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The Bass Doc

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Everything posted by The Bass Doc

  1. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1332265749' post='1585824'] There is nothing in the build up of the bass to suggest it has any tonal differences. John Entwistle said once that it had more growl, and lots of folk have jumped on that band wagon. Its super rare, that's it. [/quote] No jumping on bandwagons here. As an owner I concur with Mr. Entwhistle - more aggressive, growly and ultra bright. Also a tad uncomfortable in the belly department but that's maybe my fault for being a funny shape.
  2. I've owned two slab-bodied Precisions. One was bought from Cassmusic in Eastbourne for £165 - openly advertised in the Melody Maker as 'Ex John Entwhistle' Can't remember how I acquired the other one. The one presently with Barry Matthews used to be mine but I didn't get a mention in the book The other was sold to Adam Clayton via a guitar tech friend of mine while working for a support band on a U2 tour.
  3. Mayones you say? Any news on selling your Cort Coleslaw 5-string?
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  5. I think we're sorted now for real Hohner ones My spares drawer to the rescue yet again.
  6. I'm a stickler for correct speling witch is wye I get Mrs. BD to have my postings on here prouf red befour they are submmited.
  7. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1331752830' post='1578372'] It does sound like it but I'd have said that if that was the case then it wouldn't have worked when he originally tested it! [/quote] Possible explanation - the first (quick?) test carried out with the jack plug not pushed fully home. Just a thought.
  8. Scone....... Thanks for the nice comments and interest from others.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331654757' post='1576655'] That's dirty. [/quote] What? I deliberately avoided reference to a 'round hole' acoustic on the basis that readers would claim I inferred a double entendre. I don't know, some people (Some news on the way for the strings Mark )
  10. Slightly dissappointed as far as the acoustic bass in concerned. I was expecting an F-hole whereas this is the more conventional type.
  11. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1331644371' post='1576401'] Gorgeous!! [/quote] Thanks for the compliment Geoff, the bass is quite good looking too. Any Geordie based interested party may be able to view at Blacksmiths Arms this Friday! That's if I'm up to carrying two basses to a gig - haven't done that for years.
  12. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1331642154' post='1576328'] Is this the one that was being carried round by a proud small boy on my visit? If so it is a true beauty, Matt [/quote] Yes Matt, I'm trying not to let the said small boy know about the sale - he thinks this bass will be his when he's big enough to play it! bad daddy.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1331640594' post='1576279'] If it helps, the standard CIJ Precision 62 has a 42mm nut width, ie, a 'proper' P width nut [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=2"]http://www.guitaremp...new_guitars&a=2[/url] [/quote] Thanks Clarky. I thought I should go away and measure mine specifically just to be sure. The weather of late has been quite chilly here and if my own nuts are anything to go by, there can be slight variations.
  14. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1331640340' post='1576273'] This looks lovely! What's the width at the nut, please? The Precision HotRod had a similar width to the Jazz I think (38mm), but is this the wider Precision one? [/quote] Width at the nut is 42mm.
  15. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1331639827' post='1576259'] That is a really really really really really really great looking bass I have never played a precision with an added J pickup. Does the J pickup add much extra tonal colour ? Best regards Chris [/quote] Six reallys! Thanks a lot. The addition of the Jazz pickup certainly provides for the classic 'burpy' bridge sound of a Jazz but the combination of both pickups is different from the classic Jazz tone - not quite the bite you would associate with that. I play in a band that covers mainly Stax and Motown numbers and, believe it or not, the sound I feel hits the right spot is the bridge pickup with tone rolled off. It's bass alright but with definition to hold up in the mix.
  16. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1331639231' post='1576236'] cash only? [/quote] Yes, cash (or gold to the value thereof )
  17. Up for grabs as I've realised I'll always want to gig with my old faithful '63. It was intended to be the newer version to enable me to leave my original at home but that just ain't going to happen. Here's the spec:- Basically a CIJ 62 re-issue, serial no. P025469 Fender USA reverse turning tuners fitted in place of the originals (note there will be additional holes under the backplate where the smaller ones resided) I made the 4-ply tortoiseshell pickguard and it has a full-size aluminium screening plate underneath. Precision pickup is a genuine 80s Fender from the Fullerton era Jazz pickup Dimarzio model J (expertly routed in - by me!) Bridge is a genuine Fender USA from the 90s Fender 'F' neckplate Fender CTS pots and side-mounted Switchcraft jack Fender flat-top knobs Strung with D'Addario Chromes I have never gigged the bass so condition is A1. The parts totalled £650.00 and the sale price is £500! Wateroftyne will be along presently with his spendid graphs of the photo variety 'cos I'm crap with a camera.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331403667' post='1572521'] My Sue Ryder! My new custom P is an Aston Martin! [/quote] I had thought Sue Ryder = Daewoo Matiz. I did drive one for a short spell - 49mph, downhill with a following wind.
  19. Can't embed/won't embed, but 'Behind a Painted Smile' contains one of my favourite snare drum sounds and a stroke of genius to stick that bit on the end.
  20. To the best of my knowledge a '76 would have grounding plates plus foam (no springs). Around this period Fender were fitting Strat type knobs so split shaft pots would be appropriate (250K CTS) although quite a few players changed to the more popular grub screw knobs in which case solid shafts would be best. Capacitor would be 0.022.
  21. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1331219960' post='1569693'] IS it me or is he selling a rubber washer? [/quote] It's both. You are yourself and he's selling a rubber washer.
  22. Quickly...send the bass to the UK to be looked after by the Basschat collective. Then again it would probably be extradited without any proof back to the USA.
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