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Everything posted by lojo

  1. As we all know in our various professions and trades we can push the average advised rules much further when we really know our stuff about something, when most people just take the standard bumf on anything and think its gospel, as that is wise if you dont know the real limits I just do what it says on the tin, ie only 2 x 8 or 1 x 4, but the truth be known there is most likely a massive buffer of safety and you could do more with most amps/cab, surely no business is going to make something electronic and the advise its users to run it close to its limits and then wait to deal with all the returns, there is safety margins built into most things so when someone does cross the mark its the consumers fault TC are clever if this is the case as they are giving us the go ahead to use some of this buffer, but only with their gear Surely if the ratings are correct, then you could use 3 TC cabs with a mark bass head, or 3 mark bass 8ohm cabs with the rebel head, but who is gonna risk it?
  2. [quote name='BassBen' post='963481' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:21 PM']Sold pending the usual![/quote] Good luck with the sale Ben
  3. [quote name='slap_it_hard' post='963028' date='Sep 21 2010, 09:50 AM']What area do you live in as you probably need it looked at, as there really are a few things that if they're wrong with it, you can scrap it ![/quote] Thanks guys, Im gonna gamble Im in surrey area , near esher
  4. [quote name='lojo' post='962413' date='Sep 20 2010, 05:04 PM']Hi, brought this bass from Alanbass1 1 year ago within a few hours of him posting it on this forum, the original thread is here (hope alan does not mind me linking as pics there) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60475&hl=rickenbacker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=rickenbacker[/url] Story is I have always wanted a maple ric since a boy (im now 41), but I have a big wants lists right now (a DB, an investment vintage P, another TC cab, and some non bass stuff) and I can't keep or use everything My P basses are serving me well gig wise, and with the functions middle of the road type music, the ric, although my boyhood dream bass it is not getting used outside of the house Its still in the same condition as when I brought it and it has been cased after every use (one gig and every now and then at home) I am not sure I can say anymore about the bass (alans original post describes it also), but I am based near Esher, Surrey if anyone wishes to view Half of me says stick it under the bed for now, but for now at least its up for sale edit (forgot on top of 1 gig, I played it in my church one time also)[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='962848' date='Sep 20 2010, 11:44 PM']Hhaha, definitely. Most bands I play with havent got a clue what they are. The bassist normally has a normal size/type of cab and mine looks like 'the future'.[/quote] Yeah same here, I only own and use the Tc now, even got rid of my old SWR which I brought new nearly twenty years ago My only problem is when I use someone else amp I now don't own a silent tuner, which is not a major issue
  6. [quote name='keeponehandloose' post='962612' date='Sep 20 2010, 07:31 PM']If its playable what have you got to loose.It would be easy to get your 100 quid back on a resale of a playable bass.[/quote] cheers guys, I don't about double basses, will take a gamble on it
  7. I am wanting to get a DB to start to play on at home I am not concerned if this goes well or not, I am enjoying a playing electric bass in a few bands right now, and just wish to give DB a go My question is please, if anyone can comment I have been offered a 3/4 bass for £100, its been sitting for a few years in a friends, sisters garage (miles away), it has strings, no pickup and is a bit battered but plays No one knows much about it or has the knowledge to pass comment on its make/setup etc. All i know is they said if I am looking for one they will get shot of it for £100 Is this worth taking a gamble on?
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' post='960723' date='Sep 18 2010, 08:01 PM']I have three cabs and Ive never run them all at once, but I will one day. One RS212 on its own is VERY loud.[/quote] You have to do that soon and post what happens, if you survive
  9. [b][/b][attachment=59647:IMG_0240.jpg] Hi, brought this bass from Alanbass1 1 year ago within a few hours of him posting it on this forum, the original thread is here (hope alan does not mind me linking as pics there) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60475&hl=rickenbacker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=rickenbacker[/url] Story is I have always wanted a maple ric since a boy (im now 41), but I have a big wants lists right now (a DB, an investment vintage P, another TC cab, and some non bass stuff) and I can't keep or use everything My P basses are serving me well gig wise, and with the functions middle of the road type music, the ric, although my boyhood dream bass it is not getting used outside of the house Its still in the same condition as when I brought it and it has been cased after every use (one gig and every now and then at home) I am not sure I can say anymore about the bass (alans original post describes it also), but I am based near Esher, Surrey if anyone wishes to view Half of me says stick it under the bed for now, but for now at least its up for sale edit (forgot on top of 1 gig, I played it in my church one time also) TRADES: Would consider stingrays or P basses, basically something I would get use out of with various middle of the road music[b][/b]
  10. I think if the OP posted the details of his next gig, half of the BC community would travel across the country to be there for a listen, would be great to all meet up
  11. [quote name='iconic' post='956867' date='Sep 15 2010, 08:42 AM']Just been sniffing around and find that there are lots of shops selling MIM P bass's for £429 new, with bag...one shop are calling them 2009 'upgrade'...any reason for this? Are they a year to avoid or something? Or Maybe I thought they would be a lot more money? Fender's aren't my monkey so not up to speed on them...but this seems like good value to me for a new MIM? Lake Placid with Maple neck looks peachy...[/quote] I brought a 2009 LPB with maple neck last year new, after not being able to find a decent priced P 2nd hand and needing to gig, I am very pleased with it indeed, I since have also brought a MIJ of this forum wish has become my first choice P, but this is mainly due to the flats on it rather than it being miles better The MIM has stayed very stable and has a lovely real P tone
  12. I don't think anyone would argue with the posts stating some of the cheaper squire and SX stuff will do the job or that you may have a lifelong friend in top end bass (be it a £1500 RI or other make) However please don't rule out japanese fenders basses, you can get a fantastic instrument for around £500 I've a CIJ P bass, it cost me £450 and I couldn't love it more, its seen action already so I am not so concerned about where i use it, so it gets happy use, if I had a brand shiny new RI62 Id be worried to take it half the places I go Having said that MM20 was selling a MIA P bass that is as new and may be worth a look
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='950290' date='Sep 9 2010, 09:39 AM']+1 I would check all preset volumes and gain before worrying about the volume of this amp. It is monsterously loud.[/quote] i have been using a rh450 and 212 for a while now, i trickle a bit into the our pa sometimes, but this on its own has done pubs and small halls, I keep saying I will add a 210, but it does enough as is I've a larger gig coming up soon, and may use that as an excuse to go for the extra cab
  14. lojo

