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Paul Cooke

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Everything posted by Paul Cooke

  1. Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here? Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western. Mrs. Tarantino: Are you the police? Elwood: No, ma'am. We're musicians. Jake: Uh, Bob, about the money for tonight. Bob: Oh, yeah, $200, and you boys drank $300 worth of beer. Willie 'Too Big' Hall: I say we give the blues brothers one more chance Donald 'Duck' Dunn: Why not? If the s**t fits, wear it. Jake: The Cadillac we used to have. The Bluesmobile! Elwood: I traded it. Jake: You traded the Bluesmobile for this? Elwood: No, for a microphone. Jake: A microphone? [pause] Jake: Okay I can see that. What the hell is this? Elwood Blues: Duck, give me a mountain tempo in A minor. Elwood Blues: Is there anything in particular you would like to hear this evening your highness? Queen Mousette: Yes. Do something Caribbean. Elwood Blues: Uh, ma'am, we're the Blues Brothers. We do blues, rhythm & blues, jazz, funk, soul. We can handle rock, pop, country, heavy metal, fusion, hip hop, rap, Motown, operetta, show tunes. In fact, we've even been called upon, on occasion, to do a polka! However Caribbean is a type of music, I regret to say, which has not been, is simply not, nor will ever be a part of this band's repertoire.
  2. simple question, what's the official capacity of the venue? ie. what's on the fire certificate for the function room you'll be playing in... that times the ticket price, then divide it by two gives you the maximum possible that you'll be getting off them... and it's unlikely they'll be maxed out... that place doesn't look very big... it's only 30 feet from the stage to the bar and appears to be about 45 feet wide...... the stage is only about 10 feet across do you really want to go to this trouble for what could be peanuts each after deducting petrol and food costs...
  3. well, I was perfectly happy with 4 strings and standard tuning, but I now have an urgent need for a 5 string bass as I've just started playing in Church (their previous bassist left in a huff and with no notice so I jumped in to help cover the Christmas performance and do the Sunday slots) In order to keep out of the way of the pianist and also play the proper lines, I need those extra few notes on the B string...
  4. [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='97358' date='Dec 1 2007, 07:34 PM']TixyLix Cough & Cold.[/quote] are you sure you're a bassist??? cos it sound like there's a drummer inside you trying to get out...
  5. it's not me on Bass, but Steve, who's my teacher for Bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITTsJONDK80"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITTsJONDK80[/url]
  6. what I find is that the intonation and tuning goes off and you have to re-tune between having the wodge of foam in and out... I very rarely play above 7th fret anyway, so the intonation doesn't worry me that much but I have to re-tune after sticking the foam wodge in place...
  7. [quote name='finnbass' post='94682' date='Nov 26 2007, 06:20 PM']I would have agreed with you a year ago. I think Alan at ACG has re-written the rule-book on singe cuts now as far as I am concerned.. I have to say though, that his are the only ones that have ever really appealed to me. That other thing just looks heavy and 'lumpy'...and ludicrously expensive of course [/quote] but that isn't a single cut... the upper portion is cutaway... it hath an upper horn...
  8. looks like they completely forgot to contour the back of it... it's just a flat slab... I've never been keen on these exaggerated singlecuts... they just look ugly...
  9. the only way to get "stage cred" with that bass is to ceremonially burn it at the start of the act...
  10. it's fine on that bass... but you really need to get blue or black strings...
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0piYwdPD29g"]<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0piYwdPD29g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0piYwdPD29g[/url]</a> Kylie's cover of Santa Baby... and here's Eartha Kitt's version... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOMmSbxB_Sg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOMmSbxB_Sg[/url] but that one's very quiet... you can't hear the bass at all... mein gottttt.... she's still going... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzd6oCP3FKk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzd6oCP3FKk[/url]
  12. one of the sponsored adverts shown today was for a program by Sienzo (never heard of them before) which claims the following: [quote]Digital Music Mentor - DMM DMM is a software that helps you get the guitar chords and bass tabs for any pop/rock/country song. DMM even shows you how to play the chords! It is so simple to use. All you need to do is: 1. Pick a song from a CD, mp3 or almost any file format. 2. Click Analyze. 3. Done! Never buying music score again... This simply means that DMM's software can process any music, from any genre, and reveal the chords and bass tabs more accurately than any other program. Our goal is to provide every customer with the opportunity of never needing to buy a music score ever again and take your instrumental skills to a higher level![/quote] [url="http://www.sienzo.com/?gclid=CNfR05S58o8CFQuuQwodshStNQ"]http://www.sienzo.com/?gclid=CNfR05S58o8CFQuuQwodshStNQ[/url] has anybody actually tried it yet? Can it actually do this?
