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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. Dial in more mids, maybe dial back the bass and/or treble. Maybe you need to look at the height of the pickup as well. Raise the pickup a bit on the P if you can, but obviously, have an ear out for string balance so the bass doesn't overwhelm the treble.
  2. A bit long to watch in one sitting, but a good watch nonetheless.
  3. The Train Kept A Rollin' - Yardbirds / Aerosmith / Motorhead etc.
  4. Any news on who the support is going to be?
  5. Maybe have a look at the Zoom B1 Four. Might be a bit more than £50, but it'll certainly enable you to practice with headphones, and it's small. Zoom B1 Four Bass Multi Effects Pedal | GAK Zoom B1 FOUR | DV247 | en-GB Zoom B1Four Bass Multi Effect – Thomann UK Zoom B1 Four « Multi Effects Bass | Musik Produktiv (musik-produktiv.com)
  6. I'll have a chat with our drummer as to how it should be set up. Managed to find someone selling a Nitro Mesh kit not too far away, for a fair bit less than the cost of a new kit and including the stool. Picked it up today, looks in decent nick, so happy so far. Need to get it set up and plugged in to test it, then find somewhere to keep it 'til Christmas. Just hope he has the patience to actually learn how to play. He's been banging on about getting a drum kit for years, but obviously, I was concerned about him getting one, knocking seven shades of... stuff out of it, then lose interest after a few weeks / months (which was another reason for holding out for a mesh kit - resale! 😀). Thanks for all the help folks. 👍
  7. That's one thing I've been looking at. Most of the budget ekits have the snare off to one side rather than in the middle, which isn't very realistic. Current favourite is the Alesis Nitro Mesh kit. Mesh heads, the snare's on an arm so it can move into a better playing position, an actual bass drum pad, rather than just a trigger pedal (I suspect he's going to want a double bass pedal at some point - will need to get him to learn the basics first though!). Need to look at getting a rug of some description or some sort of isolation material to put it all on. Thanks for the info folks, most helpful! 👍😀
  8. Walk on By - Dionne Warwick or The Stranglers
  9. Have you looked at something like the Tech21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI or VT Bass DI pedals? They combine Preamp and Cab Sim, and have XLR DI Outputs. There are plenty of other DI pedals available that have cab sims on board, but the Tech21 gear is very well respected and very versatile. If you looked at MultiFX setups, you would have a host of further options available, by having both Preamp & DI on board, as well as having effects as well. This would negate having to have further pedals. There's the Zoom B1.Four at the lower end, right up to the likes of the Line6 Helix / Kemper / AxeFX / Headrush which will cost quite a bit. Going "amp-less" is a bit of a fallacy, as you will still need some sort of means to make yourself heard. If you're looking at playing at home/recording/etc. then that's fine, a decent set of headphones will do the trick. If you're looking at playing pubs & clubs, then a decent PA with decent monitoring is probably not going to happen, and you'll still need some sort of amp to make yourself heard (to the band and the audience).
  10. Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  11. Great stuff. Enjoy your new bass.
  12. Bump. Can't believe this is still here TBH. Would like it, but the piggy bank says no.
  13. Surely, with Plectrums, it should be P +5?
  14. Can I Play With Madness - Iron Maiden That would be a gig to see, Iron Maiden and Madness... Iron Madness - Baggy Eddie's, Slow Boat to Aces High, The Number Of My Girl.....
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