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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. hubrad


    I used to use roundwound Elites steels, as they were the only thing I could find for 5-string headless.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673[/url] but now I mostly use flats - Picato made me a special set, so Ive got into their strings. If you use rounds and the board gets chewed, a decent repairer can skim the board.. the fretless equivalent of a fret dress.
  2. hubrad

    Leeds Locals

    I just spoke to my mate who has the hairdresser's shop in Fartown; he said it certainly was closed. Doesn't know if it opened back up so far. Could be worth that drive past, or else assume it's not there if you can't get hold of anyone.
  3. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='523954' date='Jun 25 2009, 06:03 PM']Get a teacher, its the easiest wayi think of learning something. I dont have an EUB but i do Have a DB and well it uses alot of different muscles, and can be quite tiring.[/quote] +1.. DB has a bit of a reputation, because of the difference and extra physicality, for hurting players; train for it and you'll get lots of enjoyment from it. If you really fancy the occasional bit of bowing, take a few classical lessons as well - those folks do it almost exclusively, so you can get a real boost that way. Otherwise, think of it as a really long scale fretless the other way up! Welcome to the world of welcome.. people always seem pleased to see a Double.
  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='523556' date='Jun 25 2009, 12:50 PM']To be honest its already starting to feel a bit sour Band leader dude has stated the bass tone must have no treble, no middle, there must never be slap blah blah blah blah. Just starting to feel the pinch that got me out of playing in bands all those years ago [/quote] [quote name='alexclaber' post='523579' date='Jun 25 2009, 01:08 PM']Be bad, sit back, mute lots and play it cool. And then tell them you'll let them know if they're good enough. Alex[/quote] +1 to Alex.. the band thing has to work for you as well as them. To an extent, you are auditioning them, too. If you're feeling fed up now, imagine a couple of years down the line and you're in a rattling van at 2am coming back from a distant gig! Half the thing of being in a band is the dynamic between the members - obviously that doesn't neccessarily appear at audition, but if the band leader is already giving you instructions then that will probably be the case in future. As long as you can deal with that it's not a problem (plenty of brill bands around which are Mr or Mrs.Songwriter Plus Supporting Musicians), but it sounds like you're more after the equal input type of dynamic. You sometimes find that you have to tweak your tone to fit in with a different set of players and instruments; listen to the whole context and see if you're fighting someone else for a particular frequency range - sounds like you have the gear to make a wide range of sounds, and it may actually be that somewhere between his decree and your current tone there lies the ideal sound for this line-up. Best of luck, hope it turns out enjoyable!
  5. How about a new forum for Other Related Musical Personnel Wanted and Available? It strikes me there are quite a few multi-instrumentalists on here, plus most of us will know of other players.
  6. I still really like the Original shape!
  7. [quote name='AlexLong' post='521884' date='Jun 23 2009, 05:23 PM']Don't resist it!!! Your will power is too strong - aarrggh back at you!! A[/quote] +1.. I played one at Mo's place a few years back; top notch gear, not to be regretted as a purchase if only I could. Go for it!
  8. [quote name='BassBod' post='521724' date='Jun 23 2009, 02:25 PM']Why not fix the Trace..may not cost much?[/quote] +1 to that.. find a local amp repairer - prob someone on here will know of one in your area. I have the ser.7 AH250SMX, which has XLR DI on the back.. took me a couple of years of struggling with plugging that into stage boxes and not getting a good signal before I finally asked TE about it.. not actually a balanced output! They supplied a transformer and instructions.. spot on and I still have it after 16 years! If it breaks I'll get it fixed.
  9. Looks tasty, sounds tasty (nice website!). Where are these made? No-one seems to tell you this! Like you I'm into 5 strings, but there you go. Good luck.. this should please somebody!
  10. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='492114' date='May 19 2009, 09:05 AM'][url="http://www.jamguitars.co.uk/cables.htm"]RRP £50 for a 3m cable?[/url] ([url="http://www.guitarzone.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_45&products_id=888&osCsid=f9240d9eae44103626b55d0eefd4baf2"]here too[/url]) That seems a bit... steep. S.P.[/quote] It did seem so, but after a free trial on a gig - get a gig at The Cricketers' Arms in Keighley and talk to Neil of The Den.. [url="http://www.thedenkeighley.co.uk/"]http://www.thedenkeighley.co.uk/[/url] - the effect on the sound of the whole band was [u]very[/u] surprising! That line-up, Euclid Avenue, is now fully kitted out with Cream, as is Crosscut Saw [url="http://www.crosscutsaw.co.uk"]http://www.crosscutsaw.co.uk[/url] Now the only time I don't carry them is when I'm really not going to be in any control. Can't have any T,D and H trampling them. Nice colour too![attachment=27516:Edinburgh280308.jpg] We can spend a couple of grand on a bass, then hundreds (or more) on an amp...
  11. Nothing wrong with extra lights; they don't do it for me, but that's me. If they work for you, by definition they're a good set. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='520578' date='Jun 22 2009, 10:40 AM']If anyone thinks any less of me for using low tension strings I couldn't give a flying feck and I envy them that they don't have anything more important to worry about. [/quote] +1 Do your thing, that's what matters. Anything that helps you in that direction gets my vote.
  12. Nemmind the gig.. the Weissbier, man, the Weissbier.. how was it? (Glad to hear the gig went well, honest!)
  13. Oww! Bad slip! Hope that's mending well. Anybody got a spare pair of chain-mail gauntlets? Actually, Mithril might give an interesting playing tone too and also protect from any nickel allergies. Maybe we could start a sub-thread of the most inventive methods of self-protection? I just can't give up the power tools!
  14. 70 x 170cm, white fibreglass thingy. We took it out to install one with space for showering. No taps (re-used on the new bath, so standard spacing) but it has handles at the sides for easier standing up while hunting for the soap. Has the metal legs attached to the bottom, but no threaded feet, as we also reused those.
  15. [quote name='mrcrow' post='519312' date='Jun 20 2009, 02:27 PM']i suppose its too pansy to wear gloves[/quote] I'll use work gloves even just (just?) unloading the van if I'm working a festival stand with the shop. If anyone else wants not to, the choice is theirs, but we're nearly all gigging musicians and as we all know it's amazing how small an injury can put you out of action.
  16. [quote name='Tradfusion' post='492843' date='May 20 2009, 12:07 AM']String Spacing is 17.5mm for those who were asking.. [/quote] My fretless is 17.5mm spacing.. very comfortable for everything! Best of luck with this.. looks gorgeous, and it sounds like there are plenty of BCers to testify to the feel and sound.
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='519896' date='Jun 21 2009, 12:37 PM']...our drummer couldn't get his stool on.[/quote] The imagery makes the mind boggle.
  18. A great afternoon at Bankstock on the fringes of Pudsey: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=51570"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=51570[/url] with at least two BCers - self and Bassmonkey - playing. Any others? Good music, beer, food and fundraising! Then on to a wedding ceilidh which seemed to go well; beautiful old hall venue, nice folks. Someone had a moan right at the end after the caller did a dance that was maybe a bit tricky for people who had been drinking since the afternoon.. ho hum! Timing ran late - it's a wedding, relax! Anyway we got a bonus to stay on a bit longer. Good carbohydrate-rich supper for a boost.
  19. hubrad

