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Everything posted by LeftyJ

  1. Pfff, who still buys hybrids these days? Fender are way behind AGAIN (or still). Mine are fully electric!
  2. Aye, those were everywhere back then! I was playing through an ABM300 C210T myself at the time. Bought one new, traded an EBS Gorm 2x10 for it. Quickly got a 1x15 extension cab because at 8 Ohms, the internal speakers weren't nearly loud enough to support a band. The abundant sub bass (yes, also with the subharmonic generator off) made it hugely inefficient and sucked up all these watts. I had to cut the lows to 9 o'clock to punch through a mix. I was never really happy with that amp. I've been playing EBS again ever since selling the ABM in 2009.
  3. This one? That's crazy indeed. I bought mine (a 2001 LX) in January 2021 for €500.
  4. I think Lakland was very common in the 00's. Most notably their classic design with the MM-J pickup configuration, but you'd also see loads of P's and J's with that oval bridge plate with big names on stages everywhere. Foo Fighters comes to mind, and Incubus (I've seen them with Ben Kenney rocking a Lakland Jerry Scheff signature), and of course Darryl Jones before he briefly returned to A Basses where the design of his signature bass originated from. Lakland were founded in 1994, but were at their peak in the 00's. Lakland also brought us the now legendary Fred Hammon Darkstar pickups, based on old Hagstrom Bisonic pickups. More reissues and interpretations of that pickup would follow from the likes of Guild and Curtis Novak, but I think it was Lakland that first put them into their basses in the 00's - on the Decade model, before Fred Hammon ceased production and Lakland replaced it with the Chi-sonic.
  5. Same, Android with Chrome. Only happens to me on Basschat. Says it's related to OneTrust, and links here for more info: https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies
  6. Listed in March. Unlikely to still be available, the seller probably just never informed Arni that it has sold. Unless it's you and you happen to know more about it 😉
  7. As a lefty, I've never had the luxury of walking into a music store and comparing various Fenders to pick the best one. Worse: I've never been in a music store that had a lefty USA Fender bass in stock! I have a 1975 reissue Fender MIJ Jazz that I bought used in 2009 and love, but I haven't a clue how it compares to the real thing or to a modern USA Jazz because I simply have never laid hands on one in my 20+ years of playing and having owned (and sold) over 40 basses . It's a fine bass though that I enjoy a lot and would highly recommend. I did get to play a lovely 69 Mustang Bass and some Musicmasters and those really stuck with me but unfortunately I haven't been in the position to buy one. I would love to, though!
  8. These are inspired by the 2001 limited edition, that was nicknamed Streamette because it had the Corvette bodyshape with the curves of the Streamer, of which only around 50 have been made. It had a double P configuration which I thought was a lot cooler! https://reverb.com/item/1618529-warwick-streamette-2001-natural
  9. The Placentia Series is apparently a new Chinese range that sits below the currently Indonesian-made Tribute range (formerly they were Korean and even Japanese). There are several damning reviews of the Placentia Series models all over Youtube. What a shame
  10. I get this question regularly, so I'm prepared these days . Still, I need to double-check sometimes because they're never in the same room together. Currently it's 11 electric basses, 1 fretless acoustic-electric bass, 5 electric guitars and 3 acoustic guitars. Oh, and a tenor uke
  11. ...and an unnecessarily HUGE truss rod access hole which further weakens it.
