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Vibrating G String

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Everything posted by Vibrating G String

  1. My favorite Jaco bit however starts at 2:25 of this burner. He's rehashing some classic Jaco licks but I dig it.
  2. [quote name='timtoomany' post='1157139' date='Mar 10 2011, 12:21 PM']I realise this is probably sacrilege to say, but I don't get on with most of Jaco Pastorius's solo work and I've never been all that keen on Weather Report. I do, however, like Bright Size Life very much, and I've just discovered the Joni Mitchell album Shadow and Light; Jaco is upfront in the mix and the band; it's a long way from simple comping but there's a laid-back feel to it. So my question is this: can you recommend other albums I should be listening to where Jaco takes a bit more of a back seat?[/quote] This is probably exactly what you didn't want to hear but it's an interesting side of Jaco. My favorite Jaco stuff is also the Joni/Metheny era.
  3. [quote name='blamelouis' post='1157178' date='Mar 10 2011, 12:47 PM']No . Stick to inferior players , you dont get it.[/quote]
  4. My biggest disappointments were my Smith BSR5P and my Status S2 Classic. On the other side of the scale some of my most pleasant surprises were my Peavey and Fernandes, both built with the quality the other 2 should have had.
  5. Don't buy anything, use the EQ like the engineer on the song did. It sounds narrow, roll off a bit of bass, a bit more treble, favor the neck pickup slightly.
  6. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1146469' date='Mar 1 2011, 01:49 PM']i have yet to find a foolproof way of getting the shaft hole dead centred. i had one router method which is wastefull and a bit scary. could manage by hand/eye, probably. other wise i'm not sure how to go about it, maybe a lathe, which i don't have. i'll work on that. any ideas? thanks[/quote] When I made them 20 years ago I would cut the knob out with a plug cutter and then drop the plug upside down into a jig clamped to my drill press table. It was easy to align the jig perfectly by putting a bit in the chuck, lowering it into the jig and then clamping the jig to the table.
  7. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1142527' date='Feb 26 2011, 09:09 AM']here's the 5lb bass (or there abouts)[/quote] Have you weighed it or is that just a guess? 5 pounds is extremely light. Is it mostly hollow?
  8. I like the Hipshot A style, the B style is a bit cheaper but kind of ugly Aluminum is cheaper and lighter and I've always picked that over the brass versions.
  9. I don't have a single setting since I play in more than one room. For funk/rock I like to lose a bunch of the highs and often some of the lows. I always turn off tweeters on my cabs. So many variables to consider. I do prefer the organic focused old school sound and I find the wide frequency range - hifi tone advertised so heavily doesn't sound good to me when playing with a band.
  10. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='1144161' date='Feb 28 2011, 12:59 AM']Its maple apparently. Emailed serial no. Gibson. Most of the weight is the neck. [attachment=73502:tobias.jpg][/quote] Definitely maple with a wenge fingerboard. I love the color! How do you know most of the weight is the neck?
  11. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='1142752' date='Feb 26 2011, 12:01 PM']Yep, got a 1997 killer B 5. Great bass. Superb construction. Seriously heavy.[/quote] Is it walnut? My 1993 is light ash and weighs 7 pounds 15.3 ounces. [url="http://damprabbit.com/guitars/basses/24-tobias-killer-b.html"]http://damprabbit.com/guitars/basses/24-tobias-killer-b.html[/url] The neck is too thin for my tastes and I never play it anymore I do play my Renegade a lot which is not as well made but it fits better.
  12. On the bright side I checked out your pedals, I like the micros a lot
  13. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1142475' date='Feb 26 2011, 08:34 AM']You can find more details [url="http://buildyourguitar.com/resources/lemme/"]here[/url]. (Fig.3 and Fig.4).[/quote] I see where you got your ideas. I just skimmed the page but this one triggers the skeptic in me. Many webpages claim to be true, one's built for guitarists tend to be lacking in good science. I can't really speak to the electronic theory but I've seen the term Eddy currents used in magic cables and he says he hasn't been able to actually measure them but he draws a graph that looks like measurements. Smells fishy. I found these 2 quotes a bit misleading "I am sorry to say that most pickup manufacturers spread misleading information on their products, in order to make more money and to agitate their competitors. So some corrections of facts will be necessary. I am not affiliated with any manufacturer." "These rotary switches are commercially available now, handmade by the author, embedded in epoxy resin (Fig. 9)." And he also makes a special pickup analyzer and numerous preamps. Maybe I'm just rambling
  14. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1142475' date='Feb 26 2011, 08:34 AM']It does that but it also boosts the mids before the cut-off frequency. If the capacitors are the right value you shouldn't perceive any signal loss.[/quote] I think that mid boost is perceived as it does not add energy to a frequency range. But it's a real perception.