  13. [quote name='Sean' post='92525' date='Nov 22 2007, 07:56 AM']Carol Kaye said in one of here emails that she has a rule of doing a fill every eight bars if needed, otherwise stick to the groove. JD1's comment is spot on and this is what I try to do now after being guilty over some serious overplaying in the past [/quote] Soapbox column in the latest Bassplayer magazine (Cover date November 2007 with Meshell Ndegeocello on the cover, expecting new one out soon) suggests resisting the urge to put the fill in every 4/8/16 bars... just keep plugging away with the main riff and let the dancers get themselves into a trance state... The suggestion comes from Brad Houser The article hasn't made it onto their website yet...
  14. [quote name='beerdragon' post='92319' date='Nov 21 2007, 07:37 PM']Is this it? [url="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/21/hmarc_ebay_auction/"]http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/21/hmarc_ebay_auction/[/url][/quote] yes...
  15. well I am now having seen the video... and to make matters worse... I now want a Ric...
  16. I printed it off this morning and passed the printout round the office... I should have printed it to pdf as well to preserve it for posterity...
  17. not mine... but it caused a laugh at work when I found them... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=290184203092"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=290184203092[/url]
  18. [quote]test quote post... why am I able to make a post with a single mismatched quote tag??? MODS, the software is broken... it picks up mismatched quotes when there's more than one initial quote tag, but doesn't pick up a mismatched single quote
  19. [quote name='MB1' post='91483' date='Nov 20 2007, 02:08 PM'][quote name='crumpet_tramp' post='91478' date='Nov 20 2007, 01:59 PM'] Hi there, Does anyone else laney bass amps? I think they are very underrated and sound great! Who agrees? MB1. The WHO....... dont use Laneys![/quote] you're misquoting in your replies again...I thought you'd fixed that bad habit??? you see, I have to go to some trouble to add the missing [/quote] tag back in to allow the forum software to accept the post...
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='91554' date='Nov 20 2007, 03:44 PM']Jimmy Saville's radio show every Sunday afternoon while I was growing up while my Mum cooked Sunday lunch. No wonder I'm f*cked up....[/quote] you got off lightly... I had to suffer Sing Something Simple every Sunday evening as my dad drove me back to boarding school for the week... at least I could listen to John Peel late at night with my radio under the pillows after "lights out"......
  21. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='91122' date='Nov 19 2007, 09:44 PM']SOLD PENDING PAYMENT 'Tis a bargain and she is a beauty - but she deserves to be played![/quote] lucky new owner... that's twice this Bass has slipped away from me as I haven't had the folding readies to go for it... My "emergency impulse" Bass fund now stands at £50 in the piggy bank...
  22. [quote name='mr pablo' post='87611' date='Nov 12 2007, 10:10 PM']£5 for the jazz scratchplate cheers Rob[/quote] PM'd
  23. argh!!!! I was sorely tempted by this first time round, but the car was due MOT... well, the car passed MOT last week only needing some minor work, but the money still isn't technically available... I have it, but yet again daren't spend it... ps... I've just noticed the Thomann de hardcase is part of the package... this makes it a real bargain... I got a new generic no-name hardcase for my Squier on Saturday for £40... makes me feel even sicker... I could have put that £40 to this instead...
  24. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='90392' date='Nov 18 2007, 06:44 PM']21st Century Schizoid Man - King Crimson The Faith Healer - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Burlesque - Family[/quote] woah... 21st Century Schizoid Man... that's some serious Jazz there... needs good horn section... my favourite version of that is on the "Earthbound" album... (such a pity that album was recorded on an ordinary cassette recorder in the first place though...) Faith Healer... fantastic song... I was lucky to catch them live back in 75 when they did the tour that ended up on the "Live" album... Burlesque - Family... needs the voice to carry that one off... distinctive bassline as well. "In My Own Time" was their other big hit for me... nice rollicking romp of a song with a strong bass line... here's In My Own Time: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGF2e5JFdRI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGF2e5JFdRI[/url] and Burlesque: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j1VX7kvu2s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j1VX7kvu2s[/url] that one's just audio weirdly... Oh, here's another I'd forgotten... Blackfoot Sue - Standing In The Road... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GjEWmyFSc0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GjEWmyFSc0[/url] nice Rickenbacker there... from the amazing era when electric guitars mysteriously worked without having to plug them in... they also carried on playing when you stopped to clap your hands together...
  25. I'd be tempted to reduce the Cream content and serve up more hard on blues boogie that the crowd would recognise... ZZ Top's "Gimme All Your Lovin'", "Sharp Dressed Man" and "Legs" come to mind... Also check out SRV tracks... the guitarists might shrink in total fear at being asked to cover his work...
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