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Everything posted by bigevilman

  1. On ebay now! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230364040098&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_614wt_963"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...IT#ht_614wt_963[/url]
  2. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230364040098&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_614wt_963"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...IT#ht_614wt_963[/url] Someone give it a good home
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  5. [quote name='Greene-Mann' post='534330' date='Jul 7 2009, 12:24 AM']I have a 5 String Jazz MIM Deluxe (Active 3band, noiseless pickups, proper gotoh machines instead of the mimic ones on the standard model) Its 3 tone sunburst, (now unnavailable colour) bought in 2006. [b]Has the beginnings of the ol' hairline crack from the truss rod adjuster (seemingly common with headstock adjustment truss rods). Looking at it again today (19th July) i couldnt find it until i really looked; if i hadnt mensioned it then no one would have noticed its that small[/b]. Will come with a PMT hardcase (not flightcase) Sounds and plays wicked (and looks cool too its the bass on the far left of my Avatar) All trade ideas will be concidered Cheers, Chris The colour is a little darker than seen in the pictures; all origional parts; and for those who want to know:- Alder body, Maple neck (w/vint tint) Pao Ferro Fingerboard. Cheers again (as you can see in the pics i need to hoover my carpet; but hey my parents have been away all week; ill do it the day before they get back :-D)[/quote] When you say hairline crack, are we talkin about going through the wood of the neck & fretboard, or just the plastic at the top where the trust rod can be adjusted from? Joe
  6. What year is the head, and does it have it the original valves?
  7. Now looking for about £60!!! Moving house so wanting to get rid of as much gear as possible that I don't need.
  8. [quote name='pq211145' post='545620' date='Jul 20 2009, 07:08 PM']Hi.. Im selling due to downsizing If anyone is interested give me a call on 07961285775 or email [email protected] Cab does have wheels on the back (tilt to transport).. CAB IS VERY LIGHT FOR WHAT IT IS!!![/quote] price and pics?
  9. Bump Will really take any semi decent offer, just can't be arsed slamming this on ebay :/ Joe
  10. Would deffo be interested if pics were available
  11. Been clearing out the loft as am moving house, and found this old gem lying around! This was my first bass head, and served me very well through many gigs. I ended up 'lending' it the bassist in a band when I had a small stint playing 6-string, and he went punk rock on it, spraying one panel red! I spent half the morning scratching it off :/ Theres still a bit left on the panel, but I'll try getting it all off before I send it. It's a 2 channel input, both having hi and low inputs. On channel one, the low input is missing the nut on front of the input to hold it in place. The connection itself still works, I just don't have the time to find a spare one. Its got a on-board compressor, with parametric EQ on each channel. I'm not too sure on the main details, as theres not much on the internet. I'm looking for about £80 plus P+P. [attachment=28949:IMG_0040.JPG] [attachment=28950:IMG_0033.JPG] [attachment=28951:IMG_0046.JPG] PM me if you want any more pics Joe
  12. I have the exact same bass, meets my needs perfectly if i had some spare cash, I'd have it off you as a backup bass, but looking to invest in a spector so need to same the pennies! Have a bump on me
  13. Damn this forum and its tempting offers!!!!!!!! haha good luck selling my friends, she's a beaut!
  14. any pics? and what series is it?
  15. Thats a gorgeous specimen of jazz bass at its finest! I would of been interested a couple of weeks ago, but just bought a new cab :/ Bump for the thought of owning it!
  16. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='527433' date='Jun 29 2009, 09:00 AM']I can vouch for the wizards vintage J pickups (the 64s). Very nice pups, very 'vintage'!. Talk to Andy at Wizard with your requirements. Nordstrand have a great reputation as well. A East retro is a strange beast. In passive, the pickup blend does not work, and the pickups are selected using a switch. You can always use it in active mode but flat to be able to blend (but then, what's the point!). You'll need the deluxe version to blend in passive. Audere does nice pres as well. The ACG is a wild beast and will shape your sound like no other. I'd go with a nice set of vintage sounding pickups, with a bigger custom bridge, no active preamp. If you need some dirt for your punk rock band, I'd look for a second-hand sansamp, or sadowsky outboard (both are quite expensive), or equivalent.[/quote] Aye I've heard a lot of good things about Wizard pickups. Didn't Andy at Wizard work for Ken Armstrong? I don't think I'll go as far to get a pre-amp for it. I'd rather invest in a Sansamp bass driver to be honest so I have the option of using it.
  17. I checked in another topic that when it was warming up, your amp would make pops, even on mute. Did that ever get fixed?
  18. Hey Guys Been a watcher of this forum for quite a while now, but never got round to registering until today, as a bit of advice is needed. I'm looking to upgrade my MIM standard Jazz bass. I've toyed with the idea of just purchasing a american series, but I'd rather get a more customised sound. At present, I play in two quite different bands:- The first is a Blues-rock band, mainly covering Hendrix, Santana, Cream etc. I play most of this with my fingers, although occasionally, I'll use a pick to get a different sound from the strings. The second is a original female fronted pop-punk band. Similar to bands such as The Starting Line & Rufio, I play with a pick exclusively. What I'm after upgrading are the pickups and the bridge. The bridge has given me endless trouble, with the saddles lowering themselves regularly. This is especially annoying when I sometimes have to adjust them mid-gig. Many other bassists I have chatted to recommend the Badass II bridge, but I haven't seen many alternatives on the market. The pickups, I'm still quite happy with, but it would be nice to get a warmer sound from them. Any suggestions for both of them? Cheers Joe
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