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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. You can run 2 cables from the amp to the cab and run it as 2 4x10's. It is no different to running a single cable but would be my personal choice. You then have an in-built redundancy if you develop a cable problem or a driver goes down. It also splits the output current so each cable is carrying 50% instead of 1vcable carrying 100%.
  2. Black Carbon Wrap. Job done for about £4.
  3. Depending on the pre-amp it could still be possible to make it active/passive. If it's a Noll or Delano, Sandberg may just have decided not to bother. The wiring diagrams for either of these should be easily available. If you fancy putting up some pics of the control cavity it would help.
  4. How old is the bass? The one above is a fairly recent one with a Sandberg design pre-amp built by Glockenklang and definitely has the active/passive switch as part of the volume control. It is part of the design and not a mod. Older versions used Noll and Delano pre-amps which didn't always have the active/passive option. A picture of the electronics would help.
  5. Hi and welcome. Either of those solutions would do the job but as you say it's at a price. If all you want is something to use until your amp is fixed you could do for half the price of either solution. A dedicated headphone amp and a pair of headphones or probably better still a small 2 channel mixer an a set of phones. This solution would allow you to plug your bass in 1 channel and a music source, (phone, mp3 player, cd player etc.), in the other channel and play along. The Yamaha Sessioncake is the perfect solution. They were being sold off for £10 at a retailer recently, I got 2, but the deal is done. They are still good value at £20 - 30 and there's 1 on ebay you might get for £20 including postage. Add a set of phones and you're off. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Mixing-Headphone-Amplifier-SESSIONCAKE-SC-01-Guitar-Bass-Aux-Mixing-/224295290620?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 I'm sure there will be some more knowledgeable members along in a minute.
  6. I' m sure 1/4" jacks are only recommended for up to 150w.
  7. Just remembered an email I got from @johnny2shoes who managed to get his LM3 fixed by someone in Bolton. Might be worth messaging him. I'm pretty sure his was a Class A/B one, same as the SA450, rather than a ClassD, which most tech's won't touch.
  8. I had exactly the same problem with an SA450. I ended up selling it cheap as a " half output" job. The alternative is to send it to Real Electronics in Sheffield who are the Mark Bass official repairers. The problem is that it would cost more to repair than it is worth. MB won't release the circuit diagrams and Real just swap circuit boards.
  9. I regularly buy wine from Portugal and the retailer has informed me that prices will rise by 7% from Jan 1st. This being the difference between VAT in Portugal of 13% and UK VAT of 20% so additional VAT on delivery should not be levied.
  10. A quick Google and they do make a 2 pole and it is stamped on the outside thus avoiding trying to shove a 4 pole in. Thanks for the heads up @Chienmortbb
  11. You are right, my bad. I think most kit I have come across has 4 pole sockets fitted as standard, in fact do they make a 2 pole?
  12. Must admit I've never had a problem with interchanging them but I've only ever used genuine Neutrik ones. The only difference is one is 2 pole and the other 4 pole, they should be physically the same size. That said unless you have a Gallien Kruger bi-amp head, you only need 2 pole.
  13. Looks correct to me. The wire top left - bottom right and top right - bottom left can be either desperate wires or an extension of the ground/ output wires. I always use separate wires as I find it much easier to wire up.
  14. My go to wine supplier in Portugal has already sent an email out indicating prices will increase by 7% to allow for VAT differences. VAT in Portugal is 13% so they will be charging UK VAT rates of 20%. As yet don't know about Import Duty, Release Fee etc.
  15. You can use NL2 plugs as well. The NL4 is a 4 pole plug, generally used in bi-amp situations. The NL2 is a 2 pole and will work fine. Genuine Neutrik is the way to go and if you need a custom length Award Session are great.
  16. They seem to have their finger in a lot of pies including cycling and motor cycling gear. My Son lives in Prague and uses them a lot.
  17. The mention of Maceo and Fred Wesley instantly makes me think of James Brown and the JB's. Now they were tight, or you got fined 🙂 .
  18. And they still do. Have seen them twice in the last couple of years as well as a recent streamed gig and they are still "tight as a gnat's chuff". As you may gather I'm a big fan. 🙂 Earth Wind and Fire in the day were pretty awesome too. One of the best stage shows at the time as well as some awesome tight playing.
  19. Would this be ok? Nothing to do with me. Just spotted on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2021619271425879/permalink/2794204017500730/?sale_post_id=2794204017500730
  20. Well worth a try as already mentioned they are probably the most customer focused company out there. Why not stick a post in the Wanted section down below. You never know your luck.
  21. Sorry Alan, I didn't know they were currently available.
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