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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Did you do the old stick a ciggy behind the string on the headstock then? Of course if you were smoking a "Lardy" you'd need a double bass..
  2. Nah, that's not a traditional Latvian sport Shurely...
  3. What is that then ?.. One of them traditional sports where you have to throw hammers at a goat or something? 😁
  4. The poor bloke only wants a Ricky body making up... 😁
  5. Back to Op's idea, I do likes me a rickenfaker... I'd think a rick body being a thinnish flat slab wouldn't be too challenging to cut out on a bandsaw or even jig saw and fettle by hand, the binding would be the harder part I guess.
  6. I looked at them years ago with some interest as regards what they could do, but really didn't like the designs at all. Sounds like you could install the relevant bits in most other basses then, of course assuming you could get just the elec parts without having to buy the rest of it!
  7. Out of interest could you in theory pull the 'leccy guts out of a variax and install it in a different bass?
  8. I'm just awaiting Vlad's consignment of gold bullion...
  9. I think he meant join him in his "funny farm"... I dread to think who the "us" comprises... 😱
  10. A bit like asking "alexa" if she fancies coming back to your place........
  11. It's best to have them just leaning in corners all over the house, that way you can just pick em up and have a twang whenever..
  12. I've not come across (or noticed) these before, they're rather "groovy" aren't they.. Would look well alongside a Bass VI
  13. Back in the day when bands were usually a gang of mates, a drummer I played with (through several incarnations of a few bands) was exactly that, we were best mates and used to hang out, go to gigs, take funny little pills, get off with girls, eat kebabs, etc blah blah.. This was all, I believe, reflected in our playing as a "rhythm section" if you want to call it that. We'd just naturally play stuff, lock into grooves, jam things and develop them into song structures, whatever. I somehow doubt this kind of way of going exists much now, (tho I'd like to think it did) Anyway good plan to try a "bass and drums alone" session and hope it is productive.. In your case I guess I'd make a mental note in advance of a few things or areas you think would be useful to work on. I'd start off with just jamming with some bass line ideas and go from there...
  14. Of course doing something stressful with your hands can indeed cause this kind of thing, I've done a lot of quite violent stuff with them over the years, bashing things with big hammers, using hefty powered tools and all manner of stuff that can inevitably be a bit damaging.
  15. I need them to read or manipulate things in detail, but I certainly wouldn't wear em doing a gig, nooo.. I did have a phase many years ago of wearing dark glasses ALL the time, but that was just a daft pose 😂
  16. I've had that and a kind of numbness in the thumb and forefinger of the RH occasionally, but tend to think it's as I've been lying on it or sleeping awkwardly rather than anything sinister..
  17. I've only ever tried old / vintage semi acoustic basses so I've no idea what modern ones are like, but the ones I've tried have been very dead with a "plonk" type feel when played acoustic or plugged in, none of the zingy sustain you might expect from a reasonable electric bass. I'd think a very "thuddy" sound with little sustain would also effect the sound any electrical fx device would "read" and reproduce? Perhaps extreme synth type sounds likely wouldn't care what the signal was so much tho?
  18. ^ like the man said.. They always end up like no4 whatever you do with them anyway...
  19. Just one opinion of a likely scenario, based on the angle and position of the crack, academic anyway as I doubt anyone here's going to splurge in excess of a monkey on it 😁
  20. Sounds like the delirium tremens again, all that Latvian Meths...
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