  15. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1142032' date='Feb 25 2011, 06:45 PM']all factory made instruments are a load of rubbish![/quote] If you're ever in the area I'll let you play my Peavey. Much better than most boutiques I've owned.
  16. I had an 85 Tokai with the same issue, if you yanked the neck into place it was fine but the neck would always shift back so on that one I remounted the bridge. It was a great Fender style bass with the full Fender experience, threaded saddles that moved around, the whole bit Still a great bass. It does show why BadAss was such a popular swap and why you cut the saddle slots after mounting it.
  17. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1142005' date='Feb 25 2011, 05:43 PM']Thanks for clearing that up dude! I can see that being very handy, not only for Stingrays, but for many, many other basses, Rickenbackers strike me instantly as an example(rather than their suck mode cap).[/quote] It's an old school mojo secret IIRC early Telecasters had this kind of thing in the 3 way switch. I have a few wires with alligator clips on each end and a handful of capacitors. You can clip it to either pickup or after the pickup switching and play with different tones until you find something you like and then solder it in. I've seen more use out of it in guitars than bass but it's cheap to play with and fully reversible.
  18. I could see this originally having a more normal bridge and a Warwick style being added later, and sloppily, as one became available. The bridge pickup screws seem to line up with the strings so it's odd to see the neck one out of line. This could suggest it was a single pickup originally (Jonas Hellborg fan?) and then the second was added later, maybe by the same person who did the bridge. That's a very complex neck-through to copy. Has anyone contacted Mr. Shuker? My curiosity is piqued
  19. [quote name='mart' post='1141487' date='Feb 25 2011, 09:08 AM'] Sorry, could you translate this, please? "Tardy", to me, means "late", but this doesn't seem to make sense. Does it have some different meaning up your neck of the woods?[/quote] It's short for retarded around here. One line in the eBay ad that always raises a red flag for me "Selling for someone at work who has no ebay account." The it's not my bass I didn't know I was saying wrongs things excuse is likely to come up soon.
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1141756' date='Feb 25 2011, 12:58 PM']If I'm not mistaken you'll be after a 34" rather than 35" length (like most 4 stingers, although I could be wrong about this) and 17mm spacing.[/quote] When Ibanez used to list bridge spacing they had this listed as 16.5mm, a small difference. The BTB series is wider than the SR. Tobias 6 strings use 34" & 16.5mm, not MTD's but the old Basic, Classic, and Signature models. It seems 34" & 16.5mm was more popular in the 1990's than today.
  21. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1141943' date='Feb 25 2011, 03:10 PM']So, what's happening here, is it a cap across the hot and ground of the pickup, and what's it doing to the tone.[/quote] Yes, it's a low pass filter on the pickup. With such a small capacitor it will only affect the highest frequencies. This is a cool mod and was much more popular before active preamps became so common. I think it's a great way to give more focus and less glassy highs to a bass but many are wary of the concept as you're losing some signal and that's always seen as bad even though it shouldn't be.
  22. [quote name='Johnston' post='1140889' date='Feb 25 2011, 01:55 AM']TBH I got the impression it's only good for bragging rights or more for aesthetics rather than function.[/quote] you're probably right
  23. 3 strings will make this popular with the punk set.
  24. [quote name='Johnston' post='1139895' date='Feb 24 2011, 05:07 AM']Here's the thing though if you have had it for a few weeks, played it a fair amount, I presume also gigged it and you have [i]just[/i] noticed it. Is it that big a deal??? If a "fault" doesn't detract from the playing or the sound at what point does it become a fault and not just a part of the personality of the instrument???[/quote] Kind of like finding a dent on your car, once you find it the annoyance starts. Until then everything is fine.
  25. [quote name='Johnston' post='1139788' date='Feb 24 2011, 03:52 AM']There seems to be two schools of thought these days. The centre to centre being the same or the stings having the same gap between them.[/quote] As a fingerstyle player I play on the tops of the strings so gap seems ridiculous to me. Maybe as a pick player it would make some sense but only if you never skip a string. What are the arguments for gap? And where's the Emu?
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