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Everything posted by Schnozzalee

  1. I wish Fender still did their's on jazzes ala Jaco etc
  2. I had a USA Cirrus, looked great, cracking build quality. I actually enjoyed the 35" Scale with 4 string because it really helped it's punchy tone!! Pickups served as a ramp , I only wished it had a passive switch for prolonged practice.
  3. [quote name='SoVeryTired' timestamp='1350771462' post='1843417'] The received wisdom would be "avoid the Affinity series" - I don't know from experience though. [/quote] Sue Ryder's £60 P bass trumped the Squier Affinity I used to play (£150 at the time). The neck on the affinity split during a gig, whilst being played by my mate who owned it. The CV is a different kettle of fish from the affinity but I still feel them overpriced at £282 or whatever.
  4. When people say "Fender is overpriced" I just figure that Squier are going to be too (and they are) - if you check out the other brands out there today you'll find an instrument that'll tan a Squier's ass on every price range. That vintage vibe and tone found on the records of old is only found with Fender & Squier though. I love G&L and ESP for improving on the Fender and Gibson instruments, they are FAR more versatile and better built but don't 100% nail the 50's, 60's and 70's vintage tones. I'd say you can get 80% of the way.
  5. It's the Ash body that's doing that tightness for you - I picked the '71 - I have ash in both my Strats . HOWEVER I probably would have picked the '65 if it has a black/white/black pickguard and white pickup covers - that look is doing it for me massively atm not enough LPB going around It's a really hard choice btw!! Again i'd prefer a black pickguard on the '63 but the '64 is in the classic colours and if I had to buy any for investment purposes it would be that one.
  6. There's your answer! ^^^ I'd go short scale too if it were me on that style bass.
  7. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1350651269' post='1841776'] You want one of these. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGVyk_TObCo[/media] [/quote] Hahaha I really don't understand this genre
  8. Spector basses produce my favourite metal tone.
  9. Does need an intonation setup but it's pretty easy to do with the aid of a youtube video. Main things I would ask are the weight of it, and the measurements of the neck carve (if you've never tried one before - depends if you like chunky).
  10. You'll have no problem with QC problems from G&L - I had no association with the seller btw just a big G&L fan . £650 is a bargain.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' timestamp='1340013831' post='1697483'] My latest from the ACG stable: Skelf R-Type. Fingerboard porn: [/quote] An ACG I like!!! Well...not like, but love - 2nd photo, chunky but narrow neck, I can imagine what that's like to play. Cool original headstock too. Great photography btw
  12. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1350462686' post='1839071'] Still at £650 with no bids. Someone might get a bargin [/quote] I reckon so! You get your signed certificate of authenticity from Leo's wife, Chair(wo)man Phyllis Fender. I've got a 90's G&L with 3 bolt neck and it's solid as a rock and very resonant - nothing like the late 70's fenders which have ill fitting neck pockets.
  13. Looks damn fun though, 6 string fretless with the above options would confuse me but I love 4 string fretless
  14. I sold my Sue Ryder & Bass Cube around last November - playing G&L guitars now but I shall return!! When I'm back in employment
  15. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1350047953' post='1833999'] So when it suggested that Rob acquired the bass and returned it to the family, it should be: Rob acquired the bass and will happily sell it to the family for what he paid. [/quote] ^^^ This, how does that make Trujillo a good guy? I'd rather Jaco's bass was in a museum after being returned to his family and played in a clinic by whoever gets voted 'Best Bassist' each year (or by his son). I have the full collection of Metallica - it's awful through all eras IMO.
  16. The radius doesn't really affect basses a lot, whereas a 7.5" radius on a guitar is a major ball ache!! That's because of picking out arpeggios on the different string heights as you go across the board and string bending up and over the curve. My personal preference is for a 12" radius or a compound radius - if it's too flat it will be slightly uncomfortable if the edges of the fretboard aren't rolled.
  17. I'd pay up to £900 for this if I were still playing bass: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-L-ASAT-Bass-American-made-not-Tribute-series-/190738666454?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c68e913d6"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-L-ASAT-Bass-American-made-not-Tribute-series-/190738666454?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c68e913d6[/url]
  18. Bitta Sharpe's Rifles going on in the background
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1342084368' post='1729137'] Would probably help if you said where you were... for example, I wouldn't be up for buyer collects from say, Australia. [/quote]
  20. I find Wooten's double thump technique massively boring on its own but in Sinister Minister it's great. Someone like Billy Sheehan on his own is pretty pants though with Mr Big, fantastic. There's very few bass players that can hold a crowd solo IMO despite skill and technical ability (not even Jack Bruce I hate to say ) - However!! I'll happily listen to Jeff Schmidt all day long, very musical indeed!
  21. Damn!! A Kubicki Key Factor 5! I want . The Nobby Meidel, Yamaha Motion MB and early G&Ls are my cup of tea too
  22. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1349570028' post='1827919'] What was good in '92? Not much. [/quote] '88 Seems like a terrible year too
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