    Bankstock - Pudsey

    Excellent do.. the sun shone, the beer flowed and the burgers grilled. Good music and poetry - Mik Artistic has to be seen! Thanks once again to Andy Bassmonkey for the use of his rig.
  20. hubrad

    Bankstock - Pudsey

    [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='513562' date='Jun 14 2009, 08:43 PM']And I am on with The Cardinals. Lets compare Rickenbackers eh? he he he. Cant wait, is hopefully gonna be a great day and lets raise a ton of cash Andy[/quote] Excellent! I have no Ricky for comparison, only fretlesses.. I'm standing back in with Crosscut Saw, as Rich can't make this. I was fully with them a few years back. Really looking forward to the opportunity to play in that context again! Hopefully I can catch some of your set; I have to get off for the evening gig. Speak to you there! HUGH edit - I've just noticed you're on twice, great stuff!
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  22. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='517567' date='Jun 18 2009, 04:50 PM']I don't, however, believe that stopping doing things you love because of the potential risks is a particulalry fulfilling way to live your life either...I played in a band where I'd be critised if I did anything that required the use of my hands outside the band - that incudes any exercise, lifting, DIY, work in general!...it went a long way to expaining the health of the rest of the band and quickly got beyond reasonable when being part of the band meant that I wasn't allowed to have a life! I still take plenty of care though to minimise any risk of damage to my hands.[/quote] True enough.. I never particularly enjoyed using bungee straps anyway. Still do DIY (including power tools, oh yes! ), wall building and knocking down, car stuff and even the occasional bit of rock climbing to this day.
  23. AhHAH! Somebody buy this, please.. I played one in his workshop yonks back and it presents severe unaffordable temptation!
  24. [quote name='sifi2112' post='517636' date='Jun 18 2009, 05:51 PM']It's not the 'curved/hourglass' model as pictured but I'd say a more modern look. Yes I know it's pretty vague but he hasn't got any pics but it sure does look nice. Apart from the wenge fretboard I don't know what other wood he used .. like I said just ask him. Si[/quote] Are you advertising this on Paul's behalf, then?
  25. I've got a Tribal Planet GSX6 twin bass.. weighs a ton when fully loaded but two sections so you can put just one in. Half of me is waiting for the rucksack straps to snap, but no sign of it after a few gigs! Good stiff pockets too. Like this one (in the shop where I work) [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/3818"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...roducts_id/3818[/url] but holds two basses and costs a few quid more. Will do a discount for BC dwellers!
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