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Everything posted by Beedster

  1. My emergent rehearsal space needs not just one but two 1516s, firstly to ensure good bass coverage, but secondly as the hifi from hell, perhaps driven by an old Mesa tube stereo power amp, to teach the neighbours not to play Radio 2 so loudly on a Sunday lunchtime (the lowest point in BBC scheduling by a long shot) 👍
  2. No need, once you've tuned up and down your strings a few hundred it's job done 👍
  3. But damn, even mention of the words 'Prodigy Four 88' has sparked by symptoms again
  4. Lovely, totally agree re backline, my heart no longer misses several beats when I see either/both of the words 'Mesa' or 'Boogie' on BC/eBay/Reverb
  5. Damn, so far from being the disease, Basschatitis is in fact the treatment?
  6. An effective treatment for me has been switching almost exclusively to upright, where the costs and logistics of gear experimentation and switching are so ludicrous as to force me to stick with the same two instruments (one of which I've owned since 2015), strings, and PUPs for several multiples of their electric bass equivalent. That for largely audio reasons I need to use PA rather than backline adds a further layer to the treatment 👍
  7. Lots of symptoms, not seeing many treatments?
  8. That's a level expertise and experience that does it for me 👍
  9. Just the natural P/J body left unsold, hoping to post the sold items tomorrow so will withdraw the body if it's not sold tonight as it'll be a while until i can post again 👍
  10. Great for DB, stick it just in front/to the side of you and and get feedback free backline and monitor in one 👍
  11. Thanks mate, we've lived in parallel universes as far as bitsas are concerned! I've a garage studio to convert, a 3-set double bass gig to learn (with extensive BVs), and plans to start growing a lot of my own food in what remains a chaotic garden, so building basses is going to have to take a back seat for a while (in large part not because of the time required to actually build them but due to the amount of time I spend trawling eBay/Basschat/Reverb for quality components) 🤔
  12. Suspect it’s this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305307740300?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1QcVvH0sSxG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=155UlNbXQGW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. You're not the first to ask mate, give me an hour or so to retrieve the scales and the body and I'll let you know 👍
  14. Irrespective of the above buy him a 2008 Fender - a Precision if of course the best bet - that'll alway be his YOB bass bought by his parent(s) and which he may well keep for life on that basis 👍
  15. I'd welcome the opinions of the BC collective as to the wood of the PJ body above? I assumed ash but am usually wrong in these things 👍
  16. Ah, but no cure needed for those afflicted
  17. So in a PM just now I described the condition Basschatitis. In the interests of medical science, I suspect we - as suffsrers - need to clarify symptoms and define treatments. Feel free to contribute......
  18. That’s a stunner BTW, there is something so magical about late 60’s necks 👍
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