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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. For a low budget bass that will do what you require a Westone Thunder 1A would be my choice. One in good nick will cost £150 +/- and there is nothing to beat it at this end of the market, imo.
  2. I had a Trace Elliot 1x18" that I paired with either a 2x10 or a 1x15 depending upon my whim. It sounded huge. It also weighed 40kg.
  3. I bought a Korg Pitchblack tuner to replace the Zoom B2.1u when I swapped over to pedals from the multi. I have to say mine doesn't work that quickly and often have to pick the string a few times to get a consistent reading, whereas the one in the Zoom worked a treat each time. On the plus side it is small and the display very clear.
  4. [quote name='CBbass' timestamp='1337806923' post='1665888'] What a crappy bass. [/quote] No it isn't. If you were to pick one up you'd find it is a beautifully crafted, handmade in the UK vintage bass that, in terms of build quality, can hold its head high. It does have some deficiencies. It is very heavy, has a very wide and thick neck and a weak tone. But it isn't worth anything remotely like the asking price.
  5. 40 years ago they were powerful, fresh and one of the best live bands out there. Also the reason my hearing is shagged, after standing next to the giant PA cab at the Queen's Hotel in Westcliff as there was a vacant spot. Rob Young's harmonica did something to my brain. [u][url="http://youtu.be/2ruTVsXr85g"]http://youtu.be/2ruTVsXr85g[/url][/u]
  6. I had one not so long ago - bought for £200. Sold it - 3years ago? - for £180 with a nos perspex bridge fitted as well. This guy needs to join the real world, I think.
  7. Another U2 'Vertigo' opener for our pop/rock band. Heavy rock band opens with 'We Belong To The Night' UFO.
  8. Another page 5 rescue. Things move quickly here... 400+ views, no comments, let alone interest! To get a bass of this age in this condition doesn't happen too often.
  9. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1337467794' post='1660618'] The more experienced you are, the better your ability to recognise how far away you are from being an expert. [/quote] ^^This^^ Not just bass playing but pretty well everything in life. I have been asked by the Royal Horticultural Society to review a book that has just been published on a single genus of plants that is within the scope of the small botanical puddle I inhabit. I have accepted, of course - who wouldn't? - but the very fact that I have been asked carries a weight of responsibility and expectation that I find rather frightening. I feel like a fraud. As they say, anyone who builds themselves a pedestal just has further to fall.
  10. On Friday I used a Peavey 15" cab at a rehearsal studio that I don't usually go to - just because it was there, really - I had my Barefaced Midget in the boot. Put my TC Electronic Classic 450 through it and it sounded absolutely huge. That is for a classic rock covers band with a loud drummer and even louder guitar player. The big heavy stuff like this and Trace Elliot can be picked up for peanuts secondhand and are worth considering if lower back, transport and storage space aren't an issue.
  11. I play in two rocks bands, one classic heavy rock with a very loud drummer. I use a Barefaced Compact plus Midget, either independently or together depending on circumstances, with a TC Electronic Classic 450. That head has a very good and useable 'tubetone' control that gives a pretty decent valvey overdrive sound that can go from 'totally clean' to 'Lemmy'. If I were buying from scratch again I would keep the same cabs and stick with TC Electronic, but get the RH450 as the footswitchable memory thingy for amp settings I would find useful. The Barefaced cabs I think are universally admired by those that have used them and easy to recommend as they reproduce very cleanly the sound of what goes in. Recommending amps is a bit of a minefield - everyone hears things differently and prefers different things.
  12. Specsavers also. Get some - my ears don't ring any more after rehearsals, whereas they always used to even with the 'off-the-shelf' ear plus. I have it quite badly, with a background 'whoosh' noise as if I have a motorway at the end of my garden plus a high pitched 'whee' like the old 'TV has been left on after transmission finished' noise. I read it once described once as 'brain boredom' - if you are in a quiet situation with nothing going on you hear it. If you are busy with lots of background noise your brain gets distracted and it isn't there. It is annoying sometimes, very occasionally it drives me nuts, but you get on with life around it. I have been prescribed beta-histine by my GP, a drug that deals with inner ear things such as imbalance and Ménière's disease. I take it once daily, more when it is bad on which occasions I do actually feel that it helps. Ironically, perhaps, I need to wear hearing aids because my overall level of hearing is terrible and, when earing those, having all the day to day noises piped straight into my ears masks the tinnitus.
  13. One day away from my pc and this is on page 4!
  14. And a bump to the top. These are over a grand new, this is such good condition that if you are thinking of buying a new one this is worth considering!
  15. Just ordered one - as you say, can't go wrong, really.
  16. I imagine you have found it already but, if not, there is a forum dedicated to Westone guitars [url="http://forum.westoneguitars.net/"]http://forum.westoneguitars.net/[/url] - what the folks on there don't know about Westone guitars and basses isn't worth knowing.
