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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. No tuna pedal as such, but have a few fx pedals that have a tuner in there somewhere.. I've got an old Seiko st747 chromatic tuner with a swingy needle thing that still works, oh and some cheapo headstock tuner that a friend got with a ukulele and didn't want it!
  2. You might be lucky and one day the courier bloke just leaves the "lost" one on your doorstep, it's bound to go missing, like, innit... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Mmm, garibaldi's, or squashed fly biscuits as my mum called them, I'd forgotten all about those.. I must look for a packet tomorrow
  4. I had a few 70s fenders back in the day (early 80s) that played and sounded rubbish, the worst was a white Jazz, followed closely by a P, in sunburst /tort/rw that people would have fits over these days. Back then they were just a second hand bass...
  5. At the time you probably Think it's brilliant for improvising ๐Ÿ˜ We were always more of the "Billy" persuasion shall we say...
  6. So, "yes, we have no bananas"..... etc
  7. Then there's always, the accordion........
  8. Yep and I can't play the bagpipes either, thankfully.. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. That's more than enough for anyone...
  10. Too late I've shlt meself, again.... Glad you're not deceased there snorkster, naturally I was going to reanimate your old carcass anyway, but some of those voodoo ingredients are a right faff to get hold of these days.. Enjoy your ongoing travels and try not to run any sheep over (or scotch people of course)
  11. Coming from the out there left field, I'd considered making a body of rick shape by cutting out lamination layers, each layer with the appropriate detail cut thru it first, ie neck pocket shape and routs, and then gluing the lot together to make a "ply".. this meaning you can construct it without a router or anything fancy tooling wise. Hopefully you see what I mean. Accepted you may not in fact want to do any woodworky stuff yourself, but just a thought.
  12. More necromancy really.. โ˜ ๏ธ
  13. Much more useful than either of those... Nope, I'll have to assemble my psychic team and have a proper seance, if he's carked it maybe we can "re-animate" him...
  14. I've actually used that when my hands have been shredded doing 'orrible pick & shovel type stuff in the winter, it's very effective ๐Ÿ‘
  15. Here's my "Roadworn" fingers.. ๐Ÿ˜
  16. Cheers๐Ÿ‘ I'll keep updating as to how it's going, as and when I have any news. Hopefully it'll be handy intel for others buying, or thinking of buying, from Thomann
  17. I thought that said "roundworms" for a moment
  18. I'd always wondered which one of the Village People you'd be... ๐Ÿค”
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