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Everything posted by diskwave

  1. Template? Its never gonna happen bands are way too dysfunctional for that caper. Reminds me why I left a very good prog rock band back in 1980. We had a 10K JBL PA, coach, management, a publishing deal etc good gigs great tunes. Then one day the question of a new Soundcraft mixer was floated. A month later they wanted 200 quid from each of us...a huge amount of money back then. So with a heavy heart I left.....Anyway got a CD to remind me of the fun that nearly turned to masses of tears.
  2. Have to say in all the years I've owned and seen old white P's I have never seen an original finish stay white and check like that., anyway nice weight.
  3. I played a black 78 from 79 thru 89...Heavy and kinda meh. But that's an interesting example...would really like to know the history. Nice.
  4. Blimey..your kidding right? Fantastic little well written pop tune. Great playing, and not bothered about the lyrics. To be fair not easy to do live cause everyones gotta be on point....but if you are then its fireworks.
  5. Gazillion P basses over the decades, Rays, Pro II's  now more than happy with Squire VM and CV P basses.

  6. Sfunny how some songs are just awful and don't fit any genre. As Ive already mentioned, tunes like The Birdy Song and Aga Doo are intentionally very very well written to do a job. But last yr I stood in for a bass player and one of the tunes was by George Ezra?? omfg! Myself and the drummer nearly got up and walked....in 40 yrs Ive never played such a dreary droney pile of whatsit.
  7. Im partial to the JaPre Bass...See what I did there? haha
  8. Seeing as were just yapping a bit now. I'll always remember a summer season I had on the Isle of Wight in the 80's. Five nights a week and start at 6pm...yes 6pm! for the tiny tots...I can play the Birdie Song and Aga Doo standing on me ed, both hands stuck up me jacksie!, then finish the 'four set' evening with all the old usual Disco Favs....Aah the good ole days...(sort of..haha). 🤪 The point I'm making I suppose is as a professional musician you gotta take everything and anything that comes ur way.
  9. I've said this before too, and its something which is rarely considered. As you get older going out nearly every night until the early hrs chasing every penny can loose its shine real quick.
  10. Its a just a few home truths. Some of us have done it and we speak the truth. As a side note, technically speaking. The renowned West End bassist Steve Pearce has often said. 'This game isn't about chops (that shld be a given) its about these two things. 'Reading fluently and personality'. If you can read anything without rehearsal and ur phone rings constantly because your the easy going efficient guy everyone wants to be with, then you can earn a very good income from playing bass......anything outside of that....forget it.
  11. Oh my...that was him? Often wondered...Any idea what bass..kinda Wal-ish sounding. Another one gone from that brilliant early 80's scene.
  12. The good money was always about keeping it small and making it sound huge, not in volume but the soundscape...You gotta sound like the record as they have no interest in the band whatsoever, they just wanna hear a good sound that they know. Back in the day a 'four piece' with a top notch keys player with one hand on strings and the other on a Fender Rhodes/piano and everyone singing backing vox, which was an absolute must, could make it work...but you had to be good and the keys player usually got a bit extra. I did it for a while in the 80's but setting up hrs beforehand and hanging around for hrs will wear you down. Anyway good luck with the endeavour....Playing in a smart environment doing good music against a packed floor full of people dressed up and having a good time is a cool way to play music....Last and final time I did it was a recent dep at a big do at a Hilton Hotel...Low ceiling, heaving ball room, twas a very good nite indeed.
  13. Im not a clever wordsmith, but hey, whatever. The massive media coverage of this event shows exactly what ever attitude is going on, to a huge worldwide audience. And what we see is young people doing stuff cause they don't give a toss.. and that information is concentrated to the extent that it literally fills the screen. That info cause GY is oh so important NOT! gets relayed to millions of other young people reinforcing attitudes that chucking your s..h..i..t everywhere for others to clean up is OK? You have go to be joking....Seriously? It's a !!!!!!ng abomination!
  14. Did a nice paying dep five years ago after not playing for nearly fifteen years! My goodness I remember the first rehearsal, what a wake up call, as they were a very good 60's tribute unit with stunning harmonies etc and very good musicianship. Biggest downer was the volume....my poor ole ears were telling me enough is enough.
  15. This whole festival thing has become an abomination. So we wake up this morning to images of acres and acres of filth and rubbish left behind by this new "environmentally enlightened generation, for as far as the eye can see. Its over the love in the sun thing which is where it all started is over its finished. Time to ban all festivals. If ur not disgusted by this then....well, I give up.
  16. Violin at school then Punk happened...'bye bye violin' (my biggest ever regret). Found a Columbus Jazz in a junk shop and started playing along to Bad Company/Chic albums...Kinda got good pretty quick, Pubs, Clubs, Festivals...Managed to transpose fiddle music so cool but was never what I would consider to be an accomplished bassist. It's only in the last ten yrs that my playing has really developed but now my ears are shot so Ive pretty much packed it in....and, started learning cello. Should have done it years ago.
  17. Nice weight, strings look plum centre and nice wear....and I cannot justify another one. Darn it!
  18. Cool stuff tonite. TOTPS 79. Great mix of interesting ye olde pop tunes..Oh and Anita Ward..mmm haha. And over on the dark side, Nina Simone...Blimey, what an extraordinary woman...Super serious but a great old school performer...
  19. These old tunes are just great...The spacey engineering is where its at, so much separation makes everything today sound like its been recorded in treacle. Anyway takes me back to a club just off the beach bk in 79....
  20. Haha..dont worry I wont tell. Anyway cheers for that but Im foolishly looking for a minty one I sold in 82...which of course wont now be minty at all...still who knows, but I just love that 70's logo..
  21. If there's an original 70's V4B there let me know....my lounge needs a nostalgic center piece. However on the subject of tone...I now realise it's futile judging stage tone..If it sounds good at the bar Im happy. My BA110 thru any modest amateur PA sounds brilliant .. "on the floor, or at the bar".
  22. Dear oh dear, oh dear. Clearly this 'artist' hasn't performed at the Dog & Duck on a Friday night with all the house lights up and two old geezers and a dog sat right in front of you looking at you like you've just landed from Proxima 5. Until you've suffered that then you have no idea.
  23. Did each individual bass improve ur enjoyment of each individual tune?
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