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Everything posted by SumOne

  1. Cool, I'll back everything up and do a reset if it keeps doing it.
  2. Good luck! Just a few years ago people would be completely amazed to see an iPad wirelessly controlling all the things a Stomp and C4 can do (well, people would still be amazed now - it still seems futuristic).
  3. The simplest thing is to put the C4 into the Stomp FX loop and independently control the C4 patches with a DMC controller going into the C4 USB input. Your iPad>Bluetooth> Stomp 'Midi in' commands would be unaffected (but it also means it wouldn't affect the C4 - other than changing Stomp patches that could do things like turn the FX loop on/off). Alternatively, I think it is probably possible to go iPad>Bluetooth> Stomp 'Midi in'> Stomp 'midi out/through' > Neuro hub > C4 and have the iPad software programmed to send midi messages that change Stomp presets while also being fed through the 'midi out/though' to also change C4 presets at the same time. I haven't done that though so I don't know exactly how to go about doing it.
  4. If I have say, an overdrive assigned to FS1 and Chorus on FS2 and I'm on FS1 with the effect engaged and soft touch to scroll to the next overdrive model in the list to hear what it's like - when I select the new overdrive the FS automatically gets assigned to FS2 (or sometimes another random FS) rather than staying where it was on FS1, so I then need to re-assign it to FS1. Not a big deal but a bit annoying, why is it doing this rather than staying on the FS the original was assigned to? I can't find anything in the manual about this, perhaps it's linked to the 'learn' function and it's trying to be clever to match the FS I've assigned that particular effect to in other presets?
  5. Yeah, I did own the EBS BassIQ Blue Label briefly and quite liked it - ideally I'd would prefer for the internal trim pots to be external....is better than not having it at all though.
  6. Yeah, I'm heading that way! I don't get why more envelope filter pedals don't have the clean/FX volume controls, that's one of the best features of the M82 and seems pretty rare. In fact, there might be others but I think it's just the M82, Seamoon, and Spectrum/C4 that have clean blend and output volume controls (or separate FX and clean volume controls). Surely being able to control the output volume on an effect that on certain settings gets louder/quieter than unity and being able to blend clean/FX levels to get the sound you want are important things? Plenty don't even have output volume controls, I'd be much more keen on getting things like the Maxon AF-9, Pigtronix Envelope Phaser (v2), Emma Discombobulator, 3 Leaf Proton, DOD FX 25 (or, as mentioned in this thread there's the 'B' version which gets a clean blend- but no output volume control and it's below unity?!), or I'd perhaps have kept things I've had like the Fwonkbeta, EBS BassIQ Blue Label etc. if they had clean/FX controls or a mix and output volume control. Rant! If anyone makes an M82 equivalent with a band-pass/low-pass toggle and an up/down sweep toggle then they'll have me at the front of the queue!
  7. Yeah, I really like the MXR M82 but I've owned then sold 3 because I always end up thinking there must be something out there that does the M82 sounds while also having the 'down' sweeping sounds (and because the grass is always greener!). I'm yet to find anything that fits the bill though: Spectrum, Fwonkbeta, EBS BassIQ Blue Label have all come and gone in-between M82's. I think something like the 3 leaf GR2 or Chromatron might be the answer as they have features of the M82 like clean blend, sensitivity, decay and then also having sweep up/down. If I had unlimited board space and budget for 4 filters I think I'd go for: MF-101, M82, Mu-Tron, and a Pigtronix Envelope Phaser.
  8. Am trying to learn Daft Punk 'Voyager', it's just a repeated couple of bars - but quite a tricky couple of bars to make sound as good as this guy:
  9. The Abyssinians 'Declaration of rights'
  10. Ah nice one! I didn't know that, will investigate. 🕵️‍♂️
  11. I've kept my Solid Gold FX Beta OD and MXR Brown Acid Fuzz as couldn't quite get the Stomp to sound as good as them, it does get close though. But it was taking at least 2 blocks to get as close as I could to replicating each of them (EQ + OD, and could probably get closer using other things too) so it starts impacting the block space available (and footswitches) for other things the Stomp can do at the same time.
