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Everything posted by largo

  1. I think you have 2 options, (1) Buy a Hiscox case, or similar and get it delivered to the seller. You'll lose £20 on resale maybe if you decide to sell it afterwards. (2) Check out a cheap rail ticket and spend the day on the train going down to London, meet the seller and bring it home yourself. Best form of insurance !!!!
  2. If it would help I can remove the strings & pickups to see if that gets the weight down
  3. OK, weight .... I only have a set of bathroom scales and think they are broken as there's no way I weigh as much as all that. Weighed myself without & with the bass and the difference is 9 1/4 lbs
  4. Thanks for the bump JTUK. The neck is pretty typical of a Sei Jazz I guess, not sure how to describe it but it's very slim feeling and fast. Has a glossy type finish but not sticky (if that makes sense), rather than the oil-type finish on Sadowsky's and the likes. In terms of sound it's still fairly Jazz sounding even with the humbucker-style pickups. Now there's no hum either As for the weight Happy Jack I shall weigh it tonight for you. I did ask Martin specifically to keep the weight down as I play weddings at 4hrs a time. I'm pretty sure I asked for it to be chambered but not really sure how to tell once a bass is finished. It's a fairly light bass, but I guess the scales will tell tonight. Thanks again for all looking. Stephen P.S. The Bass will be heading off to The Gallery or Bass Direct fairly soon, so grab a bargain before the commission goes on !!!!
  5. OK, reduced to sell at £1400. If it doesn't go here my plan is to send it to the Gallery priced at £1700 which will give me just over £1400 with their commission. Grab yourself a bargain.
  6. No takers ? Will be heading to The Gallery soon me thinks.
  7. Hi Ziggy Thanks for the offer, love the Warwick tone but really looking for something more Fender'ish I'm afraid and probably passive. Cheers, Stephen
  8. Realised price may have been a bit high, so price drop. I'm not going to give this away mind you Open to trade offers but if I sell this, I'm hoping to get myself a Fender Precision 5 or a PJB Flightcase. So something like that + cash my way will be considered.
  9. Wow, that first page sure moves fast
  10. Hi Alan You can see a whole host of the pics if you click on the [u]link[/u] text in the first post. I hope !!!! Stephen
  11. Hello all Seriously thinking of selling my Sei Jazz 5, see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=55983"]link[/url] This is my backup bass, and is really too nice a bass to have sitting around doing next to nothing. I know it's coming up to Christmas so this might not shift, and being honest it won't bother me if it doesn't. Looking for [s]offers around the £1600 £1500 mark !!![/s] £1400. Cheers y'all Stephen
  12. Done a quick search and there's plenty advice on band lighting but I'm after advice on disco lighting.... Currently have 2 x iColor 4 lights on the band, but looking at renewing our old'ish disco lights. i.e. the ones that face on to the dance floor and make the punters think they are at a disco Any suggestions? We currently have a couple DMX chaser style lights but they've been a bit of a disappointment really.
  13. So, anybody been Bass Player for a high profile band. I mean playing in front of 3,000+ fans night on night?
  14. 18mm's not a wide spacing in my book, most high-end 5-strings are 19mm as standard. I used to have a Warwick Streamer Stage I and that was 20mm spacing !!!! If you have the cash I'd be looking at the Stage I that's being offered. If you want wide, that is.
  15. If the bass you fell in love with had the ying yang inlays, it was a Streamer Stage II. Absolutely beautifully built basses, and a great tone as well. Growly if you like, or would give the Fender'ish tone you like as well. Bad news is, it's a thru-neck. I've owned 4 Stage II's over the year, and love the instrument. A completely different feel to Fender mind you, so you should really try them out. Played a few other Warwick styles as well, but definitely believe the Stage II is the best of the bunch.
  16. Mmmm, not sure if I should be speaking to you as you beat me to a P5 by (I reckon) 2 minutes..... And still a bit peaved as I was told by voxpop that he would get in touch on Saturday to let me know whether the bass was gone or not. Still waiting!!!! I'd be grateful for first dibs on the P5 if it doesn't work out for you? Back to the build, last weekend I went about building my very own Gramma-pad-a-like. I'll go through this Blue Peter style, so starting with the shopping list. Auralex Platfoam X1 from Studiospares @ £11.07 - I cancelled my web order half-way through and was emailed the next morning offering free delivery if I wanted to go ahead with the order. Wee tip!!! Carpet Speaker Covering from Maplin - 0.5m x 1.5m at £4.97 inc shipping Other stuff I had lying around. PVA Glue, Evostick Glue 15mm external plywood. Got an offcut from a joiner friend of mine. Staple Gun [b]Step One[/b] - Measure Schroeder 410L and cut plywood to size. 62cm x 45cm is a couple of cm bigger in each dimension. [b]Step Two[/b] - Measure carpet covering and cut to size, around 10cm too big round all edges. [b]Step Three[/b] - Spread PVA glue on top side of board and pulled tight. [b]Step Four[/b] - Stapled underside to hold in place. [b]Step Five[/b] - Measured Auralex Platfoam. Cut in half using a sharp meat carving knife. Don't tell the missus !!! [b]Step Six[/b] - Cut another panel of carpet cloth. Glue in place, and then use staples. Most of these will be hidden by the platfoam anyway. [b]Step Seven[/b] - Glue underside of platfoam using PVA. Also used fair amount of Evostick (not shown) as the PVA didn't seem strong enough. [b]Step Eight[/b] - Put on some extra weight and left overnight to dry. I now have what I think a Gramma pad will look like. Will be trying this out on Saturday's gig and will let you all know how it goes. My only complaint is that I forgot to take a picture of this when it was finished, and it's now chucked in the back of the trailer. I'll post a finished article picture after the weekend.
  17. largo


