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Vibrating G String

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Everything posted by Vibrating G String

  1. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1090511' date='Jan 15 2011, 07:12 AM']The seem to have overlooked the humble blend pot, which might also offer a gajillion other tonal change possibilities.[/quote] Infinite possibilites, as many changes as YOU can hear to help YOU get YOUR personal tone. From Jaco to Marcus to JPJ and everything in between all at YOUR fingertips in amounts YOU decide. If YOU've spent the years to get YOUR tone YOU deserve the finest blend pot YOU can buy. YOUR audience can hear the difference, can YOU? Buy something that makes YOU better than those other losers and buy it now or YOU're a loser too. (the sarcasm above contains clues to the marketing concepts at play here)
  2. [quote name='jimmyb625' post='1090079' date='Jan 14 2011, 05:35 PM']I'd think both Morse and La Rue would have more integrity than to rave about something they didn't think was a worthy product.[/quote] That's the whole point of paid testimonials. They're buying that faith and applying it to the product. It works almost all the time. It's like believing cops won't lie in a courtroom or in another sense why guys won't give criticism to girls they're trying to have sex with.
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1089757' date='Jan 14 2011, 11:44 AM']Definitely dont want to start any kind of 'he does this' type of argument, but im sided with EBMM instruments and theyve changed my perception of how high quality things can be without going totally custom (and paying less). But, what I will say is when Ive emailed Sadowsky, the responses were less than 'satisfactory'/helpful, in fact they were almost rude and arrogant. Every single email to S&T UK or Ernie Ball Musicman USA have been very helpful.[/quote] You said you don't want to start a he does this argument and then went into calling Sadowsky rude and arrogant. This is my general impression of the EBMM fanboys lack of ironic perception.
  4. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1089532' date='Jan 14 2011, 08:58 AM']and here you can get a taste of it... One ridicolously dressed up Sterling Ball (yeah he likes dressing up apparently, each to his own I guess) playing with Dave LaRue [/quote] I would pay a $500 upcharge to have those tones removed from my bass
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1093028' date='Jan 17 2011, 12:06 PM']This is an advert for my actual bass - Gavin, (the seller) had it advertised in several places. Had little response..[/quote] The ad doesn't mention cocobolo or use the word exotic. It also doesn't say it's a graphite bridge but graphite neck reinforcement which makes more sense.
  6. I'd put money on it not being cocobolo, it's a very difficult wood to glue and it's nasty to work with whereas walnut is just the opposite. I don't see walnut as being exotic, mahogany could be but it's a stretch Fender did make some solid walnut basses in the 1980's.
  7. Better off buying a 6 Bill Zolla made necks for this years ago, they were very cool and no one bought them. [url="http://members.cox.net/bzolla/Necks1.html"]http://members.cox.net/bzolla/Necks1.html[/url]
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1091533' date='Jan 16 2011, 08:35 AM'][color="#FF0000"][font="Arial Black"][size=7]THAT LISTING HAS VERY BIG WRITING...[/size][/font][/color][/quote] That's to hold all the hype
  9. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1091521' date='Jan 16 2011, 08:27 AM']thanks for this link..the info from the ad has been really useful and I've sent them an Email to see what other info they may have re: numbers, original cost, advertisements, etc. Can you ad this item to your "watch list" and let me know the final selling price? Any other info that you can ascertain from your side of the pond would be much appreciated.. many thanks..[/quote] It's in my watch list, send me a PM if I forget I don't think he'll get a bid at all, the price is over what it would have cost new. He's going to need to get very lucky to sell it. Here's an ad from your side of the world, it also suggests a walnut top. [url="http://www.guitars.co.uk/used_guitars/bass/1183_american_fender_zone_electric_bass_guitar_deluxe"]http://www.guitars.co.uk/used_guitars/bass...s_guitar_deluxe[/url] And the maple version on eBay not getting a single bid at $1299 [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&hash=item2c592388f0&item=190474062064&nma=true&pt=Guitar&rt=nc&si=1lCVT2fqz2af8yf7XtRIkFg%252FjzM%253D#ht_2447wt_1141"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...#ht_2447wt_1141[/url]
  10. Wow, look at what this guy's trying to sell one for. I guess sitting at a store for 6 years really brings up the collector value [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Fender-American-Deluxe-Zone-Bass-New-Stock-List-2084-/280496623653"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Fender-American-Deluxe...4-/280496623653[/url] I think his wood description of mahogany and walnut may be what you have.
