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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. Well done @xgsjx , @Nail Soup and@upside downer on a deserved joint win. If you can work out a picture provider between yourselves that would be great, or I can set a tiebreak question for the privilege 😁
  2. I’d forgot about the arts centre ! A proper dive that one ! Quaintways was always on the circuit by all counts , my sisters are a few years older than me and saw the big Liverpool bands of the time and the stones, quo, Roxy music and the like. I did see the AT ‘s a few times as I recall 😂, I recognise one of those Shrewsbury venues upthread as an AT’s gig
  3. I used to use 6 ADJ Pars and link them to a Ryger controller and let it run , the ryger has blackout and flood stomps and a number of set sequences. I had a couple of laser pattern things that I would occasionally use on the ceilings , but no fogs or hazer as the warbler had asthma and was nervous of them
  4. It’s your last chance to vote guys and gals , decision time is at midnight 👍
  5. Chester isn’t too bad at the minute, Alexander’s , Telford Warehouse and the Live rooms are at the top end, and having just won best pub for entertainment in ‘The Great British Pub Awards’ , The Saddle rocks, and is bang on the money.
  6. It is the time that a small corner of the forum offer their humble compositions for judgement by the BC massive. Well done to @upside downer on his excellent win in September, he was forthcoming with his choice of image and has a few words of explanation to accompany it.. "This bizarre spectacle is all part of the El Colacho Baby Jumping Festival where newborn children that have been baptised need to have their original sin cleansed. The costumed man represents the devil and, as he jumps over the babies, the idea is that their sin will stick to him and be removed from them. No babies were harmed in the preparation of this photo 😁" the photo for inspiration being ..... the offerings are as follows , please choose your favourite 3 1 @Dad3353 The tiny tots have not yet learned (been told...) about the Law of Physics and the Real World. Nothing, to them, is impossible, or even odd... 2 @Leonard Smalls As soon as I saw the photo I thought, it could be tragic! Hence, we have a jazzy musing on Chopin's piano cover of Barry Manilow's "Could It Be Magic"... 3 Lurksalot Minimal sung lyrics , but probably still too many , with added real spoken Spanish, courtesy of @mcnach 4 @Nail Soup I had a banjo 'on my knee' when I saw the picture. I checked the rules and banjo is not outlawed... So - a banjo song about the devil and original sin. 5 @Nicko I started with a vocal line "I saw the Devil in the street, He wore Addidas upon his feet", and then junked that and came up with some Neo classical rock nonsense. Part Carmina Burana, part Diary of a Madman 6 @upside downer A devilishly diabolical ditty with angular guitar, stuttering yet throbbing bass, minimalist insistent drums and a vocal style somewhere between a Fisher Price Elvis Presley and a poor man's Johnny Cash. . 7 @xgsjx I've got an entry this month. Bass is my Ibby through the Plugin Alliance Ampeg B-50N. Drums & vocals by Logic (just had fun chopping things up). These all bring a smile and are well worth voting for.... but only 3 voting closes at the end of witching hour , midnight on 31st October have fun.
  7. updated with some real Spanish (and many thanks) from resident speaker @mcnach
  8. Ah , well , that’s where I came from , but ran with it ….da bum tish I do have an update to do, as I have had some authentic input , oh yes. I just need to bed them in to the mix over the weekend and I’ll re-post it
  9. I’ve quoted this post Smanth as it gets to the point 😁
  10. DOH , I can’t believe I forgot banjos 😁
  11. I'm in with a silly bolt it together type of thing . minimal lyrics , but probably still too many samples stitched from my piano that can be told to play itself! then some Uke overthe top to pretend I can play spanish guitar
  12. Go for it , if our boys and girls don’t pick it up, there is always Iceland and Norway to pitch it to 😁
  13. ...and having duly landed, perched on my PC and delivered his load , you are all invited to the party ...