    A/B foot switches

    Prompted by another thread, Im wondering who uses what A/B selector pedal I might get one, to save me pulling leads, but I just want a simple switch, that wont degrade the passive signal, but does not have to reply on a PP9, which the leading brands seem to require
  15. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='950187' date='Sep 9 2010, 07:34 AM']This is a wise, wallet-friendly plan, but remember that you'll roll off a bit of top end as you turn the bass down.[/quote] Or alternate have the gain/volume setting difference in your mind for each bass, and when you swap basses tweak that knob, it will only take another second, assuming your not on a 30' stage!
  16. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='950185' date='Sep 9 2010, 07:32 AM']I'd go down the route of an eq pedal - you can probably pick one up for the same price as a decent AB box[/quote] Talking of A/B boxes is there a good recommend one with foot selector switches?
  17. If you have more volume than you need through your rig with the P bass, could you not just roll the volume off on the instrument to match the jazz on full? I am intending to use both a Jazz and a P at my next gig, mainly due to wanted muted flats and a bright sound for different covers, mine are opposite with the Jazz putting out more than my P
  18. [quote name='synthetic' post='941330' date='Aug 31 2010, 08:13 PM']Hi, new to the site and although I make music (synth based) am about to purchase my first bass guitar. Have been looking at various makes and models but as I don't already play it's hard to know what may be weak or strong points of them.[/quote] If you are just starting out, then I would not get to bogged down with the pros and cons of every bass over every style you wish to play, anything based on a std P or J will be a good starter This forum will inform you of every tech spec for every pickup, neck shape, bridge, string make etc, etc if you ask the question, and whilst that is so fantastic, the minus is the experience of just being happy with your first bass, not knowing its limitations and just getting on with learning to play and enjoying that
  19. Tried some line 6 stuff before settling on my TC head Great idea and some great sounds, but in my opinion, they are line 6 sounds, not your bass which becomes a trigger But having said that, if you just want to play a basic bass and have different style sounds at the turn of a knob, this is simple and will do what it says on the tin I want something that will enhance the character of my basses and the TC does that Please understand though, this is just what I found, and I am just a functions/pub band player not a pro
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='944556' date='Sep 3 2010, 02:02 PM']I had a TC 6X12 cab for a short while, loved it TBH.[/quote] bet that puts out !
  21. Im on this forum thinking about px'ing a P bass for a double bass and could not help noticing this post We do Stray cats strut and Rock this town (stray cats) in our party set (i use electric bass though) Both songs are double bass on the record, are well known and go down very well, at least with the middle aged crowds we play to, so they maybe good choices
  22. Dave's rig is up for sale, he's going lightweight, no more heroes anymore
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='945068' date='Sep 3 2010, 11:34 PM']Luke's conclusion.... without question, unless you can afford the real top end american vintage RIs or something (by which point other makers come into the equation) buy a japanese fender![/quote] I've got a japanese P and a J, both brought from here, and Im very happy with both Recently brought a epi thunderbird new for someone else, I had to ask the shop to set it up before I collected it, if I hadn't insisted they wanted to charge £50 (1/4 of the cost of the bass), but to be fair they did it quickly and for "free"
  24. wow now 19 pages Anyway, Id love to see the original poster play live through the much discussed rig, is that possible anywhere near surrey?
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