  11. Very cool, it's nice to see Fender stretch out a little in the classic designs. What gives you the idea the bridge is graphite? The dots look like abalone to me too. Cocobolo is very heavy, and even though there's not much of it I'm surprised it's the lightest Fender you've played, I wonder if it's hollowed out? Wikipedia has a short entry, short enough to just post the whole page. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Zone_Bass"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Zone_Bass[/url] "The Fender Zone is a fretted electric bass, introduced in 2001. It has a slightly lighter and smaller body than previous Fender basses. The 2004 models were made of solid Mahogany and Walnut or Alder and Maple timbers and have a pair of Zone humbucking pickups powered by an 18V active 3-band preamp. The model appears to be designed to appeal to adventurous and innovative players, rather than traditionalists. Part of the best-selling American Deluxe Series, the Zone Bass replaced the Japanese P-Bass Lyte Deluxe (which featured a mahogany body, an active humbucking Jazz Bass pickup in the bridge position and a single 9V powered 3-band active EQ preamp), which was gone a year earlier. The Mexican made Fender Zone bass is essentially the same design as the Fender Precision Bass Lyte, which was manufactured in Japan, except for the addition of a set of custom-wound hum-cancelling P/J pickups and a 3-band active EQ powered by a single 9V battery. The J-style bridge unit is supposed to be a customized version of a pre-2004 Deluxe Active Jazz Bass pickup. On the five-string Zone, it's essentially a Vintage Noiseless Jazz Bass pickup with solid covers. The Zone replaced the P-Bass Lyte after its discontinuation in late 2000. Despite their similarities, the Zone costs slightly less than the P-Bass Lyte. A five-string version of the Mexican Zone Bass was launched in 2005. Both the American and Mexican Zone basses were gone from the Fender pricelist at the end of 2006, due to low quality wiring."
  12. Aaargh! This thread made me buy something! I now have a blue set on order He says 14 business days build time but I'm in no rush. I prefer the SIMS style but this fits my budget.
  13. [quote name='owen' post='1088701' date='Jan 13 2011, 02:38 PM']Any further thoughts on the FretLord stuff? How big is the battery pod thang? TIA[/quote] It's junk, basically a piece of fishing line with nicks in it and an LED at one end. You stick it to the neck with clear tape. Fretfx is a useable product, I found fretlord to be more of a scam. It's so cheap many people will try it and few will complain. Well, I'll complain
  14. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1088668' date='Jan 13 2011, 02:03 PM']Help me out here... is this just Fender's attention to detail again or have I slept through an entire model line?[/quote] I had a laugh at that too.
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='1085417' date='Jan 11 2011, 04:55 AM']New bass notwithstanding... am I the only bugger in the world who has never 'got' Les Claypool, has never understood all the fuss about his playing, and has really [i]really[/i] disliked all the Primus stuff I've ever heard? Years ago I bought Sailing The Seas Of Cheese, to see what all the hoo-ha was about. Played it twice. Hated it. Left it to gather dust for 18 months. Played it again. Hated it more. Sold it. Is it just me?[/quote] I feel any great art will be not just loved but also hated passionately by some.
  16. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1084309' date='Jan 10 2011, 07:02 AM']Quite frankly, I'm surprised there isn't a bigger market for fake boutique basses.[/quote] There might be but it's just not revealed by the seller. So far in this thread a few examples of builders making fakes has been mentioned, there must be more we never hear about. I remember when Nash started it was known you buy the replica Fender with a blank headstock and then add your own fake Fender decal, I imagine a number of those have been sold for pre CBS prices.
  17. [quote name='ian' post='1086148' date='Jan 11 2011, 02:00 PM']it sounds great but will this mod devalue the bass ?[/quote] Not as a player. If that's the goal of this bass then it's a great mod as it adds a pickup in almost the P Bass position. If it's a collectable then it will bring the price way down as MM fans don't like customizing.
  18. [quote name='353203' post='1082895' date='Jan 8 2011, 10:30 PM']Blimey VGS....that's 35 strings you've got there mate ![/quote] There's more but my camera is only so big They've all been gigged, no bedroom warriors here. Except the EBMM SUB but I'm not going to keep that one. If I sold them all I still wouldn't have enough to buy one Fodera.
  19. Here's some of my collection [attachment=68214:7DeadlyFins.jpg]
  20. If it plays fine for you get it, there are many wonderful things about the basses.
  21. Here's what I mean by the strings being too close to the edge. Couple this with the neck shifting and the frets being over rounded and the G string falls off the fingerboard during normal play. I was told this is acceptable. I've also been called a number of names for suggesting there is anything wrong with this. [attachment=68108:Status_S...lassic_b.jpg] Compare the 4 string to the 5 string model and you can see how they have different amounts of spacing to the edge of the fretboard. The 5 has less tolerance for sloppy fretwork than the 4.
  22. I briefly had an S2 classic, found it very heavy and the strings are set right at the edge of the fingerboard on the 5 strings, too close for me. They have 18mm string spacing at the bridge and most Kingbasses I've seen use the very narrow spacing so that's a big difference.
  23. [quote name='Wil' post='1077297' date='Jan 4 2011, 05:45 AM']So, my question is, are there any other basses out there that offer a similar pickup arrangement? I can't believe no one has thought of such a versatile configuration for bass before?[/quote] Been done a bazillion times, besides the Burns mentioned the Fender Bass VI from the 1960's or their more recent Stu Hamm model. Some Gibson Ripper variant did it and bass necks on Strat bodies have been made in many garages for decades. This may be the first time it's been named after a South Park character though
  24. [quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1076779' date='Jan 3 2011, 01:08 PM']A burl here or there or some flame isn't a great indicator of tonality or resonance either. These interruptions in gain may also be a detriment to strength in the first place as they aren't supportive of the tensions of the strings and generally the construct of the whole instrument.[/quote] I've seen enough bent necks that warp right at the one flame in the neck to assume straight is more stable than pretty. And if there was some kind of wood sorting going on you think we would know more about it. We can find pictures of the CNC machines but not of the highly skilled toneologists sorting $2 planks of alder and ash.
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