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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. Sorry, perhaps I should have said it [i]is[/i] a 1250, which would have been more accurate. As noted, it doesn't show any evidence of the metal badge - and they had suggested Guyatone as an alternative brand. I'm none too fussed, to be honest. I'm just happy to be uncovering where and when it came from Vintaxe wouldn't load when I first looked, but did manage to find my way to it's forums - I got my registration approved today, so I'll posting shortly. Wouldn't mind your opinion on a further issue. How would these have been stringed originally? Assuming a light gauge for the set neck, but flat, round or something else? Thanks for your help so far, very much appreciated at this end
  2. Hmm... on that bass-is (sorry, couldn't resist) I think we might be fine with just the cheap stuff! If you look in 'Bass Guitar' it's the parts from this 1250 I'm trying to sort. They don't look half as bad as that bridge! I'm going to try it tonight, so I'll post some pics of where we get.
  3. Well, it appears a little better than a poke with a sh*tty stick - tempting as that was! The verdict from the Ibanez forums seems to be that this is a real gem of a find. Rare model, good nick (considering!) and the original soft case to boot - all making for one very happy tale. Value would be c.£200, allowing for the usual fluctuations of forums and Ebay. Would push £250 with the Ibanez badge... which it doesn't have, so it's totally moot! This [i]is[/i] an Ibanez 1250, from 1960 or 1961. Made for Ibanez by Tokyo Sound Corp and possibly branded as Guyatone in the absense of the Ibanez badging. All the parts appear to be original Points to Mr Bassassin for hitting the nail on the head. Again! Nut arrived this morning. On my list of things to do this weekend, but we'll see - I have a new puppy, decorating, and the World Cup to contend with. Should have some pics and vids in the next few weeks to show how it came back to life. Thanks for the help!
  4. The old Sh!tdisco approach would work well here - I'm sure you could get more of a crowd and a buzz playing in someone's flat, than from the back room of this pub. I think the beer-risk to gear would be about the same, mind! It's always worth bearing in mind that the promoter is nothing without his/her product. Yes, there are times when it is of value to keep them on side; but it's worth setting out your limits - and if that includes your gear, so be it. The relationship should work both ways, rather than anyone feeling beholden so completely to the promoter. The purchase of the cheap combo was a nice gesture, but one that should not have been required. I feel bad, on your behalf, that you felt compelled to do so, however good the reasons may have been.
  5. Both! Tuners will likely be sorted by Cola, looking at them. Bridge cover will need replating - any idea where it should go to?
  6. What's wrong with pink?! The only one I struggle with is the pastel pink - but there have been some awesome Nordys sighted on this forum which could teach me to love it
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  8. Following my 'ecky thump' thread, and the revelation that the filth-encrusted bass Ed dropped off is likely a 1960s Ibanez or Guyatone, I need to up the TLC for this one. The tuners and metal bridge plate have been subject to some corrosion, which is understandable after spending a decade in a garage. Question being, since I don't want to lose the original parts, how do I get them back to rights?
  9. There aren't many days when I look to myself and think, "I am a poorer player without slap". However, today was one of them. That's some fantastic work; I just wish I bloody knew how to approach it myself. JohnnyLager's nailing it for me. Good work. But wrong, oh so wrong
  10. Wow, thanks Jon - that's certainly good to know! That middle one is almost a bloody mirror. Only slight change being the tuners on the version I have. No sign of drill holes from memory, but wife is at home and checking. Looking at it, the front of the headstock almost looks refinished in places, which might have eradicated any evidence. No intention on replacing anything, really. Tuners are slightly corroded, but I don't fancy swapping them. The only thing it really needs is a new nut, as the old one is broken (see pic - broken at the E-string), to get it back playing. Will post on those forums you've linked me to, see if there are any additional comments. Am I telling Ed he's sitting on a goldmine with this one?
  11. There's a slight bend in the neck, and my "huh?" moment came when reaching to check the truss rod to resolve it - neck is very, very light. It feels almost insubstantial, but yet is a good player now I've cleaned all the crap from the the fretboard. I can see the Jet King resemblance, thanks to everyone who pointed this out: I've ordered a new nut and strings. Not sure on the bridge cover, that was definitely a bodge effort on someone's part. The tuners appear to be guitar tuners, to these eyes. Not sure if I'll strip them to clean or try and find new ones. Probably the former.
  12. Sorry to resurrect this, but what would be the best glue for bonding the nut?
  13. Christ, they're absolutely stunning! Thanks Shaggy. Are these yours?
  14. This thing has 'old' written all over it - not sure how long his dad had it, but it's just done the last decade in a garage I'm told and was owned for some time before that. Always a risk of exaggeration, but it does appear to have some years under it's belt. Put some flats on it and it sounds very funky. Muting felt under the plate is a nice touch.
  15. Guys, wondering if I might pick your brains here. My old friend Ed dropped this around tonight. It came in a very vintage bag, which should have been the first hint. Inside the bass was dirty, with the strings rusting to the nut. However, for all it's flaws, it certainly was intriguing. I've given it a clean, and removed the bulk of the filth. The nut has cracked, unsurprisingly, but the rest has come through intact. So, just what on earth is it? No manufacturer markings that I can see - some very rough routing under the control panel, hinting at a home-made origin, perhaps. The pickup works, though the tone and volume pots work only when they want. The switch marked 'on/off' doesn't appear to do anything. It's very light, ridiculously so. No idea how the neck was attached, it almost appears to have been glued on and then sealed over. Any thoughts?
  16. Love the tone on that The Fall video - awesome stuff, just like I always imagine I sound! Does lead me to a random quote I got once after a very early uni gig - "Do you not get bored playing the same line?" D'oh!
  17. All my old ones have gone to mates, if I've not been selling them. It's a pretty positive way of recycling them, helping people out and getting others playing
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