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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit 19th Feb Far too many outstanding instruments sitting unsold on this site at present, and with work to do on my studio and a double bass to restore I could use the money tied up in this bass far more effectively at present (it's been pretty much unplayed for 6-months). So, I'm going to offer it for £1000, no trades no PX, ideally collected or handed over in person assuming you're not in Aberdeen (although I'm still happy to post), and on the understanding that if money I'm owed and have been waiting on for a few months comes in I will put the price back up again ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm looking to sell, PX or trade my last remaining electric bass, a beautiful Enfield Fusion Jazz built by Sims Custom Shop in the UK. Pics below are from original Bass Direct listing i bough this from Bass Direct for £1399 in Oct 2022. Build in terms of design, materials, engineering, and finish are of the absolute highest quality, comfortably at FCS Masterbuild level (anyone who has had a bass refinished by Sims Custom Shop will know just how amazing Martin's finishes are). It has the Sims Super Quad PUPs and Sims neck LEDs. I'll let Martin and colleagues describe/explain the PUPs and circuitry in the videos below, but suffice to say that if you like me, have ever owned a fretless Precision and just occasionally wished that you could tease a slightly more Jaco, Pino, Danko, or Kumalo tone from it, you're gonna like the Fusion! Trade/PX-wise I'll look at pretty much anything EXCEPT an electric bass! Of specific interest would be Double bass (not EUB) Acoustic fretless bass Gibson 6-string acoustic guitar US/Canada-built Mandolin Good quality audio/hifi Some details from people who can explain them far better than I can 👍 I'd prefer collection/meet-up but courier is an option. I'm heading up towards Norfolk first week of Jan and might be heading up North in 2-3 weeks also. Feel free to ask questions in the thread Chris
  2. Tales me back in a very Dr Seuss way 👍
  3. With action you could drive a bus under, fret buzz is rather an unlikely side effect anyway, and I'm not sure why a bass being stood for a while would entail the neck being adjusted either. The guy doesn't really know what he's talking about, I'd wait and find one that is trouble free. But if you decide to go anyway, under no circumstances should you take a truss rod adjuster with you to test it, you move it and it breaks you could end up in a tricky situation. Take a very good look at the bass, check out the relief, string gauges and nut slots, have a very good look at the truss rod access (has it clearly been used a lot) and make a judgement call. Fender necks are not immune to being crap - not often but it does happen - and you don't want to land yourself a unusable instrument that's out of warranty. Good luck
  4. Strings do look quite chunky which could be a factor if he’s changed them from original and not accounted for the extra tension in his set-up?
  5. Could be as simple as a 1/4 - 1/2 turn on the truss rod, could be something more problematic. I’d not drive a long way to find out it’s the latter, perhaps ask the seller some more focussed questions re neck relief etc before going ahead?
  6. Come on mate, tell us what you really think 😆 Kinda agree though 👍
  7. All joking aside, most people can play a bass guitar but very few of then can play bass, let her have a go and likely show which camp she’s in 👍
  8. Mate you’re listing a lot of very expensive basses at the moment and despite being sufficiently tech savvy to have your own YouTube channel you apparently can’t get photos to load on Basschat which everyone else appears able to do. Perhaps try a little harder?
  9. Now you’ve decided that I’ll mention fret wear also, could in theory mess with things
  10. ….and the side dots invisible 👍
  11. I must have missed the posts where people weren't? We've a shop selling for a very large amount of money an instrument that I doubt they have the expertise to fully evaluate (examples being misinterpretation of serial number, supposed originality of case, and the fact that if you go back through their sold inventory they generally deal in basses that sell for a small percentage of what they're asking for this), and a few folks have pointed out some of the issues. Even if the PG were original - which seems unlikely - the finish looks like no other '62 I've seen - and yes while each instrument fades differently there are some boundaries to how far that difference operates. I won't go into details but I suspect at least one member here has been drawn into buying a 'rare' bass from a reputable seller only to find that it's not what they believed they were buying and the seller hiding behind the commission sale excuse. Feels this thread and the other thread about the same bass are doing a public service? OK, might be 100% genuine and original, but there's nothing like enough info from the shop to suggest that's the case, and a lot of reasons to suggest it's not?
  12. Completely, it's either branding genius or the opposite, I suspect the latter
  13. Think we’ve been over this instrument a few times already, incompetent sale at best, dishonest sale if not
  14. My emergent rehearsal space needs not just one but two 1516s, firstly to ensure good bass coverage, but secondly as the hifi from hell, perhaps driven by an old Mesa tube stereo power amp, to teach the neighbours not to play Radio 2 so loudly on a Sunday lunchtime (the lowest point in BBC scheduling by a long shot) 👍
  15. No need, once you've tuned up and down your strings a few hundred it's job done 👍
  16. But damn, even mention of the words 'Prodigy Four 88' has sparked by symptoms again
  17. Lovely, totally agree re backline, my heart no longer misses several beats when I see either/both of the words 'Mesa' or 'Boogie' on BC/eBay/Reverb
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