    Ah man, so I missed out on two. I even have the cash sitting in the bank. What's a man got to do to get himself a P5 these days ?
  18. largo


    No worries voxpop. Must have just missed it by minutes, so good luck with the sale. You can't beat someone willing to pay cash !!!!
  19. Oops, don't know whats happened to the pics but I'll get some back online asap... You can get a rough idea of the bass as it's the red, sparkly one shown on the www.shukerguitars.co.uk website, under custom options. However, there's also been a few changes. Gone are the red block inlays, it was decided that they didn't stand out enough and so Jon replaced these for standard Mother of Pearl. Looks much better. Preamp was changed to a J-Retro deluxe and the pickups have recently been swapped for a set of Wizards. The Big Singles sound fantastic but the gigs I play meant they were prone to buzzing around dimmer switches and the likes. Sei vs Shuker - I had the same preamp and pickups in each and the set-neck was much snappier and had a brighter sound to it. The Sei is definitely a duller sounding bass, more old skool if that makes sense. I can't make a direct comparison because it's different woods etc. in each bass but in my opinion the set neck has brought out the top end on my Shuker. Sounds much more aggressive, a bit like a good Warwick does. Bass is in a lockup at the mo' so will get some new pics over the next week or two.
  20. largo


    mmm... haven't heard from voxpop so presume my offer was one that was rejected... this is exciting...
  21. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='625015' date='Oct 13 2009, 02:29 PM']But why isn't a Jazz/Precision/Wal/Warwick/Alembic/whatever etc good enough?[/quote] Who ever said the above makes weren't good enough? It's sometimes just about being a little bit different
  22. I'm in a pretty similar band to you Pete, and have the same thoughts from time to time. I currently have a Mark Bass SA450 and a Schroeder 410L which is brilliant and I don't know why I really think of changing. In terms of practicality I've been thinking CMD121P + NYC121 cab. Powerful enough, even as a single combo for smaller gigs but can add the other 12 when it's needed. Now for my other opinion.... Get yourself a SA450 so you can tweak those LOW mids a bit or an EQ pedal of some sort. I haven't played the Aguilar cabs but surely 2 x 10" are going to give more snap than the 12" speakers you are thinking of replacing them with. Oh yeah, and the only bass I had with a Bart preamp I couldn't get a snappy attack type tone out of it if I tried. I'm sure this hasn't helped you at all !!!
  23. I've got a Warwick Premium Gig Bag (as new) that someone can have for £20 inc P&P. Sits in a cupboard as I only ever use a hard case.
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