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Everything posted by drlargepants

  1. Morning all Can anyone recommend some headphones for bass practice with a budget of say £100 please im currently using some on ear AKGs and it’s fuzz bass central I use a sonic port and jam up Pro which works pretty well, but the headphones just don’t cut it. Many thanks Seán
  2. I played one a *long* time ago and I seem to recal they were quite narrow. Which is a good thing imo ! I fell in love with them when Cliff Burton started using them, my dream bass. Never could afford one back then though.
  3. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but is the only way to date an AVRI bass to remove the neck ?
  4. What’s the nut width on this btw ?
  5. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day !
  6. I’d be interested to try one, those Dingwalls look stunning. I had s proper panic attack whilst being dragged on stage to play at a jam and the bass was a six string ! Ive not seen a fan fret in the wild around here yet.
  7. I believe this is the case yes. They do sound different to my ears
  8. Well aren’t we ying and yang ;-)
  9. Those fan fret guitars melt my head !
  10. Oh god no ! Infinitely customisable scratch plates ! Argh !!! Must.Not.Look
  11. That’s rather nice. Limelights seem pretty good value also.
  12. It’s the sound though really. You just can’t get that P sound with anything else. I play in what is basically a blues band, and the P just works so well in that environment.
  13. Note to self, don’t by a pre CBS P lol !
  14. Yes that’s the one, hello again :-) i think I’d had a few shandys when I messaged you about it lol ! if I could put a jazz neck on it from a similar era I’d probably love it. Having said that I do prefer a flatter radius on the neck.
  15. That’s the one, micro thin frets, small radius board, silly truss road adjustment etc I have a 60s P obsession from listening and watching early 70s era Queen as a kid. I didn’t take into account my Homer Simpson hands when I bought it !
  16. Nut width. Big front to back I actually like. I think I’ve exacerbated it by putting flats on it, which I’m not that used to playing with, so at the moment it gathers dust sadly. Big nut width, big string spacing, stubby hands. Not a great combo.
  17. Lol :-) thanks for all the pointers. Im not sure I like the neck enough to mess around with the bridge., it’s just too big for me. Its a shame. It’s an incredible sounding bass.
  18. Basically I need to be able to adjust the string spacing better as it’s way to wide for me and the the E saddle ain’t one for being moved either. So fancy bridge required with same screw positions as a 62 P come to think of it you can’t adjust the spacing on a Bad Ass can you ?
  19. If I install a high mass bridge such as a Bad Ass II clone on an AVRI P am I likely to be excommunicated to Talk Bass ?
  20. Could you repost pictures please ? Links don’t work anymore.
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