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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. I've kept this one light of FX to ease the load on my machine before the plunge into the new one goes past the point of no return A few observations put together in an oddish sort of time , reflections of simpler things maybe
  2. I’ve got the old machine back up , by the same process I might get the new one running with any luck. download the offline ‘downloaded’ and install each vst ...individually 🤦‍♂️ ed to add entry now rendered 😂
  3. I don’t feel so bad now having read that the brand is a proper pain in the arris ! the b1tch is that they were pretty much my go to FX and splashed all over this months entry , which I haven’t rendered to wav yet. now I know that the tutorials are utter bollox and I might have lost them , I will try some random approaches and see what happens. If I have less expectation, the disappointment and anger will probably be tamed a touch !
  4. All went well .... reaper ✅ focusrite✅ ASIO✅ Waves plugins ...oh bollocks , checked all the tutorials and it seems so straightforward except non of it is doing what it should and now I can’t access the licenses or plug ins on either machine totally racked off , 4 hrs and I just want to through the f**king lot away rant will continue at some point when I can face trying again
  5. ooh mine is 6Gb and I am upgrading to 32 with a 2TB SSD it might not improve my singing , but hey , who knows 🤷‍♂️ 🎤🎤🎤
  6. I know , but I am at the point that the pain of using the current machine is draining the enjoyment, so I reckon the pain of setting up a new machine will put it all right again soon 😁
  7. Watching with interest , but mine tended to glitch when random windows processes fired up , annoyed me intensely , I am using the month to set up a new machine 😁
  8. I pulled the trigger in that new computer but.... on the model I got , there was no controls for screen brightness and contrast etc and with the screen so big I couldn’t handle it . so that’s gone back. they have however offered to replace it with a higher spec with a silent fan , and 1TB SSD , so I hoping to be relatively future proof in a wee while . I am therefore trying to keep it very simple this month 😁
  9. Congratulations to @skankdelvar who is finding his groove with aplomb and showing the way The image he has chosen for the March challenge is very much on topic as he explains... "The pic for March is daffodils. For me, they signal the imminence of Spring but daffodils could mean anything to anyone." Simple rules ✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded this month. ✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on ✖️ No Bagpipes. please no bagpipes, the Pre-pancake day truce now Expired. panpipes only if you have too. ✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you. A line or two offering an insight to your inspiration/track choice will be good as well , it works nicely on the voting thread. The Deadline for entries is Midnight on Tuesday 24th March
  10. A brilliant entry sir , fnarr fnarr. congrats indeed , I’m looking forward to see what you choose to inspire us with already 😁
  11. Ah yes , you can't get the staff , what an oversight , probably a bit late as you say, though all the protagonists have been tagged in. Normal service will be resumed ...etc etc.. Must say though, that picking 3 votes from that selection was very difficult , should I say , narrowing it down to just 3 was the difficult bit
  12. even then I guess it was a brand new one in its wrapper 😁
  13. So this has no intrinsic value then , it’s just some chancers trying it on ....or even the band themselves 😂
  14. I realise that some classic vinyl and I suppose some rarer CDs have a collector value, but I stumbled across one the other day that seems very odd , mainly because I have this CD! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Who-We-Are-Vega/dp/B01MQ1XQKF now it’s not that I am desperate to cash in on this, it’s just seems odd that a CD I bought off the merch table at their gig would be capable of fetching that sort of money, actually it seems totally bizarre. Any ideas about this?
  15. The posting Time stamps show that I beat you by 24minutes I have added 2 further entries, but luckily today I am having a day off to play lego, star wars and pokemon and lots of others childish activities that I can legitimately blame on grandlittlelurks! If not it would have been tonight before I could get to edit the poll and it could get messy by then. I won't get strict on this as it is for fun and it is a rarity , but you know the score
  16. I think that was my question , where’s your song 😁 There was a deadline but I’ll try to edit the poll in the morning 👍
  17. Well I have to say I had a very twilight zone moment on may way home this evening.. I wrote the above 23 days ago as a jolly quip , but while in the village shop this evening, Mr Howard saw me and asked me to pop in on the way home to have a look at an old door that needed a new handle! that was weird
  18. Congratulations to @SH73 who delivered a fine tune to grasp the January challenge win from a fine set of entries. As was his privilege, he chose the following image for the February inspiration. Apparently only built especially for the occasion , purely to satisfy the insatiable Basschat choonsmithery Please choose up to 3 of your favourites out of this tidy bunch 1 @Dad3353 Suspense, suspense. There's Willy the chimp, hanging on; will he let go, to Panda to the whims of the Mock Turtle..? Not Mushroom for manoeuvre; he may get the Bird, or just stay planted there. Anyway, here's my clip... 2 @NickD So what is he up there for, and what can he see? I've been doing tons of walking bass recently, while getting to grips with upright. The electric bass track on here was going to be a placeholder to be replaced with EUB, but it sounds good (to my cloth ears) as it is, so I decided to leave it. 3 Lurksalot Its a bit of a story about Lego I guess, with of course a hefty reliance on some license on pronunciation . 4 @Nicko The little red and white toadstool in the bottom left of the photo looks like a Fly Agaric mushroom (Amanita Muscaria) which is hallucinogenic (as well as being poisonous) which fits quite nicely with the rest of the photo, so I have adopted a theme of a substance induced dream. I couldn't decide whether to do vocals or an instrumental so I ended up with a halfway house - somewhere between indie funk and an Oompah Loompah song. 5 @Nail Soup Had to be the panda. I went with the 'pander' pun, and made the song about not pandering to big-heads who think they know best. Important note: It's not aimed at anyone on Basschat, where great advice is modestly given of course! 6 @Leonard Smalls Started with lots of percussion, got a keys riff going, added some big guitars, then a pumpinslappy bass thing. After that, a final roll in glitter and 3 coats of varnish. It's not jazz, but it probably is an oddity! 7 @Doctor J A reflection of the superficiality of modern plastic society where little is of substance and little pandas stand beside big toadstools, probably taking selfies. 8 @upside downer This is a jaunty little number with a sense of childlike swagger to it. I needed some small people to help me out so I got three of the grandchildren on vox to add to the vibrant feel that I hope the tune conveys. I don't think it's too sickly sweet but even if it is they had some quite splendid fun yelling into the microphone so all's good. 9 @skankdelvar "It ain't what I've done, it's what they done to me" At the time of going to press these are the contenders ....ed to add 10 @SH73 Monkey in the Jungle (or is it?) 11 @AndyTravis my first go at this Thought process is that the little monkey in the tree is happy to play, the panda is worried about destruction of habitat…as he/she is on the ground and can see what’s really going on… Should be apparent which passage is which… ”ignorance is bliss” Have a bit of fun with a listen to these , some serious some not so , but all excellent 3 votes to play with deadline will be midnight on Monday 28th
  19. I’m home , give me an hour and I’ll set up the vote 👍
  20. I have had a bash at cleaning this up a bit as it was rushed. I had time to redo the bass line with a cleaner sound , clean out 4 guitar tracks , tame the vocal a touch and re-mix it . the idea was to make it cleaner , but who knows ! probably not me
  21. The machine I currently use is an all-in-one , and yep it is tidy , that's why the Mrs loves it !! This one has done most of what I needed since day 1 , well , for 8 years, so I cant complain , especially as the Mrs bought it in the first place So I think a decent spec replacement is only fair. Now if I can get one and set it up in the voting downtime , that would be a bonus
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