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Everything posted by Adee

  1. [quote name='simondee' post='319502' date='Nov 1 2008, 10:19 AM']November bump! Still on the lookout for FX folks... Will also entertain offers...[/quote] This a bargain guys and gals I use the very same 8ohm cab with a Little Mark II and it is amazing and plenty loud for any situation. Don't be put off using just an 8ohm cab Ade
  2. [quote name='joegarcia' post='319528' date='Nov 1 2008, 11:11 AM']What amp are you going to use and how are you going to wire it all? Looks like an impedance nightmare.[/quote] Yep looks like your going to have [i]impedance[/i] problems ! You might even become [i]impedant[/i] and struggle to get [i]get it up [/i]to a decent level Ooooh err missus
  3. I had a 410HLF for . . . 10 mins it was effin' horrible to lug around and its not a one man lift ! Sounds good but there is better to be had that sound as good and easier to move.
  4. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='318885' date='Oct 31 2008, 11:06 AM']At the vast majority of gigs, the only person who would be able to tell the difference between valve amp distortion and a processor distortion would be you. S.P.[/quote] Well thats not very helpful is it ! If we all took that view then I'm sure we would all gig with a Stagg Bass and Amp and not spend thousands on Fender, Rickenbacker, Ampeg etc As long as you are happy lugging the extra weight and the maintenance then go for it ! I've had many a comment on my tone and I just play covers in pubs ! So striving for you sound it not all in vain I assure you. Go for it !
  5. Well to be honest I had one of these Ibanez Artcore basses and also found it uncomfortable to play sitting and standing up! Also the sound was very dull and 'woody' which suited the R'n'R band I was in at the time. I don't think in this day and age you have to 'perfect your art' on a difficult to play and uncomfortable guitar ! I would cut your losses and get a bass you'll be happy playing. Ibanez make some superb basses for not a lot of money or spend a bit more on a used Jazz bass and get even more for you buck. There . . I have spent my two penneth ! Ade
  6. You will not do any better than these : I-Solutions I-Color 3 and even better if you have a band member prepared to use the foot controller you can get some great light shows. We've had loads of comments on how great the lights are. We use the i-Color 3 set, granted it will cost you about £400 for the full set including the box but the bulbs only cost £1.00 from the DIY shop cos they are std halogens ! [url="http://prolight.co.uk/item/isic02/"]PROLIGHT WEBSITE[/url]
  7. LESS THAN JAKE at the Roadmender Northampton I'll be the 43 yr old balding bloke surrounded by kids ! ! (and before you ask . . . . No I'm not Garry Glitter)
  8. [quote name='Galilee' post='313677' date='Oct 24 2008, 11:59 AM']* lurks and waits for someone to suggest a naked bass players calendar *[/quote] Oooh great I can't wait so see the pic of Dood, tastefully posing with his long flowing locks, maybe taken in black and white with his DOODLE HANGING OUT FOR THE LADS ! No thanks fella !
  9. Hi I work in Print and Publishing, so I have a pretty decent knowledge of all things Print ! Well 25 years and counting. It would be very easy to put together in your standard calander format, the hard bit would be choosing quality interesting pix that will reproduce at approx A3 Best option would be to have it Digitally printed as you dont really have any minimum run although there is an initial set up cost, then spiral binding and finally packing and postage. I will ask my local digital printer to give me an idea of cost all in and take it from there. Money is also an issue as I couldn't put the money upfront and hope to get it back, unless a couple of our forum sponsors would like chip in ? I'll get an approx cost, so we can suck it and see. Cheers Ade
  10. [quote name='mr_russ' post='310585' date='Oct 20 2008, 04:36 PM']bump - I'm open to suggestions Russ[/quote] I suggest you put another Youtube link up showing it awesome tonal range ! I'm one of the previous owners, the only reason I let it go was I had to make a decision either to keep my Fender P-Bass or the Lakland. It realy is a fantastic bass
  11. nideckerriderdude whats the story on the Black bits ! Did it come with them or did you source them yourself ? Cheers Ade
  12. [quote name='Marky L' post='306004' date='Oct 14 2008, 09:09 AM']PMd ya! What is the full serial number too? Need the other characters on the jack plate first too Mark[/quote] Well Marky thats the one ! They don't get much better than this do they? Just NEEDS a Hipshot bridge on it and you've got in my eyes the perfect Rick 4003 It probably won't hang around for long once it hits old EvilBay Sell your gearbox and clutch . . . sell them . . . .you don't need them . . . YOU NEED THIS BASS
  13. According to the website its a 'New Lakland Hybrid Spilt Pickup'
  14. Just in case you dont know what they are on about . . I didn't ASHDOWN LABS LITTLE GIANT 350 COMPACT 350-WATT BASS HEAD AMPLIFIER WITH SEMI-PARAMETRIC EQ Weighing 6.6 lbs and measuring 8.27 x 2.6 x 12.2-inches including the internal power supply, the Ashdown Labs Little Giant 350 will fit in a gig-bag pocket yet outputs an amazing 350-watts of bass power!
  15. You could always buy one of my Special 'Air' Basses Very lightweight, packs away into nothing and sounds as good as it looks . . . to you only £100 very reasonable too I think ! I take Paypal
  16. Ebay . . . Evilbay . . . Eee-Bay-Gum ?
  17. I'll pop over for a go then if thats OK?
  18. Anyone know where you get the 'Fecker' Bass logos ideally for Jazz I've had a search about and only find a couple of Ebay shops that do the Bender etc Cheers for your help Ade
  19. Where are you based, I'm in Northants and would like to have a bash.
  20. Cant wait but is it Sat 27th or Sun 28th cant possibly be Sat 28th ! Hope you turn up on the right night Kev !
  21. Thanks for your help and advice Steve. I might just go for a standard pot and take the S1 switch out . . . . . Next stupid question what type of pot do I need ?
  22. Link to - [b][url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk"]AURORA PROJECTS[/url][/b] Fast, good quality plenty of choice and you can pay by Paypal if you want ! You send them your scratchplate or a traced template and they will send you a nice new scratchplate for less than £20.00 good eh !?! I just got one for my Ric and I'm chuffed to bits
  23. [quote name='Muppet' post='283087' date='Sep 13 2008, 10:43 AM']I've replaced quite a few pickups in Precisions with S1 switches. How many wires does your Lindy Fralin have?[/quote] Just the two - one white and one black ! Any advice ? Cheers Ade
  24. Now call me silly . . . . (YES I'M SILLY ) BUT I took my Fender S1 Precision apart to change the the stock pick-up to a Lindy Fralin and ended up putting it back together as is cos' it looked a right faff to do. Extra wires for the usless S1 and all that gubbins. I suppose the answer is to pop the new pup in 'wire for wire' but has anyone actually performed this operation? What do you do? Cheers for you help Ade
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