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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. So, this bass.............. Is not going to be as straight forward as I'd hoped Firstly the PVA in the neck pocket is stubborn Although having said that, repeated and patient reapplication of white vinegar is slowly getting through the PVA on the heel But, not only is the fingerboard slightly detached from the neck But there's a crack in the neck itself But the body itself is in great condition, and looks wonderful so worth persisting This is going to be a lovely instrument again 👍
  2. Ooh, I’d love one if you’d like to sell one to @jazzyvee and one to me Keith 🙏
  3. Happy to entertain cash offers on this folks, I've got a rehearsal room to finish and a double bass to restore, and the cash tied up in this bass could be far better used on those projects right now. This really is an absolutely outstanding instrument in every possible respect, hand on heart the build quality is equal to Fender Masterbuilt, but with the addition or technology in terms of PUPSs and circuits that go way beyond anything Fender have ever offered. I know at some point in the future I'll regret selling it but I'm putting every second I have to play music into upright now. Catch me while I'm feeling generous
  4. Lovely story but doesn’t surprise me Brian, @Clarky is one of life’s true gents ❤️
  5. Lovely piece of kit @daveybass, worth mentioning it's the Windows version which I assume won't run on a Mac 👍
  6. Which not only makes me like Karm even more but demonstrates just how strong his inflienve in the band and their music was 👍
  7. Wow, not seen a natural Flea before, that’s very nice 👍
  8. Hi Mart, that is jolly kind of you mate, many many thanks, i'll drop you a PM 👍
  9. I suspect that if you heard Mick Karn's tracks isolated and unprocessed they'd sound a little but less impressive than the fully mixed and mastered tracks you're familiar with, so keep going (the guy presenting the video in the first post is clearly quite a handy player but his tone seems a long way from Karn's 80's/90's peak) 👍
  10. I suspect several people are thinking much the same, but like saying "Look my amp ain't working" and failing to show the fact it ain't plugged in I mean FFS it even looks rattly in the photo 😃
  11. Not really my thing but there's something I love about Karn's playing on this. Nothing special but perhaps that's the point....
  12. Mine, tried to sell it, having listened to some Mick Karn this evening, now probably keeping it
  13. As any decent Italian will tell you Andy, alignment in such matters is highly overrated 👍
  14. Thinking about it I suspect Mick Karn supported the song to a greater degree than Jaco, there's a version of No Regrets out there somewhere where he plays some sublime bass that sits so nicely in the space, whereas Jaco, even at his best with for example Joni Mitchell and (arguably) Weather report, always seemed to be a bit more front and centre? Karn an ensemblist, Jaco a soloist....?
  15. Mmmmmm, Karn versus Pastorius..... The 'Pastorius opened the doors' argument is reasonable, but there's something about Karn's style that does seem to have been possible even had Jaco not popularised fretless. When I was 20 Karn seemed to be the epitome of new wave cool, listening to those lines today he sounds kinda......... Jazz 🤔
  16. As above the only reason to have an amp if you have a recording studio and are not recording live in the room is if you’re also going to gig. Otherwise into the desk with sims or at most spending the money on a decent preamp that you can run into the desk or into a PA beats an amp on nearly all fronts 👍
  17. A cautionary tale Jack, dodgy venue electrics can do a whole lot worse stuff to you than lower your spls 👍
  18. I did the paper thing about 10 years back and it stayed in the slot completely forgotten about for years (the joys of playing flats that requires changing every decade)
  19. I do love it when you post in this forum @Rabbie 👍 Lovely strings, wish I had the spare cash
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