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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. What about when someone invents adjustable scale length? Where does that go?
  2. That sounds pretty useful to me. I was disappointed I didn't become magnetic. There were people claiming that there was alcohol in it and it caused them to fail a roadside breath test. Even if it was 100% pure alcohol it wouldn't be enough to even register on a breath test.
  3. So you they'll change it to something like "everyone who received the vaccine will die within the next 200 years"?
  4. The mention of nurembergs in a conspiracy discussion reminds me. Last year there were all those people claiming there would be a new nuremberg trial for those who created and distributed and administered the covid vaccines. They claimed the case was being built and it would happen imminently. They also claimed anyone who had the vaccine would be dead within 6 months. I've had three of the buggers, the first nearly a year ago and last time I checked I was still alive.
  5. You know there's also male and female Cornish pasties. Male are crimped right to left and female the other way
  6. I did work in the aircraft industry for a little while (more boring than you'd think) and got in to a conversation with someone who believed in chemicals. I'd had a few beers at the time so told her my job was installing the chemical spraying system. As the conversation progressed I got more and more ridiculous with it and she believed all of it, even that the planes carry the highly toxic chemical liquid dihydrogen oxide to spray and sometimes even add the banned substance sodium chloride to it.
  7. I like everything in one place. You can look through with an idea of what you want then end up with something completely different. Except lefty, that's the one you either need or you don't.
  8. Maybe a separate lefty for sale page is justified as that's a very specific market but I don't see why a short scale sale page is more justified than separating out 5 or 6 or more strings.
  9. A bit of sponge under the strings at the bridge might achieve that. I would think felt or velcro on a pick would last no time before it's shredded.
  10. Shame it's not on YouTube. Their reaction to their experiment results is brilliant.
  11. The Vatican at least accepted both evolution and the big bang. No idea about other major religions. All science ultimately has its roots with religion wanting to better understand God's creation but the more they learned the less science needed a god so they parted ways
  12. I do listen to Creaky and Sir Sic. Both are entertaining. My favourite flat earther is CC. He once chose to post a video on YouTube and not cut out the bit where his wife comes in and basically calls him an idiot. His whole thing is "I don't understand it so it can't be right". He even made a video where he filmed a ship go over the horizon and disappear from the bottom up as would only happen on a spherical planet
  13. I find that once you get up to a 1mm pick, going and thicker doesn't really change the tone as 1mm is already pretty rigid. I use lots of gain, plenty of bass and mids and back off the treble a bit. A lot of the best rock pick players have a tone that sounds bloody awful in isolation (Lemmy for example) but sounds great in a mix.
  14. I recommend checking out scimandan on YouTube. His whole thing is about pseudoscience and science based conspiracies. His Flat Earth Friday videos are always good for a laugh. The Netflix film Behind the Curve is also worth a watch, a group of flat earthers blow a load of money on experiments to prove the earth is flat and you can probably guess what happens.
  15. I just checked out one of their videos. It's a weak rip off of Vulfpeck. They haven't even got the facial expressions which are so important to tone. They definitely owe Vulfpeck reparations for ripping off their sound.
  16. All that tracking data is harvested but no one is looking at what Derek and Mable from Wolverhampton were doing on 3rd March, they're building huge databases to look at trends with the data from millions of anonymous people to work out more effective ways to sell more crap.
  17. It seems to get a lot of people who spend too much time on the Internet. An ex band mate was caught up in the 5G conspiracy and the tracking chips in vaccines. I pointed out to him that everything they need to track us already exists with smart phones, bank cards Internet history and ANPR on the roads but he wouldn't have it, they're definitely tracking us with chips in vaccines. It also seems that once you believe one conspiracy you have to believe them all.
  18. Sergio had a very different style to Chi but he could certainly play Chi's stuff live very well. I've seen both live with Deftones twice each and both were excellent. Sergio has more presence on stage and a more minimal style. Chi could play like a machine but just stood back and did his thing. Chi did come out and meet fans after the show and hung out for a while which was cool.
  19. Sergio didn't just play, he did a lot of writing as well. Some of their bass parts are easy to play but not so easy to play well.
  20. It was last broadcast 5 years before I was born. I do remember picking up the clangers VCR in Channel 5 video hire when I was a very small child and watching it in black and white.
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