  12. Is it one of these? https://reverb.com/item/13195871-warwick-thumb-bass-limited-edition-dirty-blonde-2006 Some things for consideration here: - The Dirty Blonde, while cool, has none of the traditional Warwick woods or pickup config. It's got its own thing going on. The MEC splitcoil sounds nothing like a P Bass, it's much more polite, clean and hifi. I have one in a Streamer LX. I Iike it, but I wouldn't expect Fendery tones. As with EMG's, there is no true passive option either but just an EQ bypass; - The Thumb won't necessarily have a thinner neck than your Spector. I have two ovangkol necked Streamers from roughly the same era and they're chunky. This one's maple, not sure if these have a different profile; - The ergonomics of the Thumb aren't for everyone. That short and stubby top horn means the first fret requires a bit of a stretch when on a strap. Also potentially prone to neckdive because of this; - Resale value of used Warwicks is all over the place. It's hard to pinpoint a value here because it's a limited edition, but when comparing a regular Thumb bolt-on I'd say your Spector is in another league and worth more. For comparison: I paid €500 for my lefty 2001 Streamer LX less than two years ago. If it's in your area and looks tempting I would definitely give it a try though, and consider making an offer after selling the Spector. But not for £1800.
  13. Yes, this. I've owned 4 American G&L's (not Tributes) of which 3 had the Saddle Lock bridge. 2 of those are guitars. On my current ASAT Special, the saddle lock only barely touches the low E saddle. On my previous ASAT Special and my SB-2 it didn't touch at all. The 4th was a Legacy Special guitar with a trem, no issues there. I never took an issue with this, I don't really mind the saddle lock feature because I feel it pushes all 6 saddles slightly off-center when tightened and it doesn't add a noticeable benefit as far as transfer of vibrations goes.
  14. I would start by emailing Dawn at Status. They've more or less shut down recently, but are still running the webshop for parts, strings e.a. and still offer servicing to existing instruments. They may have the parts in stock. Up until shortly, they still made the Chris Wolstenholme signature "Uprising bass" which is based on the original Series II, and uses the original monoblock hardware:
  15. That's lovely! And those Dynasonic / DeArmond 2000 pickups are among my favourite single coils for guitar. Just brilliant! There's something about them in terms of pick dynamics and tone that you just don't get from Fender style pickups or P90's.
  16. Entry level basses often have very thick finishes. It could be possible that after stripping the finish the bridge sits a little lower now. In that case you'll need to raise the saddles a little bit: https://www.wikihow.com/Adjust-Action-on-a-Bass#:~:text=Adjust the Action,-{"smallUrl"%3A&text=Select the proper tool for,adjusters will lower the action. EDIT: Nevermind. I missed the bit about mounting a new nut. It's probably that.
  17. Came here to say exactly this. Not a good look, needs cloverleaf tuners!
  18. Looks nice. Never seen guitars or basses before that have been "Crafted in the Phillippines"! Interesting.
  19. That's lovely! I've been a huge fan of the Musician for years, and have owned three (two 1981, one 1983. All MC924's). I've traded my last 1981 earlier this year because I only occasionally play the 1983 anymore. I like the thinner and narrower neck better, and it's a bit lighter too. I've also come to appreciate the PJ pickup combination a lot more over the years. It just works! The bass has seen its fair share of abuse before I got it and it shows, but the neck is undented and hugely comfortable 1983 also makes it my YOB bass (in fact, only a month younger than me!) which makes it all the more special to me. I'll never sell it! The one on the left. The one on the right now resides in Boston, MA.
  20. You know damn well what I mean 😉
  21. Does it also have an output for connecting it to a mixer, for home practice on a pair of studio monitors or an active FRFR speaker, or is it strictly headphone only? The former would be really interesting, since I play bass at my desk most of the time - where I have my KRK V4 Series II speakers and a simple 12 band mixer.
  22. Well, they've just released a new series of Jazzmaster-based guitars. Maybe a bass version of that?
  23. I still don't like the bound, sharp angled tops of the higher end models and the U5. I think it makes them look unnecessarily large and bulky. I've been intrigued by the U5 since it first came out, but I would like it so much better with rounded edges. I'm loving the new V8, and the included gigbag also looks pretty impressive.
  24. And they're even doing a lefty version of the '66 Jazz!
  25. I would be very interested in that pickup combination, it looks cool and I bet it sounds huge! I've been drooling over this RS Guitarworks Contour Bass '54 for years, which likely inspired the Squier Paranormal 54 Jazz. I think they look incredible, as if old Leo actually designed and built the Jazz Bass in 1954.
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