  17. A friend of mine wants to move on his Fender Precision. He tells me he bought it new in the late '90s/early '00s' (he is a bit vague) but the serial number (N7323445) tells me it is a '97-98 model. USA Standard, Sunburst with maple neck and fretboard, white plate. Weighs in at around 9.5lbs and has a relatively skinny 40mm wide neck at the nut, albeit quite deep (C shape? I am never sure). Anyway, he realised after buying it he didn't like it much, bought a USA Standard Jazz, kept this as back up and very occasional use since (plays jazz and swing, sits on a stool). It has the original non-Fender hard shell case, in which it has spent most of the ensuing [s]23[/s] 13 years in the cupboard under his stairs. (edit for maths) I wished I wanted it as I don't imagine bases come long too often in this kind of nick - barely any buckle rash, a couple of really tiny dents that hardly crease the surface, a few tiny scuffs in the scratch plate and that is it. As P-basses go this is fairly lightweight and has a skinny neck - ticks a lot of my boxes. But it isn't me. Neck is a bit thick and I really am not keen on sunburst finishes. It has that lovely woody tone that is exactly as you would expect from a USA P-bass. I said, by way of a trade off for borrowing it, I would take pics and advertise it on here for him. It really is in remarkable condition for its age and with just a very few minor scuffs here and there - it looks like a bass that is a few months old. The hard shell case has cracks in two corners but is totally secure and sturdy. [attachment=107830:FP1.jpg][attachment=107831:FP2.jpg][attachment=107832:FP3.jpg][attachment=107833:FP4.jpg][attachment=107834:FP5.jpg] I asked on here as to its value and was told somewhere between £650 and £750. That was from pictures. It looks so much better than the pictures would suggest so I am putting it up here for the higher figure. [s][color=#FF0000]Edit 28th May - drop to £700 ono [/color][/s] [color=#FF0000]Final price drop 17th June to £630 with hard case, £600 without. [/color] I have no idea how much it would cost to courier this - I guess with insurance somewhere around £30 - I will look into this. Of course pick-up is welcome from Benfleet in Essex, meet half way or even delivery if not too far. Also I would welcome anyone interested to actually have a look at this in the flesh.
  18. Sorry for the late reply, been away (Lake Maggiore - bellissimo!) Thanks for that - I think I will have a crack at it.
  19. Good price - and free shipping, too. I was going to use one of the eBay sellers from the US - bought a Hipshot detuner from the US before and it sneaked in through the back door somehow. Is that also for an SB14? My concern is that it is based on the Sterling which I think has a smaller headstock than the Stingray.
  20. Rapid question. I have just acquired a Sterling by Music Man SB14 which has been immediately promoted to 'Best and Favourite Bass'. I want to fit a Hipshot detuner to it. The stuff I have seen on the internet says BT1 is the one to use for Music Man basses. I asked an eBay seller which model and he said BT1, but just to be sure he sent me a link to a pdf file that had a diagram with measurements.... [url="http://www.hipshotproducts.com/files/all/hbtuners.pdf"]http://www.hipshotproducts.com/files/all/hbtuners.pdf[/url] ... which don't match up (should be the first one, apparently.) I don't suppose anyone has actually fitted one and can say for sure that it fits? Or has the BT1 fitted to a Singray or whatever that can throw a few metric measurements in my direction? Grazie mille. I am away tomorrow for a week, so hopefully this thread will be filled with useful replies by the time I get back. Most likely on page 9...
  21. I ended up putting a J. East pre-amp in mine and, well, just wow! Made an incredible difference to the tone.
  22. Depends if you like a Fender or not. When I bought my Jaguar it was a play off between that and a USA Standard Jazz, which was a little more expensive. I think, with hindsight, I made the wrong choice. But there's so much out there and it is all so subjective! New, I think £700 could get you a very nice Ibanez, Yamaha or one of the 'Sterling by MusicMan' range of basses like a Ray34 or SB14. I have just this morning got one of the latter (secondhand) and am having trouble putting it down at the moment - it is lovely. Or a whole lot of other stuff that is off my radar. Secondhand the choice for that money would be bewildering.
  23. I don't know how different the latest bunch are but I had a 2007(or 08) Jag. MIJ. I like skinny, shallow necks and it had the best neck I have played. Huge range of sounds available with all the switching - front pup/ back pup/ both. And in series or parallel. And active or passive. And that is why I got rid of it in the end - it was too complicated for a simple soul like me. Plus a little bit heavy for my particular brand of lumbar injury. I think the 2 band eq is the weak spot - maybe they have improved this but the controls were a bit crude. Edit - just seen your comment about only playing it passive - in which case I think the Squier Jag is worth looking at if the Jag shape is what appeals. I personally think £700 can get you a much better bass than this.
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