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Everything posted by drlargepants

  1. I’ve left the bridge cover on my Jazz and I actually quite like it being there now. The pickup cover really got in the way and is now lurking in a box somewhere. Ric one went as soon as I got it, it’s in exactly the most annoying place imo.
  2. This sort of thing maybe ? https://preview.tinyurl.com/yd2t8rxk i really have no clue when it comes to these things sorry !
  3. Can anyone recommend a small & cheap mixer ? Basicaly I need to run a Sansamp and iPod into to something and output to headphones for rehearsal duties. I currently use an iPad with JamUp and a Line6 SonicPort but the latency is rather annoying, plus my son is forever stealing the iPad and running the battery down. Many thanks !
  4. That’s my perfect bass right there, 60s nitro body with chunky 70s neck. Enjoy !
  5. The ABM head and cabs I had sounded really good generally, very much classic 70s bass sound when combined with a P bass. I moved them on due to lack of volume to weight ratio. It depends what you’re after I guess.
  6. My ABM 500 head always sounded like the Octaver was on to some degree. Ive recently bought a Sansamp to help with this sort of thing when doing jam nights and rehearsals when I can’t be arsed bringing my own amp (every time) This of course assumes there is an effects loop present.
  7. I really like Fender and Chrome flats, all the other big brand flats I’ve tried have just been way too stiff for me (oops pardon) I’m a rounds for fun, flats for work kind of guy lol ;-)
  8. Bill bought my Ashdown cab (at a very good price for him I might add lol !) lovely chap, good communication and so on. Many thanks ! Seán
  9. I bought a Tech21 VT Bass Delixe from Tony. It was exactly as described and was shipped quickly. Thank you !
  10. This is my late 80s/early 90s Pro II. Korean, worth bugger all, but plays very well still. A black and gold would be nice, but I’ve got too many guitars as it is.
  11. Hah I’ve considered learning Wings for Marie but gave up for that very reason.
  12. I find this tricky, insomuch that it’s relentless and tough to keep locked in all the way through (for me anyway !)
  13. I have one of these, bloody wonderful. Nice and light also.
  14. Going to keep this one for smaller gigs I think.
  15. I think I may have to get one of these. Vintage looking but modern neck radius and frets. Plus I won’t cry when it gets attacked by a cymbal.
  16. The guitar is actually very simple generally. The bass and drums though, eek!
  17. Must have been a good year !
  18. Hah too true ! There’s stuff I did back in the early 90s that I cannot fathom how I managed to play back then. My hands must have shrunk !
  19. This is absolutely stunning I must say though.
  20. I loved mine, just couldn’t get on with the nut width. New owner is more tha happy with it.
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