  12. Yeah, in theory the Stomp can replace most pedals (or at least get pretty close to their sound) and it's footswitch limitations can mostly be solved by using presets, and that external dual switch is well worth having. It's main issues are: not great at envelope filters or synths, I like a compressor with some visual compression indicator and hands on control, and block space can be an issue (I've had it maxxed out at 5 if using certain things) so it can't always replace everything that could be done with big chain of pedals. So I'll be keeping a compressor, synth, and favorite od and fuzz pedals. I'm happy with it, even just as a modulation, delay, eq, amp/cab sim, tuner it would cost about the same to have them as separate pedals.
  13. Another alternative tube preamp/OD is the DHA VT1, added bonus being it has sweepable mid EQ. And there's one for sale on here: A downside is the size of them, but most of these pedals with tubes are big. There is also the MarkBass vintage pre, they seem to have similar features but are £400 new. I'd like to get a smaller sized equivalent but it seems like an expensive game: WR Goliath look good but at about 500 Euros they are a lot more expensive than I'd want to pay, or the Sushi Box London Underground X looks decent but seems impossible to get hold of so I guess they'd cost a lot with demand so high. So all things considered I'd get a DHA - apart from the fact that I wouldn't as I just sold one because it was too big for my pedal board!
  14. Another budget option: I'm using the £13 Bespeco BMUSB100 for the FI and it works fine (and I think is the cheapest one on FI list of devices they have tested that work), but there are a few that don't work: http://pandamidi.com/support
  15. Cheers. All sorted now and also downloaded a few of your presets, good stuff thanks!
  16. Anyone with ideas about why this is happening? Midi in/out are not appearing when I'm trying to connect to update to v3.6 (also not showing for the editor - one thing at a time though!). Trying to update via chrome. The midi connectors are plugged into the FI correctly (in to out, out to in) and the USB to midi device is on the FI list of ones that work (it's a Bespeco BMUSB100) and is driverless so nothing can be updated on that. I've tried on two laptops and it's the same result on both. EDIT: The answer to this is in-fact download the Editor- it is via that where I needed to go to the 'midi' menu and change the midi in/out. Seems to have updated to 3.6 all well.
  17. Thanks. I just checked and the Stomp is midi out/thru too so I guess that makes it all simple enough.
  18. I'd be interested to hear how you get on. I've got a Stomp and a FI so am thinking it might be worth getting a midi controller but as neither have a midi 'thru' and controllers like the morningstar only have one midi output I'm not sure how it'd work, I assume they can be connected: Morningstar midi out > Stomp midi in > Stomp midi out > FI midi in. .... the simplest thing I want is just basically adding footswitches e.g. Morningstar FS1 = cc 1 = Stomp FS4 toggle, Morningstar FS2 = cc 2 = FI scroll down. I'm not sure it's all going to be a big faff to sort out though. Has anyone here successfully done it?
  19. It'd take a braver person than me to contradict @Quatschmacher when it comes to FI and C4!
  20. Yeah, to ballance the Basschat force I've lost a C4 and gained a Future Impact. A bit early to say which I prefer, there's not a whole lot in it all things considered. I think I prefer the FI synth sounds but the C4 envelope filters.
  21. I prefer fried punk, steam punk is healthiest - but who wants punk to be healthy?
  22. Edit: Sold One Control Crimson Red preamp £85 Mint condition, boxed, only about 2 months old. Collection from Whitton or postage at buyers cost. This is one of my favorite pedals - it adds a tone that's based on 60s/70s tube amp going into 15" or 18" speakers. Heavy low end stuff with a small amount of breakup if cranked up. I recently got tapewound strings and a Helix stomp though so am sorted for that type of tone for now. (I had one before and sold it in February only to miss it and buy this new one a couple of months later.... perhaps I should learn a lesson?! If my setup changes to brighter strings and no Helix I'll probably be keen to buy this back!)
  23. I've done 4 ski seasons and I suppose the main thing I learned is that it's amazing, but you need some stamina to get the most of it- it's an exhausting young person's game....at least doing the jobs and social things me and everyone else I knew was doing. I've got no advice about being in a band there (nearest I got was a 1 night a week resident DJ) other than it's not really a place for playing anything high-brow, just well-known catchy party tunes. If I ever hear that f*king 'Mr Brightside' tune again it'll be too soon!
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