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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. Must admit, I was saddened when they decided to discontinue the Midnight Blue option, always thought that (and the 4001 Azureglo) was a great colour. And although I have a Jetglo, I do prefer the natural finishes. Just wish they'd use more figured woods for the Mapleglo basses. The Walnut one's are great because they have more variation in the wood.
  2. My old 4003, and my current one are certainly no lightweights. Not overly heavy, but certainly "substantial". The Walnut one's I've seen and tried seemed pretty light though.
  3. Does it have to be a head and a cab? For that money you could get a Fender Rumble 500 v3 and possibly the cab as well if you shop around. IIRC, the combo weighs around 17kg. You do see them come up second hand as well. There's always the Ashdown Rootmaster's (the 500 is 18kg) and the new OriginAL 300 2x10 combo (about 15kg). Quite sure that there are other lightweight combo options available.
  4. Should prepare you well for a proper Ric then! Bizarrely, although the Rockinbetter's are slightly bigger than the 4003 & Walnut Faker, they're lighter than the 4003. The Walnut Faker is lighter still. I'd forgotten how heavy Ric's were 'til I got the latest 4003.
  5. Love & Marriage - Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra
  6. The Tokai T'birds were all set neck. Nice basses. GLWTS.
  7. And add a sprinkle of reverb.
  8. Absolutely nothing wrong with a Faker, I've got a couple of Rockinbetter basses. Got the first one after I had to sell my old 4003 because I needed the money. Bought a Jazz bass, had one previously, liked it, so got another. Hated it. Sold it on, searched t'interweb for a Rockinbetter, bought one. Great basses (but not light - though neither is a pukka 4003 to be fair).
  9. I would advise that you try a few out before buying one. A lot of people really like the look of the 4001/4003, but just can't get on with the ergonomics of them, as they are so different from any F, or F inspired basses you may have played & loved in the past. The "trick" is to adjust your style slightly. Most people will remove the bridge pickup cover. The bridge pickup bezel's are also well regarded by a lot of players, as are the No Mod thumb rests.
  10. The Walnut Faker was ordered before lockdown, but arrived sometime into it. Now has different pickups, sounds and plays superb. The 4003 just so happened to be relatively close and a very good price. One of those "I'm going to regret it, but what the hell" moments.
  11. Dial in more mids, maybe dial back the bass and/or treble. Maybe you need to look at the height of the pickup as well. Raise the pickup a bit on the P if you can, but obviously, have an ear out for string balance so the bass doesn't overwhelm the treble.
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