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Everything posted by Jack

  1. So a while ago (edit: turns out it was almost six years ago!) I decided to sell my Stingray 5. It was a great instrument but 5 strings just wasn't for me and besides, I had two other Stingrays. After a while of nobody coming up with the money and rejecting a few trade offers, I somewhat reluctantly accepted a part exchange deal where I was to have most of the money and the rest was paid for in a beaten up mid-nineties Stingray that had been modified. Whatever, I can sell it later and I only 'paid' £400 for it. Instant number 1 status. I don't know whether this tree got some extra sunlight or some extra water or something. Maybe the robots that built it were having a really good day. This bass is just every cliche about 'feeling like home', 'old baseball glove', all that. What's really really telling is that, when other people play a bass of mine, they're always polite and pleasant about the other basses but they positively gush about the red stingray. Also, I apparently have never given it a glamour photoshoot...
  2. There's 12 year old girls in my school playing 34" basses no problem. I started at 13 and most of the girls at that age are taller than the boys anyway. If she needs a short scale though then I'd echo the Talman and suggest the Jackson Minion. Great basses if you like the look. I also had a Gretch that was nice but I probably wouldn't that as my only bass.
  3. That's pretty. Bitsa? Custom? Refin? More information if you can please. 😁
  4. Feel free to keep an eye on the classifieds this weekend...
  5. There's a tallboy in the classifieds here that's down south and it annoys me that it's not closer. </whinge>
  6. Ebmm have cut their colours right down. I think the bongo comes in 2. The stingray has what you're talking about too, different finishes per string number.
  7. Wireless is more about not tripping or tangling a cable than it is about that.
  8. Rack amps should have inputs on the back. It's fine on normal amps but on racks they need to have an extra on the back. If Peavey can get this right why can't others? My last wireless was only half width, so that left space if I needed it. Not that I needed it, because the helix (which was designed to go in a rack!) had an input on the back.
  9. Out of interest, why 80% volume?
  10. They all sound poop when I play them.
  11. Hi everyone. What are the differences in the old (Lee Sklar) Microbass combos? Unfortunately when I Google no matter what I do I get people explaining the differences between the -s and the -e (chorus, etc) but I mean the differences between the -e i, ii and iii. Thanks
  12. Hi everyone. I have a Nano that hosts my main gigging setup which is powered by a Cioks DC7, and very good it is too. However, I've also got another board that very rarely leaves the house that consists of Korg Pitchblack Advance TC Mojo Mojo Tech 21 Paradriver This is not a complicated board, it has less than 100mA of draw even if everything was turned on and it doesn't need isolation. I have been using pedal board batteries to power this (Warwick and now Harley Benton) but I'd prefer a wall solution, what fits under a Nano that's not really expensive? I was looking at my guitarists board which has a Vitoos Dc4 but that seems discontinued. I have a preference for something that plugs straight into the wall and doesn't use a power brick but I have a spare Diago Power station that would fit in top in a pinch. Thanks
  13. Hi everyone, selling my Zander Sono dual distortion pedal. I'll get some photos up asap but it's good as new in a not quite so good as new box. Excellent pedal with one channel that goes from clean boost into light overdrive and the second which goes from overdrive through the really extreme slightly gated fuzz. It's this one. £95 posted anywhere in the UK.
  14. The amount of people who have quoted me in this thread proves that there is, at best, a very loose correlation between cost and quality. Is a £6k Fodera noticeably better than a £100 Gear4Music own-brand p bass? Absolutely! Do all the basses in between follow that logic in perfect cost order? Not at all. I really belive that, if you'd never heard of any of the brands, you'd say my MIA and MI Fenders was near the bottom of my pile. Certainly below my Sire V7, which cost half as much.
  15. Are you blending that signal with one that never leaves the helix? Makes me wonder in the delay from the da/ad is causing the phasing.
  16. Most of the big names make a power supply that will handle that no problem. My Cioks DC7 would, as would a Strymon Ojai. In fact as long as there's one high current output for the Boss the rest could probably all share. Something like the Cioks Adam will manage if you combine the two high current outputs. Harley Benton make a few that fit the bill on the cheaper end of the market.
  17. Welcome to Basschat. It's a beautiful day in the North... 😁
  18. Well not necessarily. It's not always convenient or indeed possible to mic a cab. Or you might be using your amp with a different, provided cab, any number of things. If nothing else having more options is always good.
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