopped me from making some odd decisions when I was younger.
  17. Back to rehearsing on the weekly… looking forward to Sunday. we’re set and have social media presence etc. 2 songs ready to record and release with about 4/5 to work a bit more on.
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