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Everything posted by Muzz

  1. Ahh, but the Fender VI was sunburst...makes all the difference...
  2. Today I'll be sitting down in the conservatory with De m*ngerhausen's "Progressive Chordal Arpeggios, Volume IV" and...no, no, no, I won't really. I've got 26 bloody covers to learn in a week before a dep gig for a mate of mine, so it's Guigsy basslines a go-go...
  3. Jeff Berlin - 'He's A Tickler': Shock Accusation...
  4. Like a 50-year old Fender VI then? These ground-breaking musicians...
  5. I'd like a 6-string tuned an octave up, E to E...oh, wait...
  6. [quote name='gub' post='1071736' date='Dec 29 2010, 01:57 PM']I was just reading a thread where the action was described as being about the thickness of a pound coin at 12th fret . so just popped up stairs and stuck a pound coin under mine at 12th and its tight on my old ibanez roadstar and a little loose on the aria pro 2 sb 1000 , so was wondering is this a good low action or would you get something like a penny under a really good one ?[/quote] It all depends on how you like to play - pick or fingers, dig in or soft touch. I think I've got a good low action, but then I clart the strings with a pick, so it'd probably horrify some. I have one friend who declares my Ray 'unplayable'. I'll check for a laugh later, but I suspect I'd get a couple of quid under mine...
  7. Wanted: the ability to focus a camera...
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  9. The Dark Lord's F# is a .175! I did pick one up one in a music shop and tried (briefly) to tune it to standard pitch... I didn't get far before realising something was seriously amiss... Seriously, though, does anyone find this a good bass sound? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K57w9pdJPnY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K57w9pdJPnY[/url]
  10. I'm running a Schroeder 1515L, which is the same size (bar about an inch) as the 1212L, if 15s are more your thang. It's indeed hella loud - the sensitivity of these things is 104db - and kicks it out in good style. Not a deeeeep dub cab, but it's monstrous output makes up for that. It's a 40lb one-hand carry, with, as mentioned above, the amp in a rucksack and bass in t'other. I've even had guitarists volunteering to carry it from the van... Oh, and the drivers are Celestion Greens...
  11. Hokay, so I'm settled and amp-GAS free*, so it's time to move my Little Mark III on. I've had it five months or so (the manufacturing date on the back is 03/2010) and gigged with it maybe six times. Absolutely clean, no issues, works just as it should. Original box and packaging, warranty card still not filled out, manual, etc. Not much point me telling you how they sound - there are threads and threads on here about these amps, but in brief; it's a warm, transparent amp, the VLE and VPF controls give a remarkable amount of variety (I've always run it flat and simply used these), it's small, light and LOUD. My mate who runs a music shop summed these up nicely when he said "They make any bass sound better." I'm only moving it on because I'm after more grind, which is one of the few things these amps don't do on their own. I'm looking for £425 plus shipping, depending on where you are. If you're close enough to Oldham you could always come over and try it. I'll put the kettle on. [attachment=66833:IMG_0923.JPG][attachment=66834:IMG_0921.JPG][attachment=66835:IMG_0924.JPG] Cheers, Muzz * For now...
  12. Yeah, agree about the Genz stuff - I found it quite clinical and, well, 'glassy' is something which makes no sense but seems like a word I'm after. I do like my LMIII, it is indeed a very warm SS amp, but my quest for tubeyness* and drive has led me further to the TC. As I've mentioned before, I was nearer the sound I was after with the Sansamp and the LMIII, so much so the Sansamp was never turned off, but with the RH450 I've been able to get there with one box. Plus it has pretty lights on it**. Given the OP was looking at two 'tube' solutions, I'd recommend trying the TC stuff as well before parting with folding. * Not a phrase you hear every day, even on the internet, although Rule 34 possibly applies. I don't care to find out if it actually does. ** Which are a source of endless fascination for our guitard - he's like a dog in front of the TV, watching them move...
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1060025' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:51 PM']Well I`ve spent stacks of money on different basses, only to realise that the very one I coveted from the first, the humble Fender Precision, is the bass for me. With all the basses I bought, I always went for a specific sound, and they were never quite there, as it was the P sound that now realise I wanted. Still, it was fun, if costly, getting there.[/quote] +1000. Are you reading the inside of my head?