  14. Well done to @upside downer on his excellent win in September, he has been forthcoming with his choice of image and has a few words of explanation to accompany it.. "This bizarre spectacle is all part of the El Colacho Baby Jumping Festival where newborn children that have been baptised need to have their original sin cleansed. The costumed man represents the devil and, as he jumps over the babies, the idea is that their sin will stick to him and be removed from them. No babies were harmed in the preparation of this photo 😁" Bizarre indeed , I suspect that 'bizarre' will be right on topic for one of our eccentrics Simple rules ✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded this month. ✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on ✖️ No Bagpipes. The Autumnal Equinox truce has duly expired . Panpipes only if you have too. ✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you. A line or two offering an insight to your inspiration/track choice will be good as well , it works nicely on the voting thread. The Deadline for entries is Midnight on Monday 24th October. Before closing off just a reminder that come December we traditionally have turkey a cover song challenge, so get your thinking caps on for a song to choose, or even get started on. Have fun
  15. I just turned on the PC and found I had typed it out, but not hit the submit button , DOH !
  16. Well done upside downer. Took an early lead and just kept going , excellent. If you would like to PM a picture I will load it up when I get in from work
  17. Ooh , I think I might look to retire on selling my SoundCloud account 👍
  18. I could have used a lot more votes this month (and not just to vote for mine) and realised everybody probably thought the same , and not to vote for mine 😂
  19. It’s here if anyone is waiting for it I could have sworn I’d already put a link here !
  20. It's the end of another month of music making inspired by last months winner @Doctor J We have another fine selection for your listening enjoyment , so spare a little time and post 3 votes to show your preferences. The compositions were done using the following picture as the starting point. The entries are as follows .... 1 @Dad3353 It all started innocently enough. A fun day out in the fresh alpine air... 2 @NickD The picture suggested getting the hell out of somewhere, sharpish like, so I went for a simple rock & roll (ish) ditty about just that. I did initially have environmentally specific references in the lyrics (snow & such), but replaced them to generalise it a bit. 3 @Leonard Smalls Having been reminded of the film about the Jamaican bobsleigh team, and inspired by the recent thread on drum and bass, here's a bit of Caribbean-tinged DnB. With lots of bass! 4 @Nicko I imagine the lady in the picture is experiencing the same fear which our new PM will experience as she tries to solve the countries problems. With the current economic situation in the country reminding me of the late 70s and early 80s I though I'd do some English Ska. 5 @Nail Soup Picture is someone sliding, so I (eventually) thought of slide guitar. I only really use a slide on my cigar box guitar, made with my on fair hands a few years ago. So Cigar box slide it is. 6 @Doctor J I could empathise with the lady in the picture. As a youth, I had many an adventure which seemed like a great idea to start off with, but quickly sped beyond my control and ended with blood loss. Something fast and violent seemed appropriate. 7 @upside downer It's 2023, sixty years on from the last big freeze and Britain is once again covered in snow and ice. One intrepid granny is determined not to let the inclement weather get in the way of her weekly shopping routine. 8 Lurksalot by the look on her face she was never going to do it again .. OK then that is your lot , but boy , what a bunch we have again . Cast 3 votes , the poll will close at midnight on the 30th September Enjoy
  21. Voting thread to follow as soon as I get a break !
  22. A last minute upload after my computer didn't want to co-operate last night! guitars and bass through a couple of waves GTR3 FX , with EZ drummer doing his bit
  23. I’ve written a song , I’ve tried about a dozen takes on the vocal , it needs more takes 😂 I will keep trying until deadline, then you get what you get🤘 I’ve got a wedding to go to , half a days work , and grand little lurks is staying , this could get messy !
  24. I saw Seasick Steve in the summer , just him and a @Dad3353 lookalike on the drums , good enough sound , especially when they were both ripping it up .
  25. My policy is to listen to the others after mine is just about done , or at least after the point I realise that mine is a killer with a superb vocal and I have absolutely fallen in love with it I digress
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