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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Like others have said - if you would post it I'll have it immediately. It's no bother - get a box, or make one from bits, arrange for it to be collected.
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  3. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-with-Solid-Mahogany-Body-/280861191954?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4164a1af12"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-with-Solid-Mahogany-Body-/280861191954?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4164a1af12[/url] As endorsed by someone that played bass in the Who. a little bit too heavy for me but this looks a cracker.
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  5. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_fln=1&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEFSRCHX%3ASRCH&LH_PrefLoc=1&_nkw=bass%20guitar&_catref=1&_sc=1&_sacat=4713&_sop=1"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_fln=1&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEFSRCHX%3ASRCH&LH_PrefLoc=1&_nkw=bass%20guitar&_catref=1&_sc=1&_sacat=4713&_sop=1[/url] As I type this 50 mins to go, no bids and under £200 Yes, with the front pickup full on, back pickup off, treble and bass just rolled off a touch you get a nice woody P-Bass tone out of it, which seems really odd considering it doesn't look anything like a P Bass. I like the B2A so much I recently bought a Hohner B Bass which is, effectively, one of these but with a body and headstock. Sounds just the same, hangs slightly better (but is heavier).
  6. Paul S

    Trace Elliots

    [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1333393081' post='1601135'] I've had a fair bit of stuff and the outstanding cabs for me were the V-Type ones- 4x12" and 2x15" (the square one as opposed to the tall one) The best amp by a country mile was the Mk V AH150. Don't let the lack of watts put you off. Remember that these areTrace watts. [/quote] +100 I had the MkV AH-250 and when I took it in to the local Trace Elliot approved repairers they sort of stood back in admiration and sighed, muttering things like - 'Best amp they ever made' ' built like tanks, these'. As long as your back is sound - head weighed 22kg, which is more than my entire rig now!
  7. Another Bareface endorser here. Compact is superb. Midget is awesome. Compact + Midget is cab Nirvana.
  8. I do this exact thing with a Hohner B2ABD - ever since I broke a string I take it to every gig as a back-up for all the reasons you mention. Also useful for very small stages. And I have been known to use it as my bass of choice for a whole gig now and then as they sound immense - somehow just exactly like a P. bass. You should be able to pick a decent one up for under £300. Didn't the guy from Journey use a Steinberger? They were a bit of a rock band. Status double ball end strings aren't that expensive, btw. Edit - yes the odd conundrum that it is small with no head yet it hangs so that the end of the head is a bit of a stretch - and has a 2 octave neck as well. All takes a bit of getting used to but well worth it. Great basses I reckon. I've had 3 - each time I sold one I missed it and got another one - not doing that again and just keep this one.
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  10. I have 2 - brilliant. Brings a bass alive.
  11. Mike bought my SGC Nanyo in the simplest of transactions to take his 'SGC Nanyo Hockey Cokey' to the next stage. Good comms, no BS, immediate payment, I would not hesitate to deal with him again. Enjoy the bass, Mike!
  12. [s]Are you able to weigh this fairly accurately, please?[/s] Just noticed it says sold in the title .
  13. I've bought instruments and other stuff from the For Sale here several times (my feedback was a hot topic a while back - sad, isn't it!), eBay several times, and never had a problem with PayPal or bank transfer or, if convenient, cash on collection/meeting up. I feel trading on here is particualrly safe but with eBay alwasy check out someone's feedback as thoroughly as possible before committing to a decent amount of cash. Nothing in life is risk free, you just do what you can to mitigate it.
  14. A little, maybe, tontdoch - I bought one and answered my own question. And, yes, the Thunder Jet is nice and lightweight at around 8lbs. Pantera is around 9.5lbs, I discovered. 3 kilos is very light, though! What are the Dano longscale like?
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  16. Sold my Yamaha RBX800E to Jim, managed to deliver it as I happened to be passing. Cash was waiting. Smooth and easy transaction, good comms thoughout. Only spoilt by the A2 on the way home! Enjoy the bass, Jim!
  17. For sure. I will be like a proud father when I get this bad boy home!
  18. Here are a couple. [attachment=103904:pantera1.jpg][attachment=103905:pantera2.jpg] More info about the model here at the Westone site: [url="http://www.westone.info/x790.html"]http://www.westone.info/x790.html[/url] Edit - here's a link to a catalogue page [url="http://www.westone.info/cats/86pantera/06.html"]http://www.westone.info/cats/86pantera/06.html[/url] Nice, innit!
  19. Far from downgrading what you have, maybe consider additionally buying extra cheaper kit so you always have the choice...
  20. Actually, it won't be until June but I have shaken on a deal to get one and will be picking it up from a guy in Holland when I travel there later this year. I am a big Westone bass fan and this is arguably the finest model they ever made. Possibly a little on the heavy side, but I don't care. Nothing else to say other than I wanted to share a bit of spectacularly good news with people who may understand why I am smiling.
  21. At risk of becoming totally predictable I would say that a Westone Thunder 1A is, for my taste, the best bass you can buy for under £150. I also recently bought a Peavey Fury II for £77 on eBay and it is rather nice. A notch or two up on the Milestone III I had a few years ago.
  22. Both basses now sold bar the shouting. Thanks!
  23. Martin - thank you. For the weight and the review, which I had not read before. What you have written just about clinches it for me, in fact I am now struggling to stop myself trawling the net to find one!
  24. Well, the SB14 is basswood which, with the smaller contoured body, should work out under 9lbs - I have seen no actual figures for this but would imagine it to be so. The Ray34 makes an issue out of its 'lightweight ash body' so I guess it is different to standard. Anyway, I will give one a try at some point. Thanks again.
  25. SGC Nanyo pics - difficult to photograph black basses, especially against a window... rushed it, shaky hands, no tripod etc Anyway, this has no issues other than the funny arrangement with the knobs working backwards. [attachment=103766:sgc1.jpg][attachment=103767:sgc2.jpg][attachment=103768:sgc3.jpg][attachment=103769:sgc4.jpg][attachment=103770:sgc5.jpg] Yamaha pics. tried to get the neck by looking down it but impossible, tried to show a few cracks in the finish around the knobs that don't seem to go any deeper. Also tried to capture the pearlescent finish buit of course couldn't. It really is multi-coloured, which makes touching up a problem I am sure. Anyway. [attachment=103771:yamaha1.jpg][attachment=103772:yamaha2.jpg][attachment=103773:yamaha3.jpg][attachment=103774:yamaha4.jpg][attachment=103775:yamaha5.jpg][attachment=103776:yamaha6.jpg][attachment=103777:yamaha7.jpg]
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