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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Ah, that good ol' rockabilly twangster Eddy Currents 🎸
  2. Hand moisturisers? Wtf... That said I've often got diesel, tractor oil, or ep90 on my hands....
  3. I dread to think, I'll enquire of him on the Ouija board later (just in case)
  4. Which reminds me.. We haven't heard from old @snorkie635 recently... Hope he hasn't put the batteries in the wrong way round, and electrocuted himself.. the muppet..
  5. Maybe he identifies as a Jack plug. 😁
  6. Blimey, glad I don't work for your firm... 😱
  7. Imho they ruin the look of a lot of basses that are otherwise a nice looking Fender copy by sticking some 'orrible shape headstock on it ( I didn't think Fender are like John Hall going mental about design patents etc either but? )
  8. I like the P on the left I really don't like the headstock on the other one.. (and it's a kind of jazz)
  9. That's a very good point Nilo I hadn't thought of that..
  10. That would've been a classic Vesta beef risotto of course...
  11. I once (in my youth I hasten to add) put a chromed metal scratchplate on a P bass copy, this was definitely made of steel under the plating. And it made absolutely no difference to how the thing sounded
  12. Well despite receiving no "we're collecting it today.." type confo email, which I'd foolishly expected, DHL did actually pick it up about mid-day, so it's en route.. let's see what snags occurr now..
  13. Very good point, I had one very briefly in the early 80s, thought it was total shlt and got rid of it pronto.. If only I'd known I'd have stashed it under the bed for 40 yrs.. and flogged it now for 6 grand or whatever stupid price they are..
  14. Not seen that, a delicacy down your way I assume..?
  15. I've no idea mate, he got done for murder or something didn't he?
  16. De Doo Doo Dah (or wot ever it was). The Porkers
  17. Absolutely not, don't they have a funny little thing with a few strings they hit with sticks or something..
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