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Everything posted by drlargepants

  1. I can’t sell it, and I really can’t justify why. I was considering using it as a backup for live stuff, but the AVRI Jazz I have is night and day better. It cost me less than a decent Mexican Jazz does now, so I’ll just keep hold of it and occasionaly curse at it taking up space until the kids grow up. Is I really like the colour a good enough reason ?!
  2. From way back when, when it still had the string mutes, pickup cover and no insert around the bridge pickup. It’s rather lovley looking
  3. Here’s mine (again!) early 2000s so doesn’t have the push/pull knob i noticed a tiny bit of finish checking today so it’s startint to show it’s age. I cant remember what strings are on it but they’re bloody awful. Suspect Rotosounds lol!
  4. Nearly 2.5k for a mass produced guitar seems insane to me, but if you can justify it why not !
  5. I’ve never got Stingrays to be honest, which is a shame as they are plentiful secondhand. I believe there is one with a jazz width nut though, so that might be worth a shot.
  6. You’ve got an absolutly fab rig if you get the 1x15.
  7. House of Tone in Chester are fantastic as an alternative. They’ll do exactly what you want and are very good value.
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  9. Absolutely correct. I suppose that’s where the 4003s comes in then, at just over a grand and a half lol ! I should email John Hall and get his thoughts on it ...
  10. Good point. Some would argue though that by having cheaper replicas you dilute the brand and lessen its desirability and exclusiveness. We’re very lucky now in some respects you can easily get a serviceable guitar for under £200. It’s certainly wasn’t like that in the early eighties. Most of the cheap ones I had were utter gash. Marlin guitars for example. Even Epiphones are quite good now by all accounts 😉 Id always wanted a Ric as Cliff Burton played one a lot in the early days, so all being said the OP is absolutely right and I’m just rambling !
  11. Last band I remember using one was The Hives and that’s not exactly current. Fads come and go all the time though.
  12. That’s it, thank you ! Well they’re not exactly about innovation are they ? Seems to be working for them.
  13. I believe this is because they make a lot less of them now, something to do with the way they are made and state law. Emissions perhaps ? I really can’t remember. They’re certainly iconic, mine is undoubtably beautiful looking and beautifully made, they’re absolutely not for everyone though. (If anything actually is!)
  14. That’s pretty much my old head and cab combined as one. Absolutely brilliant amp and cab with a wonderful tone and a mighty punch.
  15. Yeah I paid £800 new for mine, so made sense. I certainly wouldn’t buy one new now. It’s a case queen these days sadly.
  16. I’ve really gone off mine of late. It’s very heavy compared to my two J basses, and the neck is somewhat chunky (massive understatement) Soundwise it’s never delivered on the Ric tone either for some weird reason. They are bloody uncomfortable to play especially if you don’t use a pic imo. I’ll never sell it mind
  17. Lol you bought that off me !
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