  14. + a lot to trying them for yourself: there are so many other variables particular to yourself (bass, style, string attack, cab, etc, etc) that comparisons are only a very very vague guide - I side-by-side tested the Tube, Rocker, Genz Benz and TC stuff, and ended up with the TC. The Rocker I found didn't have much range of tube - kinda 0-2 gives some pretty good tubey warmness, then 2-10 was just fizz. The Tube was the reverse; so subtle it was, well, too subtle for me. Ironic that I found the best tube-preamp-type was the one without an actual tube in it... YMMV, IMHO, etc, etc...
  15. Shuker JJB - I *think* I'd love one, but I guess I'd have to try one first... Anyhoo, GASsing in the meantime regardless...
  16. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1057675' date='Dec 13 2010, 07:09 PM']Christ! He has my respect. That chemo is heavy stuff. I had a one off sky high dose & it wiped me out for the month pretty much. Good luck to him[/quote] Cheers for that mate - he's one of the old-school hard men (his CV has miner (at 15), docker, HGV driver and, ahem, 'Security Consultant') - chemo is fortnightly preparatory to a 6-hour op (with 4-6 days in ICU afterwards) after Xmas to remove an esophageal cancer. I asked him why he was still doing so many shifts, and he said "I'd better get some shifts in now, because I might be off for a couple of weeks after me op..."
  17. Width and lengthways the MM neck was a good fit, IIRC it was a little shallower (board to back), but that's not been an issue, to be honest. Really good necks for the money, if you like a satin finish there's nothing to do, but you can refinish them or even buy finished ones.
  18. [quote name='EddieG' post='1058111' date='Dec 14 2010, 01:15 AM']I've got an SX that I use as a practice bass. I upgraded the knobs, string guide for a Hipshot one, and replaced the electronics but kept the pickups as they sounded pretty decent. Its turned out to be well worth the money. I've been reading on Talkbass that a lot of folk have been stripping the "nuclear orange" tint from the necks, using something called Citristrip. Its not available over here, but I wondered if anyone else had stripped the neck of their SX, and what they used.[/quote] I've got a modded SX which has replaced my USA Ps completely, and I got around the 'Dickinson Orange' neck by simply replacing it with a Mighty Mite off t'EBay. Changed the bridge for a Schaller 3D, and it's frankly the best P I've ever played. It's the one in my avatar pic.
  19. Not a musical gig, but I'm nominating my father-in-law for services to door security work - he had 11 hours of chemotherapy last Friday, and put in a 10 hours shift on the doors yesterday. He's 71. They bred 'em tough in Salford in the 40s...
  20. I play 80% pick, 20% fingers, 0% slap. I use Dunlop grey .88s, have done for years. I don't grip them particularly hard, but I haven't dropped a pick that I can recall. Digging in is as variable as the song requires - everywhere from subtle stuff to a proper JJ twang. Heel of hand on/over bridge most of the time, but it does tend to float around depending on the sound/attack required. I do palm the pick (or stick it in my mush) to play fingerstyle. Thinking about it, there's a lot more to pick playing than first meets the eye, but I've been doing it so long it's become instinctive, so I no longer think about it
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  22. All great in theory (and we have always had music of all sorts on in the house) but don't think you can influence them in any way other than by browbeating them with parental approval or disapproval - they'll pick what they like in the same way they pick what they like in other areas - by peer influence/prejudice and abitrary knee-jerk reaction. The best thing you can do is ensure exposure to all sorts of music so their palette of choice is as varied as possible. My friend seems delighted that his son listens to heavy metal all the time, but he doesn't really - he listens to it either because his Dad does, or because he wants to please his Dad. When he comes to our house, him and my lad listen to all sorts (they're 5/6) and he enjoys it all. My lad used to like the stuff I played (and he still loves farting around on my basses - especially the fretless, which is 'his bass') but now insists on Galaxy on the radio in the car. Who am I to argue? M
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