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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. A helmet with horns to complete the look.
  2. 'Gated output' then. P&C is kinda it's own animal. A little cute fuzzy, a little unpredictable weird goodness, a little angry if you prod it. It doesn't ring on when you mute the note. It's real party trick is when it is on in front of an envelope filter. Weehah!!!
  3. Yeah I know what gated means normally. But in the context of an effect pedal normally if a pedal is making noise with no input then it's broken and if it doesn't make any noise with input it's also broken! I guess a wild modulation effect could use cutting off when you mute the string so it doesn't carry on all by itself = 'gated' ??
  4. What means this? It is touch sensitive to how hard you dig in but not to the point of staying unaffected if that's what you mean.
  5. This is flat out wrong. Never connect two amplifiers to one cabinet. I dunno what's up with that graphic. I have a Mesa tube amp with 8 ohm and 4 ohm outputs labelled like that. The 4 ohm ones are parallel to connect 4 ohm worth of two 8 ohm cabs. Dollars to donuts OP amp is a bog standard solid state MAG with parallel outputs. Connect two 8 ohm cabs however you fancy. 4 ohms job done. Egads what a mess.
  6. It's perfectly fine to use two cables from your amp to two 8 ohm cabinets! Cabs put a load on the amplifier via cables. You are very confused in your questions.
  7. For transparent aside from squished you can't beat the old Trace SMX pedal. One knob for the lows and one for the highs. If you get a wild hair on you can see-saw the EQ with the balance control, or leave it in the middle and it's transparent.
  8. If it popped off I expect it can be popped back on. I would bodge it up with a spot of blutac to encourage it to stay put but no guarantee it wouldn't get off again.
  9. Heavily skewed to the portable and economical end of the options is the good old cardboard + duct tape drop cover. Good for keeping out the rain and scuff protection while not adding a lot weight, so less likely for it to take an unaided trip down the stairs.
  10. Much to the consternation of musically educated folks.
  11. Melodies and lyrics contain copyright. Chord progressions do not.
  12. Make sure you are in tune. I find myself recalling the hook chorus in order to remember the rest of it. I find using crib sheets makes me reliant on them. Better to remember if you can.
  13. I don't know if that would get you the amp alone here.
  14. The Tweeter and the Monkey Man number works great but they really should have put Dillon on a low part on Handle Me With Care. Over here the radio played HMWC on a fairly high rotation for a little while and that was pretty much it until Classic Hits brought it on.
  15. If the tuner was upstream of the amp and tuner is testing ok then the problem is in the bass.
  16. Just noticed this. Definitely your bass output jack is wonky. Or you had a bunch of dud leads.
  17. I am retro! Small company obviously unwilling to expand its workforce instead cuts off orders to maintain sanity. 4 years worth of orders on the books ought to give plenty of opportunity to take on an apprentice or two.
  18. At a guesstimate that's 5 years worth of all my pocket money! I can understand a professional bassist wanting to get in on 'the best bass ever' but the rest must be wannabe dentists?
  19. Who is buying all the vinyl they are selling these days? My nomination for future appreciated currently sunk with hardly a trace and barely appreciated in the first place album is The Travelling Wilburys. One hit 'single' got airplay for awhile, 'Handle Me With Care', then zippity nada except the occasional play on Classic Hits of late.
  20. So every shipment has to clear customs with associated fees? Given that the UK is big enough to support more than a couple of big online players I think they will struggle to be competitive.
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